Statement of Ethics and Rationale Paper

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Select a business organization to complete this assignment on ethical considerations in the current business environment.

Research changes in the company or its policies over the last 10 years.

Determine how changes were influenced by the most recent global economic developments and assess the ethical issues related to the decisions made by the company or policymakers.

Research statements of ethics for various business and political groups.

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Assume the role of a senior staff member of the chosen company or policymaking group and consider the following scenario: As a senior staff member at the chosen company or policymaking group, you must analyze the influences of ethics and legal exposure to the organization and provide appropriate advice to its management group.

Create a 350- to 700-word Statement of Ethics in which you provide an outline of the organization’s ideals as well as the rules employees are expected to follow for your chosen company or policymaking group.

Write a 750- to 1,050-word Memorandum to the CEO or president of your chosen organization.

Describe the process by which this statement of ethics should be reviewed and revised.

Consider the public nature of this document and how stakeholders, competitors, and other interested parties may receive and react to it.

Consider management hierarchies and how this information is to be disseminated through your organization and to the public.

Support your choice and the advice given with findings from your readings and research.

Note: Submit one paper with two separate sections. The first section must include the Statement of Ethics and the second section must include the memorandum to the CEO or President.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

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