Stone and Crystal Characteristics and Related Chakras

I need research compiled to show the different characteristics and the related Chakras for each of the stones/crystals listed below.  Each crystal/stone should have no more than 4 characteristics (such as Courage, Strength, Motivation, Love). Also, each crystal/stone should have its associated Chakra and Astrology signs that correlate with each crystal listed. 

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  • Aquamarine
  • Peace, Calming, Soothing and Relaxing energies that help you cleanse, trust, and let go.

    Chakra: Throat

    Astrology Symbol: Pisces/Aries

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    Chakras and Crystals

    • Crown Chakra
    • Third Eye Chakra
    • Throat Chakra
    • Heart Chakra
    • Solar Plexus Chakra
    • Sacral Chakra
    • Root Chakra

    Stones and Crystals

    • Agate
    • Amazonite
    • Amethyst
    • Angel Aura Quartz
    • Apache Tears
    • Apatite
    • Aquamarine

    • Aragonite
    • Astrophillite
    • Black Onyx
    • Bloodstone
    • Blue Calcite
    • Blue Chalcedony
    • Blue Kyanite
    • Blue Lace Agate
    • Bumblebee Jasper
    • Cactus Amethyst
    • Carnelian
    • Celestite
    • Chevron Amethyst
    • Chrysocolla
    • Citrine
    • Clear Quartz
    • Dalmation Jasper
    • Desert Rose
    • Emerald
    • Flower Agate
    • Flourite
    • Garnet
    • Green Aventurine
    • Green Calcite
    • Hematite
    • Hematoid Quartz
    • Himalayan Salt
    • Honey Calcite
    • Indigo Gabbro
    • Kambaba “Crocodile” Jasper
    • Labradorite
    • Lapis Lazuli
    • Lepidolite
    • Mahogany
    • Obsidian
    • Malachite
    • Marble
    • Moldavite
    • Mookaite
    • Obsidian

    • Orange
    • Selenite
    • Pink Amethyst
    • Pink Opal
    • Pink
    • Tourmaline
    • Rainbow Moonstone
    • Red Jasper
    • Rhodonite
    • Rose Quartz
    • Ruby in Zosite
    • Selenite

    • Septarian
    • Serpentine
    • Smoky Quartz
    • Sodalite
    • Spider Web Jasper
    • Strawberry Quartz
    • Sunstone
    • Tiger Eye
    • Titanium Quartz
    • Tourmalated Quartz
    • Tourmaline

    • Unakite
    • White Howlite
    • Yellow Calcite

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