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HABITUDES 5-9 (85 points.)

For full credit, provide a thorough response to each question.

*Habitude 5: The Fun House Mirror

Name and explain a leader in your life who crossed the line and demonstrated the lure of posing.

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In Matthew 23:25 Jesus used harsh words to describe the Pharisees and their ancient practice of posing. Discuss the distortion He was accusing them of in their leadership.

In the section, “GETTING PERSONAL,” Name and explain the four images of ourselves. Share which of these images consumes most of your time or thoughts. How can you revise this challenge in your life?

*Habitude 6: The Oversized Gift

Growing in self-leadership is enhanced when we come to accept ourselves as we truly are. Name and explain three of your top gifts—how have you developed each?

Growing in self-leadership is enhanced when we come to accept ourselves as we truly are. Name and explain three of your top character qualities—how do you live out each one?

Proverbs 18:16 tells us: “A man’s gifts makes room from him and brings him before great men. Obviously, our gifts and talents get us somewhere, but our character keeps us there. In the reading, the author lists several lists three sad examples. Name and explain what three specific actions you can incorporate so you do not become a sad story.

*Habitude 7: Personal Laptop

Name and explain three practical sources for you to utilize in order to feed your inner man and self-development as a leader.

Alabama football coach Nick Saban provided quite a list of personal qualities in describing Barrett Jones, can you write out the explanation of how this young man became such a great role model?

Proverbs 4:20-25 tells us to guard our hearts and minds. What is the reason for this? This seems very difficult in today’s society. Name and explain three specific things you can do to “guard your heart.”

*Habitude 8: Pop Quiz

Name and explain three of the ten “tests” described that mean the most to you in your current situation. Be sure to tell how this insight helps you understand the purpose and potential growth as you move forward and develop as a leader.

Name and explain the same three tests you already wrote about above and write out what the two scripture passages say to you for each test? What impact would memorizing these verses have on your life as you face each “pop quiz?”

What do Psalm 7:9; 17:3; and 26:2 communicate about testing? You may use research/concordances if necessary

Habitude 9: Emotional Fuel

Relationships are invaluable in our self-leadership development. Without them, we become burnt out, underused, or ineffective. Name and explain three of your most helpful current relationships. What exactly does each relationship contribute to your overall health?

After completing the relationship chart on your own by naming at least one person in teach category. In which three areas should you work and pray in order to make your chart more complete. Hint: are there those who could fuel you? Are there those whom you should fuel?

In regards to Proverbs 11:14, why is it easier to fall without counsel from others and why do we need even more support and accountability as leaders?

Final Summary:

Name and explain which of these five Habitudes you find most helpful for you to incorporate into your present life situation (6 sentences).

Name and explain the scriptural passage you find to be most meaningful to you as you develop in Self-Leadership (6 sentences).

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