stance paragraph

how do i start a stance paragraph? it’s for a compare and contrast essay. i just need the first sentence.

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Introductory paragraph

Antigone by Sophocles and A Rasin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansbury are comparative. They are

both families grappling with known or unknown privilege; another way they are close is that they both

accuse or are accused by a third party. A Rasin in the Sun is about a family that gets a check for

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10,000$, and several members of the family become greedy or obsessed with their ideas and dreams of

having a better life. Antigone is a story, and a sister named Antigone deciding to bury her brother, who

one of Antigones brothers left to rot after his kingdom disowned him. She is then caught burying him a

sentenced to death. At the same time, the story of Antigone is about a sister getting justice for a brother

who was deemed unworthy. A Raisin in the sun is a family who, by nature, is considered unfit is still

tried through many situations that prove their worthiness through the choices they make show how being

given choices can lead to good or bad choices and decisions.

Body paragraph 1

Accusations can cause good and bad decisions, and people make accusations to show power and

deflect fate. Kreon makes accusations against Antigone, and she makes them back, foreshadowing what

will happen to him. The younger family it ARITS make accusations to one another and other people

because they are trying to deflect their issues and decisions they decide to make. This quote is Antigone

tells her sister how the king wronged their brother. “its kreon. The way he’s treated our brothers. Hasn’t

he buried one with honor? But he’s charmed the other. Disgraced him!”(pg:13) Identifying this section

‘but he’s charmed the other, disgraced him!’ these words are tone in that the language used is strong and

to the point. In ARITS, Beneatha tells Walter that the money is mama’s and not his money. “That money

belongs to Mama, Walter, and it’s for her to decide how she wants to use it.”(pg:36) Talking about the

money shows diction, and it shows how Walter views the money and how he wishes it was his.

Another example is when Antigone tells kreon that people don’t like his ruling. “but they do. To

please you they bite their tongues.”(pg:38) These words ‘to please you they bite their tongues.” is tone

because the author shows how the people view kreon. The last example of accusations is in ARITS

when Beneatha tells mama and ruth about how she doesn’t like George. “that’s up to George. If he’s

ashamed of his heritage-”(pg:80) The words ‘if he’s ashamed of his heritage’ show diction in that it

shows a point in how George expresses himself compared to the younger’s family.

Word count:271

Body paragraph 2

Antigone, Kreon, and the younger family grapple with known and unknown privilege and

entitlement. Kreon and Antigone grapple with known privilege, while the Younger family grapples with

unknown entitlement. Antigone tells kreon that he doesn’t have that much power and that she didn’t care

that she was banished away to death.“really? By Olympos above, I hear you. And I can assure you,

you’re going to suffer the consequences of your attacks.”(pg:54) The keywords that are strong with

diction are ‘you’re going to suffer the consequences of your attacks’ because they express diction. After

all, Antigone is telling kreon a point and will surely pay for what he is doing. Showing a form of

entitlement is when Mrs.johnson tells Mama about what she read in the newspaper. “Ain’t it something

how bad these here white folks is getting here in Chicago! Lord, getting so you think you right down in

Mississippi!”(pg:100) This quote shows mood in how Mrs.Johnson says that and how the setting shows

how that’s very realistic and demonstrates how attitude affects the scene. Kreon is grappling with too

much power, and his son Hamion tells kreon that what he’s doing is wrong but won’t tell him to Kreon’s

face because that could get him killed. “Take care. You’re standing on the knifes edge of fate.”(pg:67)

This quote shows mood in how Kreon’s son is telling kreon what he is doing is wrong and how there

will be consequences, it shows perspective in how the tension is the setting and the attitude of Hamion.

The last piece of evidence I have is when Beneatha talked about her brother saying he was a fool, and

Mama wondered what she was talking about. “Not crazy. Brother isn’t really crazy yet—he— he’s an

elaborate neurotic.”(pg:49) The analysis for this quote is Beneatha saying her brother isn’t crazy, yet

shows diction in showing how Walter is starting to seem like he’s going off the rails.

Word count:322

Body paragraph 3


One time I was once accused of doing something I did not do and I then accused that person
back, it felt hurtful to accuse someone back but I didn’t do it so I had to. I was accused of
breaking something I didn’t break.

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