Strategic management

MG 800

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MG 800: Strategic Management

Michael McTague, Ph.D.

Instructor’s Contact Information:

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Office: N/A Meeting Days: Saturday
Office Hours: Before or After Class Meeting Times: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Email: Classroom: Virtual
or on Blackboard Best way to communicate with
Phone: Please call MBA Office: (646) 393-8399 professor: email.

Course Description

This is the capstone course of the MBA program. The course uses the case method approach to demonstrate the integration of core business disciplines with formal analysis of an organization’s macro and industry environment; mission and goals; and strategy formulation, implementation, and control. The purpose of the course is to give students the opportunity to organize and integrate what they have learned in the MBA program about various business topics and to utilize this knowledge in the analysis of complex business problems. Students engage in a competition-based strategy simulation that is delivered online. Class members are divided into teams and assigned to run a company that competes head-to-head against companies run by other class members. The final project of the course allows students to demonstrate their proficiency of this integrated knowledge through submission and presentation of a business plan, a practicum, or a research project.

With a focus on strategic thinking, the course asks students to employ tactical skills learned throughout the program in achieving the strategic goal of the organization. Successful strategic management spans devising a strategic direction as well as implementing that strategy. Students will also review how to evaluate the organization’s progress and, if necessary, to adjust the strategic plan. The course may also include a general assessment (Peregrine) to identify how much practical knowledge the student has garnered during the MBA program.

This course must be taken during the final semester in the MBA program.


What are the essential tools of strategic analysis, how are they used, and where to they fit into the managerial process of crafting and executing strategy?
What are the latest developments in the theory and practice of strategic management?
How does a manager successfully formulate, implement and execute business strategies in today’s market environments?

Text(s): Thompson, A.A. Jr.; Strickland, A.J.; and Gamble, J.E. (2012). Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage
– Concepts and Cases. 20th edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York. ISBN: 978-0-077-72059-9

The Wall Street Journal (available through the college library)

Learning Objectives
The course objective is to build the students’ proficiency in analyzing and evaluating business situations for their strategic implications and developing the students’ ability to think creatively, and engage others actively in discussions on strategic issues. In addition, students should develop an understanding of, and appreciation for the interrelations which exist in an organization as well as recognize current, and future, business strategies and policies. Based on these objectives, upon successfully completion of this course, students should be able to:
Analyze and develop business strategies and policies to solve business problems.
Demonstrate the ability to apply an analytical framework and approach for identifying, defining, and solving complex problems of the organization, which involves multiple aspects of its operations by conducting an organization audit of strategies and policies.
Demonstrate acquisition of a conceptual framework for studying, understanding, and evaluating the interrelationships of the functional activities and problems at various organizational levels.
Analyze an industry and its value chain.
Create a well-written case analysis which includes a defense of the student’s perspectives or recommendations to peers and instructors.
Apply acquired knowledge and tools of analysis to generate strategic recommendations (solutions) for varying problems within the organizational setting.
Analyze cases by carefully defining the central and secondary problems, evaluating alternative solutions, and choosing an alternative as a result of the systematic analysis.
Propose strategies and develop policies to implement the strategies chosen based on thorough analysis of problematic situations presented in case form.
Identify (diagnose and generate) potentially successful “offensive” and “defensive” strategic moves within the context of competitive forces and (internal and external) environmental factors.
Participating fully and cooperatively in team assignments by conducting an organization audit of strategies and policies to demonstrate an ability to perform effectively in a group setting.


While the grading for each grading element will be done using a numerical scale from 0 to 100, the resulting final grade will be converted into the letter grading system using the following equivalence table:


Less than 70

The final grade will be based on the following:



Individual Case analysis submissions and discussions, business news article submissions/discussions
Individual Case analysis submissions and discussions, business news article submissions/discussions
Industry Analysis Team Presentation
Industry Analysis Team Presentation
Glo-Bus: Simulation Results and Final Presentation
Glo-Bus: Simulation Results and Final Presentation
Integrative Project: final document submission and presentation
Integrative Project: final document submission and presentation of findings




Session #

*Session Date


Reading/Assignments Due

What is Strategy and Why Is it Important?
Students must finalize their Integrative Project Topic and turn it in during Week 2.

What is Strategy and Why Is It Important? (Continued);
Charting A Company’s Direction: Vision and Mission, Objectives, and Strategy
1 & 2
Students turn in their Integrative Project topic (See Week 1)
Glo-Bus practice Year 6 decision
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion


Evaluating a Company’s External Environment
Case Study #1
Real Glo-Bus year 6 decision
Glo-Bus: Students report progress
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion

Evaluating a Company’s Resources
Integrative Project: submission of draft #1. This should be a draft of all required elements, showing work completed previously and using strategic concepts from MG 800.
Real Glo-Bus year 7 decision
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion
Generic Competitive Strategies
Case Study # 2.
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion

Strengthening a Company’s Competitive Position
Glo-Bus year 8 decision
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion

Strategies for Competing in Foreign Markets


Case Study#3:
Glo-Bus year 9 decision

Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion


Corporate Strategy
Integrative Project: submission of draft #2.
Glo-Bus year 10 decision
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion

Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainability, and Strategy
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion

Building an Organization Capable of Good Strategy Execution
Current Business News article hand-in due in class
Students should complete the Peregrine test, if required.

Managing Internal Operations

Integrative Project: submission of final document. The final project must be turned in by all students.
Student presentations on major findings begin. Students must be ready to present. In a large class, efficiency is critical. The Instructor will identify which students are to present (alphabetically).
Current Business News topic may be assigned for discussion


Corporate Culture and Leadership

Student presentations on major findings on the Integrative Project continue until all students have finished. The Instructor will identify which students are to present.


Integrative Project Presentations begin

What have We Learned’ Glo-bus team presentations

Integrative Project Presentations continue;
Course Wrap Up

Industry Analysis: Students present team findings on assigned industries.
Student discussion of best ideas in the course.

*Assumes 14 meetings are scheduled. Changes may be made to accommodate the scheduler.

Description of Major Grading Elements

* Integrative Project: This is the central accomplishment of the course and of the entire MBA experience. Students employ all skills gained in the program to complete a sound MBA project. The current options for the course project are: a Business Plan, a Practicum, or a Research project. In all cases, students must employ sound analysis and strategic thinking. This counts for 30% of the total grade in the course.
* Case Studies: Students apply strategic concepts to answer the questions posed by each case. Students are expected to conduct research on the topic, finding the facts on the company, forming initial conclusions based on their research and then employing sound MBA thinking to improve the situation described in the case. These cases count for 25% of the total grade in the course.
* Glo-Bus Business Simulator: Glo-bus provides an opportunity to compete against other teams of students who are also focused on business success. Students are expected to work in teams, sharing all tasks and focused on helping their team achieve success. This counts for 30% of the total grade in the course. Please use Thompson, A.A. Jr.; Stappenbeck, G.J.; Reidenbach, M.A.; Thrasher, I.F.; and Harms, C.C. (2013). Glo-Bus Participant’s Guide. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL. (Available on the Glo-Bus website, part of the student’s materials).

* Industry Analysis Team Presentation: Students will work in groups/teams to prepare and present an industry analysis based on the industry assigned to each group. Each team is required to create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing your evaluation of your assigned company’s external environment and competitive conditions within the company’s industry. Students will also map the market positions of key groups of industry rivals. Students will determine the strategic significance of this information and make recommendations for resolving the strategic issues in the assigned case.

Classroom Policies and Guidelines:

Students are expected to act professionally. Professional behavior reflects basic expectations of employers. These include turning in work at the assigned time. Late papers will receive a lower grade. All work must show that the student has made a significant effort. This includes solving the business problem, a complete, well-written manuscript with a bibliography. Students working in teams must share the work assigned.
Papers must apply concepts from the course and from the MBA program. This is a course on strategic management. Students are expected to take notes, keep up with assigned reading and apply ideas discussed in class. Papers that are not acceptable will be returned. Students must re-submit the paper in two weeks employing feedback provided by the Instructor.
All papers must be typewritten, proofread, include page numbers and headers, show the student’s name, include a professional graduate-level bibliography and must show when a student is quoting from another source. Papers must exemplify MBA level work. Failure to do so prevents other students from discussing the case in class. Students who engage in plagiarism will receive an “F.”
King Graduate School attendance policy: Students are expected to attend every class of every course in which they are registered. Each class meeting provides a unique opportunity for learning. While acknowledging the critical importance of class attendance, the College also recognizes that there are times when absence from class is unavoidable.  More than two absences in a course will result in the reduction of the student’s final grade by a full letter (for example from A to B). 
Students are expected to refer to the Wall Street Journal every day and be prepared to participate in discussion and analysis. In addition, this is the first source to go to for information on case studies. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
Class discussion – especially on Glo-bus and at the end of the course — is very important. Keeping up with the assigned readings before class is essential.
Students who are advised to work with a Writing Tutor must do so and must provide a statement from the Tutor that they have worked with the student on the paper.
Classroom Etiquette: Students should act appropriately for a graduate business course, especially when making a presentation. When others are speaking, students are expected to show respect for the views of their colleagues. Do not text or check email during class. Since this course will begin online, students are expected to follow these guidelines, which are being applied in an online context.
All Students in online business classes are required to have a webcam, microphone and Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access).

The College’s Code of Academic and Scholarly Integrity and the Guidelines for Exemplary Practice which outlines our expectations for professional decorum.

Plagiarism and Academic Honesty Policy

“Plagiarism is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else’s written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one’s own without adequate acknowledgement.  Plagiarism also includes:
Copying from another student
Copying from any source without showing that you are copying. If you wish to quote from a source, show that you are quoting.
Failure to include your own (original) discussion and/or commentary with written or creative work from someone else even though you acknowledge the source(s).
If a student has committed plagiarism, s(he) will be assigned a grade of zero (or ‘F’) on the first such incident/assignment during the semester, and will be placed on probation, with written confirmation from the Dean. If a student commits plagiarism a second time, s(he) will immediately be assigned a final semester grade of ‘F’ for the course.  Multiple occurrences of plagiarism may result in dismissal from the King Graduate School of Business.” Students must also avoid fabricating information, submitting the same work as other students, tampering with student records, gaining unauthorized access so as to gain unfair advantage and facilitating academic dishonesty.
If a student has been found to cheat on an exam, the student may be immediately dismissed from the King Graduate School.

Participation/Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend class regularly and with punctuality.
***Once a student has exceeded two absences in this course, the final grade will be lowered by a full 10 points, i.e., by one letter grade. Students who are absent more than four times are encouraged to withdraw from the course.   Late work will be accepted on or before the next class and will result in a drop of the grade by one level (A to B+).

Accommodation Services/Disability Information


Monroe College is accessible to students with disabilities and admits those students whose credentials demonstrate they have the motivation and capabilities to successfully pursue their academic goals at the college. All students with disabilities have access to a Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities on each campus:

Bronx Campus: Elizabeth Maybruch;

New Rochelle Campus:

Saadia Del-Llano;

This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor.

Additional Resources

The college Library and the Research Center have various resources available for students. These include full access to the Wall St. Journal and Writing Tutors.

Tool(s): All the following documents can be found in ‘Course Tools’ in Blackboard.
Suggested Sources of Readings from the Popular Press: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Fortune, Business Week, Forbes, Barron’s and local newspapers
Other Suggested Outside Reading from Business Related Journals/Magazines: Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc. Magazine, Fast Company.
Internet Sources:

Small Business Administration:
Entrpreneur Magazine:
Inc. Magazine:
Business Week:
Business Knowledge Source:

The Following Appendices are Helpful in Preparing the Integrative Project and Other Assignments


Case Study


The format for all case study reports is detailed below. In the elaboration of each of these sections, the student should include concepts from the chapter covered in the course.


Brief information about the industry
Company’s current strategy
Company objectives (stated and implied)
Analysis of the current strategy (include support)
Wall Street Journal information related to the company and the industry
Financial data for at least three years (As a minimum, include the income statement, balance sheet, summary, and all the ratios. This is available from annual reports, Yahoo Finance, etc.)

Main Body of the Paper

Summarize company’s competitive strategies. Are they on the right track?
Complete analysis of external environment [industry], and internal resources/capabilities using appropriate tools such as Driving Force, Product/Market Matrix, Five Forces, PESTEL,SWOT, Value Chain, etc. Recommended strategic alternative (include support)
Analyze financial data using ratio analysis. Additional sources for company’s financial information can come from annual reports, Yahoo Finance, etc.)


Short Summary
Make a recommendation to solve their strategic problem
Reference section
Support materials for the Company or industry. (Research documentation)


Integrative Project OVERVIEW


Follow this template for Business Plan Project Option

Section #


Executive Summary
Current Strategy
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Value Proposition Statement
Company Description & Business model description
Industry Analysis and Trends (Incl. Five Forces, PESTEL, Strategic Mapping, Benchmarking, Driving Forces, etc.)
Business Goals/Objectives [SMART goals and Balanced Score Card Approaches]
The Competition
Marketing Plans and Strategies (Marketing Mix)
Target Market [Profile(s) and Description(s)]
Strategic Position and Risk Assessment (incl. SWOT analysis; description of business risk and plan for reducing these risks)
Recommendations for a Better Strategy; Keys to Success
Operations Plan
Technology Plan
Management and Organization
Community Involvement and Social Responsibility
Development, Milestones and Contingency/Exit Plan
The Financials
Financial Objectives
Sales and Expense Forecast
Break-even Analysis
Financial Control
Financial Statements and Ratio Analysis
Income Statement: Annual
Income Statement: Three-Year Projection
Cash-Flow Projection: Monthly
Cash Flow: One-Year Projection
Balance Sheet: Annual
Balance Sheet: One-Year Projection
List and Sources of Funds
Assumptions Sheet

Follow this template for Practicum Project Option

Section #


Executive Summary
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Value Proposition Statement
Company Description & Business model description
Industry Analysis and Trends (Incl. Five Forces, PESTEL, Strategic Mapping, Benchmarking, Driving Forces, etc.)
Business Goals/Objectives [SMART Goals and Balanced Score Card Approaches]
The Competition
Marketing Plans and Strategies (Marketing Mix)
Target Market [Profile(s) and Description(s)]
Situation Analysis: SWOT analysis; analysis and identification of issues or problems to be addressed in paper
Strategic alternatives and recommendations on effectives solutions and strategies with supporting information
Operations Plan for strategy implementation
Technology Plan for strategy implementation
Management and Organization revisions for strategy execution
Community Involvement and Social Responsibility
Development, Milestones and Contingency/Exit Plan for Implementation of Recommendation(s)
The Financials
Overall Financial Objectives (and financial objectives related to proposed strategies
Sales and Expense Projections to support proposed recommendations
Financial Control
Financial Statements and Ratio Analysis
Income Statement: Annual
Income Statement: Three-Year Projection
Cash-Flow Projection: Monthly
Cash Flow: One-Year Projection
Balance Sheet: Annual
Balance Sheet: One-Year Projection
List and Sources of Funds for strategy implementation
Assumptions Sheet

Follow this template for Academic Research Project Option

Section #


Research Abstract
Introduction of Research Project: Background information and significance of research
Statement of research objectives including relevant questions or issues to be addressed; discussion of theoretical framework
Literature Review and relevancy to research topic
Hypothesis discussion
Methodology for Data Analysis
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Summary of major findings/results; generalizations based on systematic analysis of data
Summary of potential weaknesses and research findings
Conclusions and suggestions for future research
References and Appendices

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