Strategic Marketing

Check the attachments including the Situation analysis of a case study to be used to develop the strategic marketing for the case study, including extended market mix, implementation and measurement.

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R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 1

Week 4 (Individual Assignment)

For the selected approved case study organization, you are required to create a

situation analysis to include stakeholder and customer analysis of the selected


Muyanja Michael Davis


Strategic Marketing (22646)


R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 2


American Tower Cooperation (ATC) have many different portfolios in various countries and

ATC Uganda is among them. ATC core business is to provide space at heigh and ensure power

availability on their telecom sites for Mobile Network Operators (MNO) to install equipment

and pay monthly rental fee. The business market is customer driven, making sure customer

needs are meet. The government of Uganda set a target of 99% of 4G network coverage in

Uganda by 2040. ATC and another competitor have a role of facilitating the coverage

expansion by building new sites. The internal target set by the shareholders and executive group

level is to increase the revenue by not less than 10%. This to be achieved a lot of analysis and

innovation must be done on both the internal and external business environments. The situation

analysis at ATC Uganda is necessary including understanding the contribution of each

stakeholder to business, and customer analysis. The tools used are SWOT analysis and PESLE

analysis. The major source of information was from the virtual interview with different

departmental heads, Key account managers and some suppliers or vendors. All the findings are

limited to ATC Uganda and to be used for academic purpose putting in consideration the

undisclosed of company information policy.

SWOT analysis

Situation analysis of ATC Uganda was done using SWOT analysis tool. SWOT analysis was

essential in helping to identifying the existing resources, capabilities, deficiencies, current

opportunities, and threats existing in the market.


The company has enjoyed competitive advantage over its competitor by hiring highly skilled

and experienced employee. Empowering and providing employees innovation platform that

has enable them to meet organizational goals and objectives. ATC Uganda has also investment

a lot in requiring and using new technology, equipment, and materials to meet customer’s

R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 3

demand. Also ensuring power availability on site that meet service lease agreement (SLA) as

agreed with customers. Lastly having site visibility using network operating center (NOC) that

monitors site faults by triggered site alarms. immediately regional maintenance team is

informed to go and attend to the faults.


ATC Uganda have internal challenges. Weakness are factor that may hinder achievement of

desired goals (GÜrel & Tat,2017). long time taken to approve or make decisions unlike our

competitor who has a short delivery period. The poor technology and system adoption most

especially the vendors who are reliable to faults causing power outages. The payment system

needs to be reversed, vendors run out cash flow yet have pending payment and this affect

ongoing works.

Opportunities and Threats

Opportunities are external changes creating new business option; 5G technology leading

construction of new sites to facilitate the new technology. Secondly the target to have 99%

network coverage to MNOs by 2040 set up by the government of Uganda. Thirdly the demand

from MNOs for continuous quality improvement in their services. Lastly high data demand

from customers that require venturing into fiber.

Threats are the emerging dangers that must be avoided: New rising competitor in the industry,

need to understand their business operation model then come up with strategy. The delay of

imported materials has reduced our customer trust due to prolonged sites delivery period.

Another is the relocation of sites due to emerging building blocking site coverage. Lastly

increased costs per site because of taxes, lease fees in developing city, town, and municipals

including additional legal requirements in those areas.

R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 4

Customer analysis

ATC customer are the MNOs, Radio stations, Banks to mention a few, A lot of information

about customer has been collected and it evident that the key customers are MTN and Airtel

all those are MNOs, the business has provided key account managers to ensure their needs are

identified and met. Also, how can there be brought closure? Geo-marketing is done to show

all customers the potential business that can be achieved when they move onto ATC sites. For

future needs ATC must understand how are the customer needs and requirements changing?

Which customer should be pursued and how to pursue them?

Stakeholder analysis

The key stakeholders of the business are shareholders, employees, customers, and vendors.

Freeman (1984) argues that there is excessive breadth in identification of stakeholders. It is

important to know and ensure that all stakeholders fulfill their obligations for the success of

the business. Are the shareholders funding all the projects and setting realist business targets?

Are employees able to carry out they duties? Do customers pay? and understand the way

forward for customers with debts. Vendors or suppliers need to deliver sites in time with the

required quality and clearly assessment of performance of different stakeholder is important.

Critical evaluation

The Swot analysis of ATC Uganda has created an understand some of the critical issues faced

by the company that have been causing a decline in operational performance. According to

Swain (1993) goes ahead to explain benchmarking as the process of measuring your company’s

strategies and operation against ‘best in class’ companies, both inside and outside your own

industry. Despite producing high quality site for the customer, the challenge ATC Uganda has

long delivery period compared to the competitor. A lot of bureaucracy and approval are

required to authorize use of organizational resources. This must be addressed under the

R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 5

organization culture and use automated system that send alert to individual that must approve.

The use of workflow, smartsheet and oracle and having centralized data center for all site

information can help to give site details without vendors to do surveys which takes time. when

delivery period is reduced, customer will request for more sites.

The core competency of ATC Uganda is providing quality work for customers and ensuring

tower availability on site is above the agreed service lease agreement (SLA) with the customer.

Competitive strategy aims to establish a profitable and sustainable position against the forces

that determine industry competition according to Michael Porter (1985). A lot of capital

investment has been made to ensure sites are powered without outages. These include

electricity connections, standby generator, solar and backup batteries. All these power sources

are utilized with solar and batteries in the lead to minimize site operation cost. In addition, the

network operation center (NOC) which is monitoring center for site alarms and in case of any

fault, alarms will be seen and escalated to regional engineer for rectification. In the process,

the company is able serve all its customers efficiently and effectively.

Application of theory

Based on the strategic management theory, the existing business environment is very dynamic,

unstable, and sporadic, and even disordered (Dagnino et al., 2017). Understanding the business

situation and how the strategies are developed, implemented, and it is important to evaluate if

such changes damage business’s existing competitive advantage (Porter, 2015). Thus, strategic

management in ATC Uganda market environment is still viewed as a new area that act as a

baseline of decision making for key stakeholders in managerial positions. it is essential to

consider potential occurrence of cognitive distortions (Porter, 2015). Thus, the strategic

situational analysis of ATC Uganda will include its business environment, changes in consumer

behavior, and changes in behavior of suppliers and competitors. Also take note of factors

R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 6

affecting the business negatively. A business strategy is reported to go beyond grouping of

customers and their needs but also determine whether its short term or long term. The skills

and innovations of managers and employees is the center of strategic management theory

within the current market situations.

Stakeholder theory argues that firms should create value for customers not just only

shareholders, stakeholders include any business, entity or individuals that are affected by the

company activities according to Freeman (1984). Marketing primary focuses on the

relationship between the organization and its customers. There is broad acknowledgement firm

have a primary responsibility to generate high returns for shareholders (Bhattacharya &

Korschun, 2008). Stakeholders include customers, employees, vendors, suppliers, government,

media, financial institutions and more. When stakeholders are not satisfied and feel let down

the company will never survive. The need to evaluate the interest and influence of all

stakeholder is important in laying strategies on how their expectation will be met. Another

important aspect is communication that ensure receiving and distribution of information to

stakeholders, to understand who needs to know what and when. ATC Uganda is dedicated in

offering quality services to customers, and always surveys are carried out to identify the needs

of all stakeholders. In the process of continuous improvement all the identified challenges are

addressed to satisfy the customer and business.


To conclude, ATC Uganda’s technology-based solutions enables the company to offer an

outstanding environment for customer to come to our sites. This is results of power availability

for customer’s equipment, and security. In, addition, the company offers a collection of support

services towards ensuring customer satisfaction. Key customers have account manager to cater

for their needs. The company has also exceled at establishing and grabbing unique business

opportunities, an aspect that has positioned it as a leading company in passive infrastructure in

R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 7

telecommunication industry in Uganda. The utilization of Swot analysis provides an overall

understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as the strategic options

emerging for the opportunities and threats that face its business environment. ATC Uganda

still experiences challenges in terms of its expansion plans, especially in rural area which are

remote with limited transport facilities. The company has given MNOs support to increase their

coverage in the country. As a result, the company’s management take advantage and utilize

this situational analysis, customer analysis, and stakeholder analysis, to come up with suitable

strategic planning for future of the company.

(1595 words)

R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 8


Bhattacharya, C.B., Korschun, D. (2008). Stakeholder Marketing: Beyond the four P’s and the

customer. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 27(1), pg. 113-116.

Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (2002), Relationship Marketing: Creating

Stakeholder Value, 2nd ed., Oxford.

Dagnino, G., King, D., & Tienari, J. (2017). Strategic management of dynamic growth. Long

Range Planning, 50(4).


Freeman, R.E. (1984), Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman, Boston, MA.

Freeman, R.E. (1999), Divergent stakeholder theory. Academy of management review, 24(2),


Gürel, E., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT analysis: a theoretical review. Journal of International

Social Research, 10(51).

Jeston, J. and Nelis, J. (2008) Business Project Management, Butterworth-Heinemann. pgs,

271 – 276.

Kotler, P. (1972) Marketing Management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Kotler, P., Gregor, W. & Rodgers, W. (1977). The marketing audit comes of agell. Sloan

Management Review. Winter, pp. 25-85.

Parmar, B.L., Freeman, R.E., Harrison, J.S., Wicks, A.C., Purnell, L. and De Colle, S., 2010.

Stakeholder theory: The state of the art. Academy of Management Annals, 4(1), pp.403-445.

Porter, M. (2015). Shared Value and Strategy, Paper Presented at the Shared Value Leadership

Summit, FSG, New York, NY.

R2005D10892966 MUYANJA MICHAEL 9

Pulendran, S., Speed, R., & Widing, R. E. (2003). Marketing planning, market orientation and

business performance. European journal of marketing.

Smith KG, Grimm CM, & Gannon MJ. (1992). Dynamics of Competitive Strategy. Newbury

Park, CA: Sage.

Swain, C.D. (1993), ‘Competitive benchmarking’, in D. Bernhardt (ed.), Perfectly Legal

Competitor intelligence, London: Pitman Publishing.

Assessment Brief and Feedback Form

Module title: Strategic Marketing

Assessment Point: Second assessment point

Assessment task: Individual word Essay

Word count limit: 2,500 words (+/- 10%) / (NOT inclusive of appendices, NOT inclusive of references)

Submission deadline: Please consult VLE.

Submission procedure: Please submit via the submission link on VLE.

Submission Record

Extenuating circumstances

Ensure you are familiar with the process for submitting a claim for extenuating circumstances. If you experience any extenuating circumstances

that may have affected your ability to attempt or submit the present assignment, please follow the relevant instructions on VLE in order to submit

your claim for extenuating circumstance prior to your submission deadline.

Academic misconduct including plagiarism

Ensure that you are familiar with the relevant regulations regarding academic misconduct. By submitting the present assignment you declare that

it is your own work and that the material and sources of information used, including internet sources, have been fully identified and properly

acknowledged. In addition, you confirm that the presented work has not been submitted for any other assessment. You also acknowledge that the

faculty reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct which, if proven and dependent on the

severity level of the offence, will result in a penalty that may affect your progress.

Late submissions

Note that all work handed in up to 3 working days after the submission deadline will be accepted and marked but the mark will be capped at 50%

(if the work) passes unless you have been granted an extension to the submission deadline or a deferral in accordance with the Extenuating

Circumstances Policy. Work submitted more than 3 working days after the submission deadline without a granted extension to the submission

deadline or a deferral in accordance with the Extenuating Circumstances Policy will not be accepted and will be recorded as 0%.

By submitting your work you acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the above statements.

General Guidance

Your assignment should be word typed processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using Times New Roman size 12 font, double

spaced, with numbered pages and your student number printed as a footer on every page.

The word limits stated for this assignment excludes the reference list at the end of the assignment but includes all text in the main body of the

assignment (including direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs).

Please be aware that exceeding the word count limit will affect the academic judgement of the piece of work and may result in the award of a

lower mark.

Appendices are not considered a supplement thus will not be assessed as part of the content of the assignment. As such, they will not contribute to

the grade awarded, however it may be appropriate to use an Appendices section for any material which is a useful reference for the reader. Please

note that appendices are not included in the word count.

The majority of references should come from primary sources (e.g., journal articles, conference papers, reports, etc.) although you can also utilise

area specific textbooks. You must ensure that you use the University of Suffolk’s Harvard style of referencing.

Please indicate the word count length at the end of your assignment.

Marking and assessment

This assignment will be marked out of 100%

This assignment contributes 60% of the total module marks.

Learning outcomes assessed in this assessment

LO1 Demonstrate command of a range of marketing models used by organizations

LO3 Analyse marketing activities across a range of organizations and develop problem-solving skills in marketing

Task: Summative Assessment 2 (2500 word Essay)

For the selected approved case study organization you are required to create a strategic marketing plan to include extended marketing mix,

implementation and measurement.

Your work should include and cover the following sections/aspects and content (as shown and stated in the table below). The specific percentage

marks allocated to each section/aspect of your work is stated below. Please also note that the Level 7 marking criteria (located towards the end of

this assessment brief) will also be used to reflect this overall grade. Please remember that the achievement and demonstration of all 3 learning

outcomes are being assessed in this assessment.

Important Note: Critical Discussion is an essential aspect for this assessment point

Conduct a critical evaluation and discussion, which shows awareness of current problems, and contemporary issues and

debates that draws on new

insights or perspectives for your case study. To conduct a critical discussion you work needs to demonstrate your

ability to synthesise current

research and advanced scholarship in an original, creative and innovative manner.

Utilising academic research using literature from journals, books will help you to undertake this critical evaluation and discussion and it is by

making effective use of evidence and scholarly sources as well as drawing on your own insights and ideas, which will help you to develop a critical

approach in your work.

Therefore, please avoid descriptive essays, as these do not meet the requirements of this assessment point. Try to elaborate on theory, and provide

your own argument.

Note the suggested structure for your assignment:

Section/aspect Content to cover Marks available

Introduction and Selected

organization’ presentation

(500 words)

Setting the scene and outline of the approach taken

in addressing the task. Background (relevant to the

task) information about assignment describing

scope, objectives, methods of investigation as well

as presentation of the selected organization.

20 Marks

Critical Discussion

(450 words)

Utilise academic research using literature from

journals, books as well as undertake a critical

evaluation making effective use of evidence and

scholarly sources towards the topic under

investigation. 4 scholary sources

20 Marks

Application of theory

(1000 words)

Strategic marketing plan to include extended

marketing mix, implementation and measurement.
35 Marks

Conclusion &



Effective summary of key points and

10 Marks

Layout and Referencing

(list of references can take as

many pages as necessary and

not included in the limit/word


High quality presentation that conforms to

principles of academic writing and contains

minimal errors in sentence construction, grammar

and punctuation. The assignment followed

appropriate academic conventions regarding in-text

citations and referencing.

15 Marks

Total: 2500 words

Additional resources

Please consult VLE for recommended reading of previous weeks






Marking Criteria

Level 7

In accordance with the FHEQ, at the end of Level 7 students should have a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or

new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice. They will be able to

demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create

and interpret knowledge in the discipline. They should have a conceptual understanding that enables them to evaluate critically current research and

advanced scholarship

in the discipline and to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses. They will also be able to deal with

complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and

non-specialist audiences. In addition, they will be able to demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning

and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.

Assessment category

Coherent and detailed


and understanding

of the subject area, at least some

of which is informed by the

latest research and/or advanced

scholarship within the discipline

Cognitive and intellectual


Application of theory to

practice (for courses with

a professional practice


Reading and referencing Presentation, style and


Work that significantly

exceeds the specified

word limit may be
































Exemplary systematic, theoretical


conceptual understanding of

knowledge at or informed by the

forefront of the field of study,

demonstrating highly

sophisticated grasp of the subject


Exceptional critical

evaluation and awareness

of current problems, and

contemporary issues and

debates that draws on new

insights or perspectives

within the field. Work

demonstrates exemplary

ability to synthesise current

research and advanced

scholarship in an original,

creative and innovative


Sophisticated, systematic

and innovative application


knowledge and theory to

professional practice within

the discipline. Flawless use

of systematically selected

literature to justify and

express reasoned

judgements and decisions


relation to complex

issues and

problems at a



A very high level of

critical engagement across

a systematic and fully

appropriate range of

relevant and current

academic, research,

policy- and practice-

related literature

demonstrating deep and

selective reading and

initiative along with


consistent accurate


Exemplary presentation

of work that is fluent

and flawless throughout.


% – 8

Excellent systematic, theoretical

and conceptual understanding of

Sophisticated critical

evaluation and awareness

An excellent level of

originality and innovation

A very high level of
critical engagement across


presentation of work

knowledge at or informed by the

forefront of the field of study and

showing sophisticated depth,

breadth, detail



of current problems, and
contemporary issues and
debates that draws on new
insights or perspectives
within the field. Work

demonstrates a very high

level of

originality and

creativity in the student’s

approaches to synthesising

current research and

advanced scholarship

within the subject area

in the

application of

knowledge and theory to
professional practice within



Demonstration of excellent


awareness and

evaluation and the ability to

effectively critique and

employ current academic

literature in making


judgements and

decisions in relation to

complex issues and

problems at a professional


an extensive range of

relevant and current
academic, research,
policy- and practice-
related literature
demonstrating deep and

appropriate reading and

initiative along with
highly consistent accurate

that is logically and

coherently structured

with a strong or original

central argument(s),

conveyed with a high

level of fluency and



compelling, coherent

conclusions to specialist

and non-specialist


Level 7

Coherent and detailed knowledge

and understanding
Cognitive and intellectual

Application of theory

to practice

Reading and referencing Presentation, style and













A high level of systematic,

theoretical and conceptual

understanding of knowledge at or

informed by the forefront of the

field of study and showing

considerable depth, breadth, detail

and clarity

A high level of critical

evaluation and awareness
of current problems, and
contemporary issues and
debates that draws on new
insights or perspectives
within the field. Work

demonstrates a significant

level of originality and

creativity in synthesising

current research and
advanced scholarship
within the subject area

A high level of

originality and

innovation in the

application of

knowledge and theory

to professional

practice within the


Demonstration of

excellent critical

awareness and

evaluation and the

ability to select and

use academic literature

in making reasoned

judgements and
decisions in relation to
complex issues and
problems at a

professional level

A high level of critical

engagement across an

extensive range of relevant

and current literature

demonstrating wide and

appropriate reading and

initiative along with highly

consistent accurate

Excellent presentation of

work that is logically and

coherently structured with a

strong or original central

argument(s), conveyed with

a high level of clarity of

expression and which

clearly communicates valid,

coherent conclusions to

specialist and non-specialist





An effective, systematic, theoretical

and conceptual understanding of

knowledge mostly at or informed

by the forefront of the field of study

and showing good depth, breadth,

detail and clarity

An effective level of


evaluation and

awareness of current

problems and contemporary

issues and debates that

draws on

new insights or

perspectives within the

field. Work demonstrates

some effective originality

A good level of

originality and
innovation in the
application of
knowledge and theory
to professional


Demonstration of

consistently good

A good level of critical

engagement across a good

range of relevant and

current academic, research,


and practice-related

literature demonstrating

appropriate reading and

some initiative along with

High quality presentation of

work that is largely

logically and coherently

structured with a generally

strong central argument

conveyed with a clarity of

expression and which

communicates clear

conclusions to specialist

and creativity in

synthesising current

research and scholarship

within the

subject area

critical awareness and

evaluation and

reasonable ability to

use the academic

literature in making

reasoned judgements

and decisions in

relation to complex

issues and problems at

a professional level

consistent accurate
and non-specialist





A sufficient but

limited level of

systematic, theoretical and

conceptual understanding of

knowledge at times at or informed

by the forefront of the field of study

but showing adequate depth,

breadth, detail and clarity

A sufficient but limited

level of critical evaluation

and awareness of current

problems and contemporary

issues and debates, with

some reference to new

insights or perspectives

within the field. Limited

evidence of originality and

creativity in synthesising
current research and

scholarship within the

subject area

A reasonable but

limited level of
originality and
innovation in the
application of
knowledge and theory
to professional
practice within the
Demonstration of

some good critical

awareness and

evaluation and some

ability to use the

academic literature in

developing judgements

and decisions in
relation to complex
issues and problems at
a professional level

Sufficient critical

engagement with a

reasonable range of

relevant and current

academic, research, policy-

and practice-related
literature demonstrating

mainly appropriate reading

but limited initiative and/or

some minor inconsistencies

and inaccuracies in


Generally good

presentation of work that is

sufficiently logical and

coherent in structure with a

discernible central

argument. May present

limited originality and lack

some clarity of expression,

but an identifiable

conclusion reasonably

communicated to specialist

and non-specialist

Level 7
Coherent and detailed

knowledge and understanding

Cognitive and intellectual

Application of theory
to practice

Reading and referencing Presentation, style and







Knowledge and understanding of

the subject matter is incomplete,

uninformed or limited in its

scholarship within the field of

study, or lacking sufficient depth,

breadth, detail or clarity

Critical evaluation is

limited or lacks awareness

of current problems and

contemporary issues and

debates. Insufficient

reference made to new

insights or perspectives

within the field, or

insufficient evidence of

originality and creativity in

synthesising current
research and scholarship

within the subject area

Insufficient degree of

originality or

innovation in the
application of
knowledge and theory
to professional
practice within the

Demonstration of poor

critical awareness and

evaluation or a lack of

ability to use the
academic literature in
developing judgements
and decisions in
relation to complex
issues and problems at
a professional level

Insufficient critical

engagement with relevant

and current academic,

research, policy- and

practice-related literature.

Lack of evidence of wider

reading or a lack of

initiative or inconsistent


inaccurate referencing

Presentation of work shows

insufficient organisation or

central argument, and is

lacking in logical and

coherent structure. Poor

clarity of expression

weakly communicating to

specialist or non-specialist







Limited knowledge and

understanding of the subject matter

shown. Work is not sufficiently

informed by scholarship within the

field of study and is insufficient in

depth, breadth, detail or clarity

Insufficient evidence of

critical evaluation and

awareness of current
problems and contemporary

issues and debates.

Insufficient reference to

new insights or
perspectives within the

field and lacking in

originality and creativity in

Little evidence of

originality and

innovation and a

significant lack of

application of
knowledge and theory
to professional

practice demonstrating

little critical awareness

and evaluation and a

Little evidence of critical

engagement with relevant

and current literature. Poor

use of appropriate sources

and/or inconsistent and

inaccurate referencing

Often poorly presented

work that is disorganised,

has an ill-formed central

argument, and lacks a

logical and coherent

structure. A lack of clarity

of expression or fails to

communicate effective

conclusions to specialist or

non-specialist audiences

synthesising current
research and scholarship
within the subject area

lack of ability to use

the academic literature

to make judgements

and decisions in
relation to complex
issues and problems at
a professional level

< 3


Inadequate and limited knowledge

and understanding of the subject

matter shown. Work is not

informed by scholarship within the

field of study and significantly

lacks depth, breadth, detail or


Descriptive work with little

or no evidence of critical

evaluation and awareness
of current problems and
contemporary issues and


No evidence of

awareness of new insights

or perspectives within the

field. Little or no synthesis

of current research and

scholarship within the
subject area
No evidence of
originality and

innovation and little to

no application of

knowledge and theory
to professional

practice. Demonstrates

no critical awareness

and evaluation and a

distinct lack of ability

to use the academic

literature in an

effective manner

No evidence of critical

engagement with relevant

and current literature. Lack

of use of appropriate

sources and inconsistent

and inaccurate referencing

Poorly presented and

disorganised work that

lacks a logical and coherent

structure, lacks a well-

formed central argument

and shows a significant

lack of clarity of expression

with very weak or

irrelevant conclusions, that

may be incoherent to

specialist or non-specialist

Feedback form

Student Number:

Section/aspect Content to cover Marks available
Introduction and Selected
organization’ presentation
(500 words)
Setting the scene and outline of the approach taken
in addressing the task. Background (relevant to the
task) information about assignment describing
scope, objectives, methods of investigation as well
as presentation of the selected organization.
20 Marks

Critical Discussion

(450 words)
Utilise academic research using literature from
journals, books as well as undertake a critical
evaluation making effective use of evidence and
scholarly sources towards the topic under


20 Marks
Application of theory
(1000 words)
Strategic marketing plan to include extended
marketing mix, implementation and measurement.
35 Marks
Conclusion &
Effective summary of key points and
10 Marks
Layout and Referencing
(list of references can take as
many pages as necessary and
not included in the limit/word
High quality presentation that conforms to
principles of academic writing and contains
minimal errors in sentence construction, grammar
and punctuation. The assignment followed
appropriate academic conventions regarding in-text
citations and referencing.
15 Marks

Total: 2500 words

Date: Grade: Marker’s signature:

Provisional grade subject to change and/or confirmation by the Assessment Boards.

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