Strategy Report 11

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Hello in my external review I received 70/100 because “my report addressed the opportunities and threat facing the company. Other questions were not addressed. Please ensure that all questions are answered in future assignments. That’s the only way to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts in focus as well as an ability to apply them.” But continuing with the same company (Ullico) can you:

In this paper, examine the organization’s (Ullico) generic and diversification strategies, its international moves, and its ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability practices. Submit your work in your assignment folder in the form of an approximate 2,000-word double-spaced APA-formatted paper. The title page, reference list, and any appendices are not included in this suggested word count. You do not need to include an abstract.

Your paper should address these topics:

1. Your organization’s generic strategy or strategies. 

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2. Any diversification strategies the organization pursues.

3. Any international moves made by your organization. Does it operate internationally? In what format(s)?

4. What ethics policies and practices does your organization have in place? 


Does your organization practice social responsibility? In what way(s)? 

6. What are your organization’s environmental sustainability practices? 

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