Statement of Need for DoD Prostate Cancer, Health Disparity Research Award

 Using the same grant opportunity as the Logic Model assignment, students will develop a thoughtful and compelling statement of need that provides current and relevant research on the issue(s) of interest and detailed information about the context in which the grant would be used. Given that grants often include specific page and word limits, the Statement of Need should between 750 and 1,000 words (excluding references). The Statement should also be single-spaced and may include appropriate, student generated tables, figures and/or charts. This is the section of a grant proposal where the applicant is making the case that that he or she is an expert on the issue and has thoughtfully considered the nature and extent of the need he or she aims to address with the grant program. Therefore, this section should be convincing and persuasive while being accurate and accessible. Consideration should be given to the types and sources of information that can be used to help make your case. I have attached a copy of the grants I used. Pick one of the grants to complete the statement of need. 

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Title of Grant: FY 2021 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

Funding Organization: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Total Funding Available: Up to $16,950,000

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Number of Awards Given: 1

Application Deadline(s): April 23, 2021

Required Application Materials: Applicant must submit a proposal under this competition to administer all Leadership Institutes, the Summit, the PDEs, the Reciprocal Exchange component, and follow-on alumni activities.

Eligible Entities: U.S. public and private non-profit organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 USC 501(c)(3) may submit applications for this competition.

Duration of Award: November 30, 2025

Decision Date: June 1, 2021

Grant Purpose(s)/Objective(s): The Fellowship aims to build the skills of young African leaders to improve the accountability and transparency of government, start and expand their own businesses, and serve their communities.

Other Pertinent Information: A Cooperative Agreement will be awarded for a period of 18 months (base year) with Non-Competitive Continuations for two additional 18 month periods (non-competitive continuation years one and two).

Contact Individual(s): Please contact Program Officer Jessica Zanikos, Office of Academic Exchange Programs, ECA/A/E/USS, SA-5, 4th floor, U.S. Department of State, 2200 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20037, telephone: 202-374-6991, email:

Title of Grant: Historically Black Colleges and Universities – Undergraduate Program

Funding Organization: National Science Foundation

Total Funding Available: $55,000,000

Number of Awards Given: 115

Application Deadline(s): November 21, 2021

Required Application Materials: A Full Proposal

Eligible Entities: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: – HBCU-UP Proposals: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that are accredited and offer undergraduate educational degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Duration of Award: December 14, 2024

Decision Date: March 22, 2022

Grant Purpose(s)/Objective(s): Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that are accredited and offer undergraduate educational degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Other Pertinent Information: This program provides educational opportunities for Undergraduate Students. This program provides indirect funding for students at this level or focuses on educational developments for this group such as curricula development, training or retention. To inquire about possible funding opportunities not directly from NSF, please look at the active awards for this program.

Contact Individual(s): NSF support:

Title of Grant: DoD Prostate Cancer, Health Disparity Research Award

Funding Organization: Dept. of the Army — USAMRAA

Total Funding Available: $10,800,000

Number of Awards Given: 9

Application Deadline(s): July 29, 2021

Required Application Materials: Submission is a two-step process requiring both pre-application ( and full application ( or

Eligible Entities: Unrestricted, All organizations, including foreign organizations, foreign public entities, and international organizations, are eligible to apply.

Duration of Award: September 30, 2027

Decision Date: September 30, 2022

Grant Purpose(s)/Objective(s): The PCRP seeks to promote highly innovative, groundbreaking research; high-impact research with near-term clinical relevance; the next generation of prostate cancer investigators through mentored research; and resources that will facilitate translational research.

Other Pertinent Information: The CDMRP expects to allot approximately $10.8M to fund approximately nine FY21 Health Disparity Research Award applications.

Contact Individual(s):

CDMRP Help Desk

Phone: 301-682-5507


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