Statistics Report Part 3

 Must format answer in attached template. Must use attachments for data. Must use previous attached assignment for reference.

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The purpose of this project is to have you complete all of the steps of a real-world linear regression research project starting with developing a research question, then completing a comprehensive statistical analysis, and ending with summarizing your research conclusions.


You have been hired by the D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company to develop a model to predict median housing prices for homes sold in 2019. The CEO of D. M. Pan wants to use this information to help their real estate agents better determine the use of square footage as a benchmark for listing prices on homes. Your task is to provide a report predicting the median housing prices based square footage. To complete this task, use the provided real estate data set for all U.S. home sales as well as national descriptive statistics and graphs provided.


Using the Project One Template located in the What to Submit section, generate a report including your tables and graphs to determine if the square footage of a house is a good indicator for what the listing price should be. Reference the National Statistics and Graphs document for national comparisons and the Real Estate County Data spreadsheet (both found in the Supporting Materials section) for your statistical analysis.

Note: Present your data in a clearly labeled table and using clearly labeled graphs.

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Specifically, include the following in your report:


  1. Describe the report: Give a brief description of the purpose of your report.

    Define the question your report is trying to answer.
    Explain when using linear regression is most appropriate.

    When using linear regression, what would you expect the scatterplot to look like?

    Explain the difference between response and predictor variables in a linear regression to justify the selection of variables.

Data Collection

  1. Sampling the data: Select a random sample of 50 counties.

    Identify your response and predictor variables.

  2. Scatterplot: Create a scatterplot of your response and predictor variables to ensure they are appropriate for developing a linear model.

Data Analysis

  1. Histogram: For your two variables, create histograms.
  2. Summary statistics: For your two variables, create a table to show the mean, median, and standard deviation.
  3. Interpret the graphs and statistics:

    Based on your graphs and sample statistics, interpret the center, spread, shape, and any unusual characteristic (outliers, gaps, etc.) for the two variables.
    Compare and contrast the shape, center, spread, and any unusual characteristic for your sample of house sales with the national population. Is your sample representative of national housing market sales?

Develop Your Regression Model

  1. Scatterplot: Provide a graph of the scatterplot of the data with a line of best fit.

    Explain if a regression model is appropriate to develop based on your scatterplot.

  2. Discuss associations: Based on the scatterplot, discuss the association (direction, strength, form) in the context of your model.

    Identify any possible outliers or influential points and discuss their effect on the correlation.
    Discuss keeping or removing outlier data points and what impact your decision would have on your model.

  3. Find r: Find the correlation coefficient (r).

    Explain how the r value you calculated supports what you noticed in your scatterplot.

Determine the Line of Best Fit. Clearly define your variables. Find and interpret the regression equation. Assess the strength of the model.

  1. Regression equation: Write the regression equation (i.e., line of best fit) and clearly define your variables.
  2. Interpret regression equation: Interpret the slope and intercept in context.
  3. Strength of the equation: Provide and interpret R-squared.

    Determine the strength of the linear regression equation you developed.

  4. Use regression equation to make predictions: Use your regression equation to predict how much you should list your home for based on the square footage of your home.


  1. Summarize findings: In one paragraph, summarize your findings in clear and concise plain language for the CEO to understand. Summarize your results.

    Did you see the results you expected, or was anything different from your expectations or experiences?

    What changes could support different results, or help to solve a different problem?
    Provide at least one question that would be interesting for follow-up research.

Median Housing Price Model for D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company 3

[Note: To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your outline.]

Report: Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company

[Your Name]

Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company 1

Southern New Hampshire University


[Describe the report: Include in this section a brief overview, including the purpose of the report and your approach.]

Data Collection

[Sampling the data: Outline how you obtained your sample data, including the response and predictor variables.]

[Scatterplot: Insert a correctly labeled scatterplot of your chosen variables.]

Data Analysis

[Describe your study briefly. Discuss the requirements of the data sets for a linear regression. Explain the difference between response and predictor variables in a linear regression to justify the selection of variables.]

[Histogram: Insert the histogram of the two variables. Be sure to include appropriate labels.]

[Summary statistics: Insert a table to show the summary statistics.]

[Interpret the graphs and statistics: Describe the shape, center, spread, and any unusual characteristic (outliers, gaps, etc.) and what they mean based on your sample data and the graphs you created.]

[Explain how these characteristics of the sample data compare to the same characteristics of the national population. Also, determine whether your sample is representative of the national housing market sales.]

The Regression Model

[Scatterplot: Include the scatterplot graph of the sample with a line of best fit.]

[Based on your graph, explain whether a regression model can be developed for the data and how.]

[Discuss associations: Explain the associations in the scatterplot, including the direction, strength, form in the context of your model.]

[Find r: Calculate the correlation coefficient and explain how it aligns with your interpretation of the data from the scatterplot.]

The Line of Best Fit

[Regression equation: Insert the regression equation.]

[Interpret regression equation: Interpret the slope and intercept in context.]

[Strength of the equation: Interpret the strength of the regression equation, R-squared.]

[Use regression equation to make predictions: Use the regression equation to make a sample prediction.]


[Summarize findings: Summarize your findings in clear and concise plain language. Outline any questions arising from the study that might be interesting for follow-up research.]

Summary statistics:

Column n Mean Std. dev. Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
median listing price 978 288,407 163,986 75,309 186,742 256,936 337,342 1,653,763

978 142 92 21 95 121 157 1,084

median square feet 978 1,944 367 697 1,726 1,901 2,126 3,945

This graph shows the frequency for median listing price in thousands.

The graph shows the frequency of median square feet.

s per square

978 142 92 21 95 121 157 1,084
median square feet 978 1,944 367 697 1,726 1,901 2,126 3,945

This graph shows the frequency for median listing price in thousands.

The graph shows the frequency of median square feet.



1 data


Data f




created: “RDC_I





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s per square foot



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$136 2098

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East North Central mi


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$102 1696

East North Central mi


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East North Central mi st. clair

East North Central mi st. joseph



East North Central mi

$151 1927

East North Central mi


East North Central mi wayne


East North Central oh allen

$82 1626

East North Central oh


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East North Central oh delaware

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East North Central oh


East North Central oh hamilton

$110 1571

East North Central oh hancock


East North Central oh

East North Central oh



East North Central oh knox


$92 1686

East North Central oh lake

$103 1751

East North Central oh lawrence

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$89 1598

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$74 1591

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$91 1726

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$122 1928

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$105 1651

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East North Central wi jefferson

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$90 1745

East North Central wi



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East North Central wi portage



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East North Central wi rock



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East North Central wi winnebago


East North Central wi wood




East South Central al


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East South Central al



East South Central al


East South Central al jackson


East South Central al jefferson


East South Central al

$92 2098

East South Central al


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East South Central al madison


East South Central al


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East South Central al montgomery


East South Central al morgan


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East South Central ky boone



East South Central ky


East South Central ky



East South Central ky


East South Central ky


East South Central ky


East South Central ky



East South Central ky franklin


East South Central ky

$98 2079

East South Central ky

$94 1781

East South Central ky


East South Central ky jefferson


East South Central ky


East South Central ky



East South Central ky


East South Central ky madison


$107 2003

East South Central ky


East South Central ky


East South Central ky

$74 1588

East South Central ky


East South Central ky warren


$122 2141

East South Central ms


East South Central ms

East South Central ms hancock


East South Central ms



East South Central ms



East South Central ms jackson


East South Central ms


East South Central ms


East South Central ms


East South Central ms lauderdale



East South Central ms lee


East South Central ms


East South Central ms madison


East South Central ms



East South Central ms


$98 1945

East South Central ms



East South Central ms warren

$80 1833

East South Central


East South Central tn blount

$132 2368

East South Central tn


East South Central tn

$95 1699

East South Central tn coffee


East South Central tn


East South Central tn


East South Central tn

$150 1840

East South Central tn greene

$102 1936

East South Central tn


East South Central tn hamilton


East South Central tn


East South Central tn jefferson


East South Central tn knox

East South Central tn



East South Central tn madison


East South Central tn


East South Central tn


East South Central tn montgomery


East South Central tn


$119 2255

East South Central tn


East South Central tn


East South Central tn


East South Central tn

$155 2126

East South Central tn



East South Central tn



East South Central tn washington


East South Central tn williamson


East South Central tn


Mid Atlantic nj


Mid Atlantic nj


$113 1620

Mid Atlantic nj

$168 991

Mid Atlantic nj cumberland

$85 1358

Mid Atlantic nj


Mid Atlantic nj


Mid Atlantic nj



Mid Atlantic nj

$165 1628

Mid Atlantic nj



Mid Atlantic nj


Mid Atlantic nj



$113 1792

Mountain az


Mountain az


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Mountain az

$171 1765

Mountain az

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$150 2027

Mountain az


Mountain az

$204 2216

Mountain az



Mountain co


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Mountain co douglas


Mountain co

$368 1765

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Mountain co jefferson

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Mountain id ada

Mountain id


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Mountain mt


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and clark

$148 2173

Mountain mt


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Mountain nm


$95 2013

Mountain nm


Mountain nm

$116 1944

Mountain nm


Mountain nm lea


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Mountain nm

$108 1822

Mountain nm


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$235 2320

Mountain nm


Mountain nv


Mountain nv clark


Mountain nv douglas

Mountain nv

$146 1936

Mountain nv


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Mountain ut


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Mountain ut washington


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Mountain wy



ct fairfield


New England ct


New England ct



New England ct

$168 1944

New England ct

$153 1701

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New England ct

$143 1696

New England ma

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New England ma

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New England ma franklin

$144 1862

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$186 1964

New England ma middlesex

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$303 2141

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$251 2070

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$123 1686

New England me cumberland

$213 1817

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$125 1765

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$227 1721

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$131 1963

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New England ri bristol

$266 2067

New England ri kent


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New England ri washington

$277 1816

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New England vt franklin

$129 1788

New England vt

$123 1961

New England vt washington


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Northeast ny


Northeast ny

$73 1789

Northeast ny


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Northeast ny



Northeast ny

Northeast ny clinton


Northeast ny columbia

$178 2141

Northeast ny

$84 1529

Northeast ny

$172 2095

Northeast ny erie


Northeast ny franklin


Northeast ny

$98 1585

Northeast ny genesee


Northeast ny


Northeast ny jefferson


Northeast ny


Northeast ny livingston


Northeast ny madison

$111 1798

Northeast ny monroe



Northeast ny montgomery

$88 1767

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Northeast ny

$161 2059

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Northeast ny putnam

$204 2095

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$130 1832

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$230 2149

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$76 1575

Northeast ny

$84 1813

Northeast ny suffolk

$166 1029

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Northeast ny


Northeast ny


Northeast ny warren


Northeast ny washington


Northeast ny wayne

$105 1696

Northeast ny



Northeast pa adams

$125 1978

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Northeast pa berks


Northeast pa


Northeast pa

$87 1842

Northeast pa

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$139 2038

Northeast pa chester


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Northeast pa columbia

$99 1641

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Northeast pa cumberland


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Northeast pa delaware


Northeast pa erie


Northeast pa fayette


Northeast pa franklin

$103 1822

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$137 2019

Northeast pa lawrence


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$120 1921

Northeast pa


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Northeast pa monroe


Northeast pa montgomery


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Northeast pa washington


Northeast pa york

$111 1944


$180 1792

Pacific ak


Pacific ak

$160 1859

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$212 1654

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Pacific ca

$235 1581

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Pacific ca kings


Pacific ca lake


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Pacific ca

$170 1969

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$307 1503

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$176 1843

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$256 2242

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$212 1798

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$223 1914

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$706 1674

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$269 1796

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$187 1862

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$281 1859

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$189 1715

Pacific hi

$318 1531

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$212 2107

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Pacific or columbia

$189 1937

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$172 1767

Pacific or

$247 2095

Pacific or douglas


Pacific or jackson


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$194 1854

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$138 1840

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$205 1901

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$189 1835

Pacific or marion


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$134 1877

Pacific or washington


Pacific or

$215 2149

Pacific wa benton


Pacific wa


Pacific wa


Pacific wa clark


Pacific wa


Pacific wa franklin


Pacific wa grant

$150 1844

Pacific wa


Pacific wa island

$242 1919

Pacific wa king

Pacific wa


Pacific wa lewis

$171 1826

Pacific wa


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Pacific wa

$263 2093

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Pacific wa

$193 2132

Pacific wa


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$238 1850

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South Atlantic de kent


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South Atlantic de

$169 1967

South Atlantic fl


South Atlantic fl bay


South Atlantic fl

$158 1860

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South Atlantic fl

$126 2125

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$247 1881

South Atlantic fl columbia

$110 2003

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$160 2013

South Atlantic fl


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$111 1628

South Atlantic fl hillsborough


South Atlantic fl


South Atlantic fl lake


South Atlantic fl lee

$168 1758

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$135 1701

South Atlantic fl


South Atlantic fl marion

$115 1788

South Atlantic fl


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South Atlantic fl monroe

South Atlantic fl


South Atlantic fl

$191 1854

South Atlantic fl orange

$164 2102

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$207 1799

South Atlantic fl


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South Atlantic fl polk

$124 1850

South Atlantic fl putnam

$127 1742

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South Atlantic fl

$198 1758

South Atlantic fl

$157 2067

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$167 1674

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South Atlantic ga

$92 1854

South Atlantic ga camden

$114 2000

South Atlantic ga

$87 1737

South Atlantic ga


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South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga

$113 1816

South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga

$114 2093

South Atlantic ga columbia


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga douglas


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga fayette


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga fulton

$135 1571

South Atlantic ga

$181 2096

South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga hall


South Atlantic ga henry

$80 1787

South Atlantic ga houston


South Atlantic ga jackson


South Atlantic ga

$69 1758

South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga lowndes

$94 1832

South Atlantic ga

$83 1811

South Atlantic ga

$84 1762

South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga richmond


South Atlantic ga

$77 1709

South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic ga walker


South Atlantic ga walton


South Atlantic ga


South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md

$154 1861

South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md

$161 2247

South Atlantic md carroll


South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md howard


South Atlantic md montgomery

$239 2264

South Atlantic md


South Atlantic md

$188 2236

South Atlantic md


$145 2087

South Atlantic md washington

$114 1863

South Atlantic md

$112 1839

South Atlantic md worcester


South Atlantic nc

$104 1739

South Atlantic nc

$126 2001

South Atlantic nc

$158 1897

South Atlantic nc

$209 2088

South Atlantic nc

$121 2103

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$103 2000

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$124 2140

South Atlantic nc chatham


South Atlantic nc

$101 2059

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc cumberland


South Atlantic nc davidson

$86 1503

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$57 1385

South Atlantic nc forsyth

$95 2001

South Atlantic nc franklin


South Atlantic nc

$126 2019

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$99 2069

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$159 2024

South Atlantic nc henderson


South Atlantic nc

$92 1993

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc lee

$101 2057

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc lincoln


South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$97 1749

South Atlantic nc

$88 1880

South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$113 1808

South Atlantic nc orange


South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$84 1503

South Atlantic nc

$66 1597

South Atlantic nc rockingham


South Atlantic nc

$104 2014

South Atlantic nc rutherford


South Atlantic nc

$130 1874

South Atlantic nc

$118 1985

South Atlantic nc

$80 1727

South Atlantic nc union


South Atlantic nc


South Atlantic nc

$181 2141

South Atlantic nc wayne

$92 2000

South Atlantic nc

$92 1676

South Atlantic nc wilson

$82 1830

South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc beaufort


South Atlantic sc

$144 2234

South Atlantic sc

$251 2140

South Atlantic sc cherokee

$81 1705

South Atlantic sc

$82 1813

South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc

$119 1776

South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc lancaster


South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc

$89 1869

South Atlantic sc richland


South Atlantic sc


South Atlantic sc sumter

$88 1993

South Atlantic sc york


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va arlington


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va

$140 2230

South Atlantic va campbell

$96 1809

South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va

$145 2239

South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va

$64 1841

South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va

South Atlantic va franklin


South Atlantic va frederick

$143 2236

South Atlantic va

$117 1679

South Atlantic va hanover


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va henry

$64 1636

South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va montgomery

$141 2173

South Atlantic va

$123 1620

South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va

$163 1636

South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va

$99 1739

South Atlantic va rockingham


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va


South Atlantic va

$168 1995

South Atlantic va washington


South Atlantic va york


South Atlantic


$117 1895

South Atlantic wv



South Atlantic wv

$94 1824

South Atlantic wv jefferson


South Atlantic wv


South Atlantic wv marion

$91 1682

South Atlantic wv mercer


South Atlantic wv


South Atlantic wv

$93 1800

South Atlantic wv putnam


South Atlantic wv

$78 1818

South Atlantic wv wood




West North Central ia


West North Central ia clinton


West North Central ia

$184 1695

West North Central ia

$109 2098

West North Central ia

$136 2131

West North Central ia linn

$113 1847

West North Central ia polk


West North Central ia

$106 1783

West North Central ia scott


West North Central ia story

$165 1563

West North Central ia warren

$180 1634

West North Central ia

$103 1838

West North Central ks


West North Central ks douglas


West North Central ks johnson


West North Central ks

$118 2170

West North Central ks

$68 1715

West North Central ks

$99 1993

West North Central ks


West North Central ks


West North Central ks


West North Central ks


West North Central mn

$150 2077

West North Central mn


West North Central mn


West North Central mn

$159 1879

West North Central mn clay


West North Central mn

$159 1983

West North Central mn


West North Central mn

$133 1915

West North Central mn

$184 2256

West North Central mn


West North Central mn


West North Central mn

$163 1778

West North Central mn rice


West North Central mn scott


West North Central mn


West North Central mn


West North Central mn

$113 1945

West North Central mn washington


West North Central mn

$97 1952

West North Central mn

$154 2057

West North Central mo boone


West North Central mo


West North Central mo


West North Central mo cass


West North Central mo christian


West North Central mo clay

$125 2179

West North Central mo cole


West North Central mo franklin


West North Central mo greene

$99 1898

West North Central mo jackson


West North Central mo

$85 1824

West North Central mo jefferson

$130 1552

West North Central mo johnson

$94 1788

West North Central mo lincoln

$138 1552

West North Central mo newton

$77 1765

West North Central mo


West North Central mo


West North Central mo


West North Central mo


West North Central mo st. louis


West North Central mo


West North Central nd


West North Central nd cass

$114 2250

West North Central nd

$108 2109

West North Central nd ward


West North Central ne


West North Central ne douglas

$126 2217

West North Central ne hall


West North Central ne lancaster

$139 2167

West North Central ne

$130 2527

West North Central


$145 1991

West North Central sd

$126 1794

West North Central sd




West South Central ar benton


West South Central ar


West South Central ar crawford

$91 1841

West South Central ar


West South Central ar


West South Central ar


West South Central ar jefferson

$53 1674

West South Central ar

$98 1825

West South Central ar

$91 1876

West South Central ar pulaski

$101 1975

West South Central ar saline


West South Central ar


West South Central ar washington


West South Central ar

$85 1813

West South Central la

$83 1722

West South Central la

$134 2047

West South Central la


West South Central la

$94 1841

West South Central la

$116 1992

West South Central la


West South Central la

$77 1880

West South Central la jefferson

$134 1854

West South Central la lafayette

$126 1946

West South Central la


West South Central la livingston

$119 1893

West South Central la


West South Central la

$106 1967

West South Central la


West South Central la st. charles

$125 2057

West South Central la

$83 1834

West South Central la


West South Central la st. mary


West South Central la


West South Central la

$109 1838

West South Central la


West South Central la

$89 1820

West South Central la


West South Central ok

$121 1938

West South Central ok carter

$91 1780

West South Central ok cherokee

$88 1722

West South Central ok cleveland


West South Central ok


West South Central ok


West South Central ok garfield

$89 1760

West South Central ok

$82 1816

West South Central ok


West South Central ok

$73 1581

West South Central ok

$123 2256

West South Central ok

$92 1862

West South Central ok


West South Central ok

$90 1801

West South Central ok

$101 1944

West South Central ok

$106 2388

West South Central ok

$104 1969

West South Central ok washington

$70 1963

West South Central

$97 1978

West South Central tx

$147 2012

West South Central tx bell


West South Central tx

$128 2242

West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$119 2339

West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$127 1685

West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$154 2338

West South Central tx


West South Central tx dallas

$174 2118

West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$137 2243

West South Central tx el paso


West South Central tx


West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$149 1977

West South Central tx

$121 2001

West South Central tx

$99 2249

West South Central tx


West South Central tx hardin

$106 2115

West South Central tx harris

$131 2368

West South Central tx harrison

$99 2014

West South Central tx


West South Central tx henderson

$132 1964

West South Central tx


West South Central tx


West South Central tx hunt


West South Central tx jefferson

$99 2017

West South Central tx johnson


West South Central tx

$124 2201

West South Central tx


West South Central tx liberty

$115 1859

West South Central tx

$106 2193

West South Central tx

$116 2017

West South Central tx midland


West South Central tx montgomery


West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$136 1845

West South Central tx orange

$94 1881

West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$94 1802

West South Central tx

$118 2170

West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$84 1934

West South Central tx

$124 1834

West South Central tx


West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$117 1937

West South Central tx

$119 1941

West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$115 2025

West South Central tx walker


West South Central tx


West South Central tx

$81 1790

West South Central tx williamson


West South Central tx

$143 2237


al County or 2019 Source:

co ar
2019 County Data (n=978) Excel F

il me nv ri story
County level measures are based on averages
Region State med

ia in rice median square feet
East North Central ada ms $135 $88 1598

pa $191 $107 1760
cole $93 $65 1591

ok $314,629 $166 1442
de $21 $108 1844
dupage $412,547 $181 2203

nd $254,322 $118 1936
henry $110 $69 1449

ks $99 $64 1620

ne $321,961 $136 2329

ak $151 $96 1577
kendall $266 $119 2140
knox $106 $67 1590
la $127 $84 1482
lake $408,310 $159 2529
ma $106,893 $61 1749
macoupin $94 1494
madison $128 $82
mchenry $279,481 $124 2173

lea $157 $89 1780
ogle $178 $90 1867
peoria $127,413 $71 1811
rock island $121 1440

ga mo $145 $81 1781
st. clair $156 1767
stephenson $106,561 $60 1704

az $138 $78 1803

mi $78,821 $54

hi id $103 1457
wi $289,846 $132 2181
williamson $130 $76 1651
winnebago $133 1676
allen $212 $98 1927
bartholomew $280,054 $101 2712
boone $44 3700
clark $249,307 1876
dearborn $220,555 $95 1


wa $107,724 1540
elkhart $198 $92 2117
fl $232 $105 2098
grant $75 $53 1510
hamilton $378,444 $115 3483

nc $322,137 3098
hendricks $290,093 2662
$83 $57 1545

ward $124,139 $77 1571

oh $274 2641

sc $252,047 $131 1864
la porte $251 $114 1898
$215 $111 1902
lawrence $155 $87 1745
$105,965 $63 1709
marion $210,745 2126
monroe $310,446 $137 2113
morgan $235 $104 2267
porter $309,355 2401
st. joseph $173 1839

ca $260 2255
va $129 1695
vigo $94,994 1606
warrick $253,514 2413
wayne $91 1541
allegan $302,151 1913
barry $226 $116 1928
bay $102 1434
berrien $33 $146 2131
calhoun $149 $85 1686
cass $247 1707
clinton $242 1

eaton $200 $100 1914
genesee $175,373 1585
grand traverse $354,811 $194 1696
ingham $157,511 1628
ionia $173,249 1792

bell $162,376 1751
jackson $161
kalamazoo $247,848 $113 2067
kent $294,443
lapeer $250,866 $140 1854
lenawee $172 1626
livingston $320,810 1969
macomb $227 1654
marquette $197,664 1498
midland $194,042 1786
$200,123 $117 1721
montcalm $165 1678
muskegon $186
oakland $356,046 2141
ottawa $317,160 $148 2118
saginaw $135,287 1581
shiawassee $148,682 1512
$220,498 $125 1674
$190 1847
van buren $288,037
washtenaw $386,643 2005
$129,273 1327
ashland $145,082 1556
ashtabula $136,560 1539
athens $169 $68 1090
belmont $119,143 1546

ut $236,344 1582
$122 1471
clermont $305,466 1828
columbia $123 1505
cuyahoga $167 1722
darke $114,255 $74 1563
$440,864 $143 3099
erie $220,

956 1726
fairfield $241,069 1961
franklin $277 1822
geauga $361,668 2758
greene $219,241 1679
$212,813 1934
huron $137,148 $80 1667
jefferson $97 1405
$136,922 $86 1574

king $247,030 1963
lorain $193 1816
lucas $135,854
mahoning $130,292 $72 1597
$99,970 1446
medina $295,120 2392
miami $224,955 1744
montgomery $135,456 1485
muskingum $178,592 1833
pickaway $187 1795
portage $222 1976
richland $124,954 $79 1552
ross $147 1473

ky $121,552 1633
scioto $116,585
seneca $111,671 1632
stark $167,376
summit $143,028 1531
trumbull $105,326 $62 1532
tuscarawas $147,157 1503
union $251,187
warren $361,191 1941
washington $179 1866
wood $246,079 2075
brown $290,112 1984
calumet $193,293 1789
chippewa $226,137 1720
$272,602 1968
dane $372,965 $168 2132
dodge $229,174 1736
douglas $202,147 1588
eau claire $230 1880
fond du lac $172,589 1682
$166,765 1877
$284,994 $144 1988
kenosha $277,265 $141 1840
la crosse $265 2127
manitowoc $156,276
marathon $206 2012
milwaukee $170 $120
outagamie $288,793 2079
ozaukee $495,568 $176 2472
$217 2037
racine $265,164 1701
$218 1802
sauk $252,807 1832
sheboygan $242,461 1643
st. croix $325,794 $158 2094
walworth $331 1879
$338,276 2116
waukesha $45 2451
$224,277 1818
$165,051 1817
East South Central autauga $222,915 2268
baldwin $343,107 1991
blount $196 1862
$139 1699
coffee $180 1945
colbert $174 2025
cullman $230,323 2043
dale $132,211 $73 1739
elmore $230,043 2045
etowah $171 2051
houston $187,302 2082
$182,322 2003
$236,029 1762
lauderdale $200,476
lee $283,911 2381
limestone $262,265 2368
$272,291 2588

hall $231,376 2307
mobile $179,192 1830
$198,906 2070
$208,151 2236
russell $171,943 2027
shelby $337,981 2466
$227,248 1859
talladega $164 1810
tuscaloosa $234,492 1808
walker $155,773 1813
$303 1357
boyd $131,828 1845
bullitt $263 1964
campbell $266,046 1331
christian $157,317 1641
daviess $200,036 1885
fayette $307 2308
$215,678 1937
hardin $215,134
henderson $169,269
hopkins $136,254 1730
$272,991 2059
jessamine $313,381 2492
kenton $239 1176
laurel $185,918 1938
mccracken $173,171 1967
oldham $390,609 2818
pulaski $181,216
scott $284,542 2291
desoto $272,396 2446
forrest $138,286 $56 1358
$222,636 1

harris $215,519 1942
hinds $160 1983
$173,821 1896
jones $162,864 1891
lafayette $272,587 1705
lamar $229,208 1765
$150 1985
$217,755 2305
lowndes $172,746 1

$383,014 2823
oktibbeha $256 1675
pearl river $188
rankin $269 2228
tn anderson $243,971 2057
bradley $248,360 2179
carter $161,777
$245,765 2093
cumberland $244,879 2030
davidson $368 $204 1954
dickson $266,698
hamblen $204,633 2077
$318 $134 2320
hawkins $173,769 1680
$291,508 2189
$303,574 $126 2406
loudon $376 2647
$169,445 1978
maury $320,556 2299
mcminn $179,252 1800
$258,870 2273
putnam $267
roane $275,057 2088
robertson $293,579 2216
rutherford $327,340 2390
sevier $321,584
sullivan $203 2038

mn $349,224 2431
$250,241 $112
$638,563 3314
wilson $390,161 $153 2606
Mid Atlantic nj atlantic $254,825 1029
burlington $260,771 1851

md $197,939
cape may $439,536
gloucester $208,161 1757
hudson $536 $287 697
hunt $500,731 $58
mercer $350,771

nm $529,960 1290
ocean $335,442 1470
salem $138,696 1529
Mountain cochise $200,261
coconino $471,580 2217
gila $360,235 1944
maricopa $394,964 2249
mohave $304,891
navajo $300,469 $163 1926
pima $291,769
pinal $253,131 2013
yavapai $457,534
yuma $228 1684
adams $418,735 2576
arapahoe $450,405 2527
boulder $620,894 2687
broomfield $598,153 3517
denver $534,393 $330
$595,512 3945
eagle $699,443
el paso $421,507 3050
garfield $611,190 2445
$542,946 $213 2728
la plata $540,468 $261 2092
larimer $446,208 2661
mesa $348,958 $177 1966
pueblo $260,652 2078
weld $417,120 2953
$399,254 $184 2285
bannock $255,125 2506
bonneville $283,417 2814

ny $287,786 2024
kootenai $452,679 2234
twin falls $265,805 2011
mt cascade $237 2111
flathead $485,857 2242
gallatin $601,894 2323
lewis $318,840
missoula $404,510 2196
yellowstone $281 2302
bernalillo $266,025 2031
chaves $201
curry $174,715 1814
dona ana $223,966
eddy $257,083 1909
$186,791 1798
mckinley $134,150 1534
otero $190,429
san juan $217,747 1870
sandoval $304,791 2271
santa fe $581,955
valencia $231,239 2034
carson city $384,714 1846
$319,031 1838
$679,476 $299 2347
elko $290,651
lyon $328,101 1855
washoe $46 $233 2115
cache $318,946 2783
davis $398,894 3101
salt lake $446,480 2767
tooele $336,615 2951
utah $397,203 3234
$408,547 2243
weber $370,096 2629
wy laramie $324,248 2545
natrona $238 2125
New England $724,202 2792
hartford $259,886 1783
litchfield $340 2095
middlesex $341,102
new haven $269,282
new london $287,111 1788
tolland $272,660 1923
windham $248,929
barnstable $585,351 $326 1850
berks $382,260 2020
bristol $399,873 $214 1852
essex $572,158 $278
hampden $248,696 1702
hampshire $355,241
$672,230 $311 2206
norfolk $615,463
plymouth $512,298
suffolk $791,997 $747 1263
worcester $370,672 $189 2004
androscoggin $211,057
kennebec $220,247
penobscot $163,364 1589
york $375,425
nh belknap $320,240 1856
cheshire $265,848
grafton $259,876 1799
hillsborough $364,633 2103
merrimack $319,232 2107
rockingham $463,039 2076
strafford $321,442 1900
$321,320 1542
newport $592,883 $315 2014
providence $288,048 1518
vt chittenden $392,802 2087
rutland $236,610
$297,669 1860
windsor $345,111 2149
Northeast albany $281,249 1797
bronx $427,117 $296
broome $131,855
cattaraugus $135,298 1631
cayuga $186,136 1746
chautauqua $154 1657
chemung $117,456 $70 1737
$174,485 1703
cortland $131,780
dutchess $364,519
$227,812 1758
$160,581 1630
fulton $157,226
$133,808 1650
herkimer $162,324 1604
$171,872 1669
kings $876,633 $564
$162,244 1809
$209 1796
new york $1,653,763 $1,084
niagara $150,731 1575
oneida $147,325 1622
onondaga $216,485 $109
ontario $286,184 1842
orange $328,568
oswego $137,140 1592
otsego $205 1857
rensselaer $239,983
richmond $621,669 $369
rockland $509,121
saratoga $368,991 2039
schenectady $220,414 1731
st. lawrence $126,311
steuben $144,738
tioga $148,282 1848
tompkins $274,364 2083
ulster $325,801 2000
$291,671 1738
$188,813 1623

chester $706 2244
allegheny $206,167 1273
armstrong $125,633 1113
beaver $174,017 1200
$225,035 1931
blair $134,383 892
bradford $165,202
bucks $459,154 $183 2398
cambria $82,540 1367
carbon $153,249 1530
centre $290,390
$454,103 2605
clearfield $114,189 1635
crawford $129,137 1481
$258,861 2096
dauphin $189,358 1981
$300,916 1843
$153,398 1448
$140,833 1179
indiana $134,800 1068
lackawanna $160,692 1884
lancaster $289,479
$110,900 1297
lebanon $241,939 1921
lehigh $248,624
luzerne $157,000 1805
lycoming $159,037 1742
mifflin $121,528 1435
$184,816 1853
$386,052 2275
northampton $258,945 1940
northumberland $109,648 1579
philadelphia $247,542 1215
pike $183,685 2047
schuylkill $86,549 1533
somerset $143,741 1402
venango $89,051 1463
$203,317 1329
Pacific anchorage $334,445
fairbanks north star $223,946 1636
matanuska-susitna $292,274
alameda $830,040 1538
butte $351,702
contra costa $66 $395
el dorado $554,205 2109
fresno $322,779 1881
humboldt $382,849
imperial $269,719 1756
kern $259,756 1634
$264,535 1747
$320,669 1572
los angeles $773,136 $458
madera $338,649
marin $1,447,907 $659 2167
mendocino $610,038
merced $323,406
monterey $1,001,385 $526 2035
napa $947,171 $522 1952
nevada $513,832
$864,919 $441
placer $578,364 2230
riverside $436,100 2102
sacramento $416,395 1715
san bernardino $363,123
san diego $705,563 $391 1835
san francisco $1,445,761 $998
san joaquin $425,003
san luis obispo $728,005 $381 1901
san mateo $1,539,341 $895
santa barbara $1,182,127 $494 2069
santa clara $1,155,643
santa cruz $958,821 $566 1716
shasta $335,192 1823
solano $480,796
sonoma $756,559 $432 1740
stanislaus $366,161 1826
sutter $341,454
tehama $337,342 1718
tulare $273,571 $152
tuolumne $355,841 1841
ventura $742,686 1993
yolo $514,608
yuba $324,741
hawaii $454,842
honolulu $690,681 $544 1203
kauai $989,707 $616 1602
maui $949,479 $698 1407
benton $460,592
clackamas $531,198 2424
coos $294,311
deschutes $511,295
$327,900 1899
$420,752 1915
josephine $373,068
klamath $262,166
lane $388,033
lincoln $407,277 1824
linn $349,451
$376,187 1992
multnomah $461,456 1834
polk $366,695 2001
umatilla $248,658
$489,592 2158
yamhill $449,835
$364,558 2218
chelan $441,546 1836
clallam $416,343 1980
$453,766 2250
cowlitz $327,255 1919
$314,416 1975
grays harbor $243,317 1492
$714,059 $389 2023
kitsap $468,764 2180
mason $325,196 1763
pierce $436,486 $207 2201
skagit $454,003 1957
snohomish $536,411
spokane $356,158 2363
thurston $401,039
walla walla $372,495 2339
whatcom $440,290
whitman $289,359 2128
yakima $313,651 1977
South Atlantic dc district of columbia $655,169 $491
$269,975 1893
new castle $286,021 1897
sussex $353,402
alachua $270,185 1912
$329,208 1504
brevard $294,446
broward $332,676 1385
charlotte $278,053 1773
citrus $221,791 1820
clay $267,043
collier $472,381
duval $243,107 1794
escambia $253,915 1888
flagler $303,941
hernando $216,955 1863
highlands $186,742
$291,311 2002
indian river $340,863 1714
$280,044 2053
leon $238,980
manatee $352,055 1972
martin $399,471 $199
miami-dade $462,345 1404
$770,864 $488 1468
nassau $379,563 2188
okaloosa $343,641
osceola $284,298 2049
palm beach $396,596
pasco $247,839 1825
pinellas $305,529 1479
santa rosa $303,717 2120
sarasota $372,472
seminole $323,013
st. johns $382,559 2193
st. lucie $266,126 1861
sumter $271,363
volusia $283,880 1770
walton $630,772 2100
barrow $262,795 1965
bartow $242,898 1587
bibb $144,385 1776
bulloch $175,671
carroll $237,594
catoosa $256,744 2264
chatham $294,391 2122
cherokee $362,666 2160
clarke $261,275
clayton $146,217 1223
cobb $367,010
$271,803 2626
coweta $332,076 2518
dekalb $305,229 1474
dougherty $94,042 1619
$244,864 1869
effingham $244,125 2237
$398,649 2880
floyd $197,049 1232
forsyth $411,264 2583
glynn $403,868
gordon $173,811 1478
gwinnett $342,737 2335
$318,603 1787
$222,496 2260
$312,894 2247
laurens $144,982
liberty $166,126 1724
muscogee $149,361
newton $240,862
paulding $255,272 1727
$124,000 1553
rockdale $229,492
spalding $186,299 1772
troup $201,103 2163
$179,640 1685
$296,726 2066
whitfield $204,133 1644
allegany $106,641 1586
anne arundel $453,712 2170
baltimore $296,055
baltimore city $178,327 1344
calvert $391,115
$390,875 2276
cecil $282,609 1872
charles $354,875 2212
frederick $400,122 2337
harford $332,060 2046
$551,391 2752
prince george’s $340,295 1778
queen anne’s $430,039
st. mary $327,106
wicomico $207,198
$323,932 1391
alamance $251,595
beaufort $269,771
brunswick $335,151
buncombe $420,019
burke $255,433
cabarrus $310,038 2437
caldwell $228,280
carteret $355,262 1874
catawba $289,236
$559,114 3286
cleveland $209,871
craven $227,481 1995
$173,568 1697
durham $324,565 1950
edgecombe $75,780
$299,667 2245
gaston $266,086
granville $266,918 2239
guilford $285,108
halifax $174,736 1827
harnett $235,899 2021
haywood $322,438
$409,299 2388
hoke $215,987
iredell $347,668 2659
johnston $269,785 2298
lenoir $127,115 1895
$352,549 2458
mecklenburg $370,131 2361
moore $328,458
nash $178,147

hanover $373,640 2208
onslow $214,996
$430,453 2393
pender $307,999 2272
pitt $218,520 2137
randolph $168,696
robeson $132,465
$158,262 1486
rowan $224,679
$290,510 2048
stanly $263,475
stokes $255,818
surry $186,552
$383,077 2976
wake $399,025 2681
watauga $400,814
wilkes $236,348
aiken $231,794 2222
$439,399 2194
berkeley $294,492
charleston $539,230

arlington $154,214
dorchester $291,880 2254
florence $187,452 1971
georgetown $344,520 1698
horry $243,569
kershaw $258,069 2360
$332,789 2459
lexington $235,722 2251
oconee $323,305 1046
orangeburg $179,352
$224,951 2195
spartanburg $227,150 1349
$335,755 2501
albemarle $525,296 2717
alexandria city $755,142 $393
$850,182 1759
augusta $283,910 2211
bedford $318,865
charlottesville city $514,812 2465
chesapeake city $337,635
chesterfield $356,767 2617
danville city $116,136
fairfax $736,662 2651
fauquier $530,099 $195 2762
$363,838 2482
hampton city $193,468
$392,428 2565
henrico $348,032 2246
james city $388,955 2550
loudoun $640,155 3074
lynchburg city $185,945 1782
newport news city $200,624
norfolk city $228,177 1673
pittsylvania $144,945 1578
portsmouth city $167,630 1511
prince william $444,915 2489
richmond city $257,498
roanoke $255,141 2144
roanoke city $150,956
$281,657 2084
spotsylvania $366,216 2586
stafford $416,133 2787
suffolk city $306,644 2322
virginia beach city $342,483
$257,902 2499
$367,487 2352
wv $231,073
cabell $142 1775
harrison $172,565
$301,143 2379
kanawha $151,533 1774
$131,974 1584
monongalia $277,236 2017
ohio $151,276
$254,693 2296
raleigh $143,884
$150,567 1683
West North Central black hawk $158,543 1465
cerro gordo $164,239 1946
$85,806 1392
dallas $324,550
dubuque $266,367
johnson $287,306
$270,896 1554
pottawattamie $179,943
$266,322 1732
woodbury $210,053
butler $218,919 2338
$312,198 2345
$429,532 2798
leavenworth $277,198
reno $109,259
riley $209,649
saline $160,427 1453
sedgwick $220,668 2233
shawnee $136,752 1755
wyandotte $148,405 1565
anoka $325,052
blue earth $268,619 2186
carver $394,118 2539
chisago $312,124
$237,934 2256
crow wing $307,796
dakota $371,307 2453
goodhue $271,391
hennepin $420,579
olmsted $346,928 2420
otter tail $255,525 1908
ramsey $283,722
$295,653 2044
$394,973 2469
sherburne $318,567 2063
st. louis $196,418 1390
stearns $238,126
$427,144 2502
winona $188,292
wright $309,400
$249,057 2114
buchanan $116,695 1515
cape girardeau $195,301 1639
$281,505 2029
$274,712 2483
$190,977 2104
$229,570 1613
$226,118 1700
jasper $158,798
platte $377,671 2546
saint louis city $162,007 1495
st. charles $310,929 2142
st. francois $155,422 1483
$280,538 1790
taney $203,211 1662
burleigh $295,451 2123
grand forks $231,281
$210,442 2052
buffalo $227,032 2562
$203,694 1496
sarpy $325,800
sd $289,143
minnehaha $232,232
pennington $264,249 2168
West South Central baxter $182,500 1801
$304,148 2405
craighead $212,557 2071
crittenden $134,917 1647
faulkner $219,262 2099
garland $243,108 2090
lonoke $171,685
pope $171,492
$210,296 2042
sebastian $174,283 1979
$278,693 2164
white $152,484
acadia $143,924
ascension $274,176
bossier $241,611 1953
caddo $176,948
calcasieu $233,852
east baton rouge $244,490 1904
iberia $141,713
lafourche $197,887 2269
orleans $353,823 1719
ouachita $211,000
rapides $192,887 1962
st. landry $154,705
st. martin $206,951 1873
$149,927 1615
st. tammany $279,269 2220
tangipahoa $193,717
terrebonne $205,921 2387
vermilion $169,471
vernon $149,020 2091
canadian $228,324
$246,470 2064
comanche $122,440 1600
creek $156,918 1754
grady $151,411
le flore $126,260 1561
muskogee $126,096
oklahoma $274,960
osage $202,280
payne $186,926 1819
pottawatomie $167,316
rogers $201,896
tulsa $265,779
wagoner $200,325
tx angelina $220,833
bastrop $295,765
$230,251 2138
bexar $273,525
bowie $171,775 2009
brazoria $284,575
brazos $273,179 1955
cameron $234,476
collin $397,154 2851
comal $340,529
coryell $179,504 1865
denton $381,417 2722
ector $301,753
$190,628 1889
ellis $317,544 2531
fort bend $337,344 2915
galveston $310,027
grayson $247,694
gregg $214,014
guadalupe $291,359 2418
hays $337,998 2283
hidalgo $195,341 2032
hood $298,734 2205
$204,930 1905
$286,996 2241
kaufman $270,470
kerr $476,515 2700
lubbock $235,121
mclennan $230,693
$374,944 2426
$331,821 2658
nacogdoches $224,778 2061
nueces $257,439
parker $356,222 2493
potter $169,480
randall $260,055
rockwall $349,899 2740
rusk $167,685
san patricio $220,904
smith $287,764 2354
tarrant $303,165 2314
taylor $223,974
tom green $240,282
travis $423,700 2089
victoria $237,757
$224,020 1878
webb $183,576 1784
wichita $139,955
$321,513 2281
wise $325,000


Housing Price Prediction Model for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company 2


Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D.M. Pan Real Estate Company


Southern New Hampshire University

Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D.M. Pan Real Estate Company 1

Module Two Notes

Random sample of 30 from the Mountain region.



Standard deviation

Median Square Feet




Median Listing Price




The predictor variable is the median square feet and the response variable is the median listing price.

The regression equation on this graph is Y = 74.683X + 204027

Regression Equation

The regression equation on this graph is Y = 204027 + 74.683X.

(median listing price) Y = 204027 + 74.638X (median sq feet).

Determine r

The meaning of r is to show the strength of the correlation between two variables.

R2 = 0.0446 so r = 0.211187.

Zybooks (2019) shows a table explaining how to determine strength of correlation below.

Based on the fact that r = 0.211187, the strength of the correlation is weak. r is positive, so the direction between the variables is positive.

Examine the Slope and Intercepts

The slope is 204027. The intercept is 74.683X. Based on the slope, land is worth $204,027.

R-squared Coefficient

The purpose of R-squared is to tell you what percentage of data is closest to the regression line. Using R-squared is helpful because you can determine how accurate the regression line is to predicting the value of the response variable. In this particular analysis, R-squared = 0.0446. This means that only 4.46% of the data I used is closest to the regression line and fits the model. So, the rest of the data, 95.54%, is farther from the regression line. R-squared explains that the regression line is not very useful in this analysis.


In conclusion, the lower the square feet the lower the listing price will be. However, because only 4% of my data is closest to the regression line I would recommend the sales team at D.M. Pan Real Estate Company consider some other variables that can have a significant effect on selling prices. I recommend considering variables like quality of the neighborhood, for example, which would factor in nearby schools or walkability to grocery stores and malls. The graph best for this kind of analysis is a box plot because it depicts a much clearer image of the medians.


ZyBooks. (2016). MAT 240: Applied Statistics. Zyante. ISBN: 978-1-394-04892-2

Median Square Feet and Median Listing Price

Listing Price

1792.375 1943.8511904999998 1765.4523808333333 2026.9821429166666 2216.0773810000001 2575.8035713333334 2687.3809523333334 1679.6666666666667 1765.3154761666665 2445.1726190833333 2092.4821428333335 2953.3452380833332 2505.7083332500001 2024.0476190833335 2011.3690476666668 2241.7142856666665 2173.2857143333335 2301.5476189999999 1944.36309525 1797.7142858333334 1821.8928572499999 2271.2678570833336 2033.5297620000001 1837.6011904166669 1935.61309525 2115.0357143333335 3101.0654761666665 2950.8392856666669 2243.2619047499998 2544.5416666666665 200260.64881666665 360235.11904166668 304891.14880000002 291768.57738333335 457533.88691666658 418734.79762499995 620894.32739166671 534393.24404999998 699442.85713333322 611189.88095000002 540468.00595000002 417120.20832500001 255125 287786.03570833331 265805.3571416667 485857.14285833336 318840.47619166668 281365.47619166668 223966.2321416667 186790.83333333334 190429.16666666666 304790.68452499999 231238.77976666667 319031.48215 290651.14880833332 467923.03572500002 398894.40476666664 336614.95832500001 408546.97618333326 324247.51189999998

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