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Student 1 & 2

Reply to 2 of your classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 150 words with 1 reference in APA format.

Student #1 Post

Research Misconduct

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The believer is instructed in the Bible to “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” 2 Tim 2:15 (New Living Translation). This verse relates to a Christian’s responsibility to research with integrity because whatever one is willing to do; the results of such work should not bring shame. Furthermore,


 what is created should be presentable before God. This verse reminds believers that if something is done unintentionally, there is no shame in making a mistake, but learning from the result of that action. Additionally, the “do your best” segment removes the premise that one should be lazy in task completion, but explains that all things should require our best effort. Finally, integrity is reinforced with “correctly handles the word of truth.” It is our duty as researchers to ensure that one is not being biased based on personal feelings or beliefs, but rather a transparent presentation of facts is displayed so that readers can form their perspective.

Unfortunately, academic research misconduct can occur.  Research misconduct occurred in a case that took eight years for investigators to conclude (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015).  Duke University researcher, Anil Potti, and a team of scientists published falsified research about cancer treatments and how patients responded during chemotherapy (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015). Since the research was published in a variety of well-renowned research journals, three clinical trials became based on the findings of the reports (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015). When two outside biostatisticians reviewed the work and found it to be falsified, actions were taken against Potti and an in-depth review of all his previous work was conducted (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015). Potti’s previously published research articles were retracted, and a lawsuit was made by the patients in the clinical trials (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015). The lack of integrity cost the university sponsoring the research millions of dollars.  

From a personal perspective, it would seem unfathomable that a researcher would fabricate information. Even more alarming, is that inaccurate, false findings were the basis of experimentation on the lives of individuals in the clinical trials.  This failure of duty to the public in unethical research practices shows how misusing information can have damaging effects on populations that the studies are meant to help. From a biblical perspective, dishonest behavior such as this may bring forth shame to the researcher.  If we are “approved” to do the work as mentioned in 2 Timothy, then researchers have an obligation, to be honest about the findings. (434)




American Association for the Advancement of Science. (2015, November 9). Potti found guilty of research misconduct. Science. Retrieved from

Student #2 Post

Research with Integrity

Christian’s have a responsibility to conduct research with confident methods that will allow fellow colleges and educators to trust in the academic research presented. Hence, valued principles based on: ethics, morals, and trustworthiness; are just a few key components to producing research with integrity. “To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice” (Proverbs 21:3, King James Version). Thus, Christians must do what is right and what is “for God’s will”. According to Mitchell and Carroll (2008) their examination of PhD students’ morals implies that a variety of students pursuing their PhD took short-cuts, and performed blow ethical standards when confronted with certain variables, such as: time restraints; money, and economic issues; personal, and professional morals in relation to their academic success and research projects. Hence, one main key issue in relation to conducting research with integrity is that of academic theft. There are two major types of academic theft, plagiarism and self-plagiarism (Mitchell & Carroll, 2008). PhD students are encouraged to build upon their practice and research; however, copyright law may become violated and self-plagiarism can occur if per se the PhD student submits an article in one journal and then submits another article in a different journal with extremely similar work relating to equivalent research conducted in the first article. Thus, not only has self-plagiarism occurred but so too has intellectual dishonesty (Mitchell & Carroll, 2008).  

“The way of a guilty man is perverse; but as for the pure, his work is right (Proverbs 21:8, King James Version). Hence, if Christians are displaying and acting in an unreasonable manner, despite the consequences, then a moral dilemma has evolved. Christian researchers must place academic conduct and research with integrity at the center of their research process. PhD students must also rely upon their professors and supervisors to guide their work with integrity and ethical standards. As Mitchell and Carroll (2008) imply the supervisor’s role is to be fully aware of the rules, protocols, and procedures of the academic review board and relay the importance of these components to the PhD student. “This requires attention to dates, ensuring a record is kept of the research process and drawing student’s attention to relevant regulations” (Mitchell & Carroll, 2008, p.225). To become a PhD student means to contribute to your field with honesty and integrity. “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need” (Ephesians 4:28, King James Version). (428 words). 


Mitchell, T., & Carroll, J. (2008). Academic and research misconduct in the PhD: Issues for students and supervisors. Nurse Education Today, 28, 218-226.

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