stakeholder engagement


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Time allowed

Assessment No


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Assessment Type

Stakeholder Engagement


Due Date

Week 7


Details of Subject


BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management

Subject Name

Stakeholder Engagement

Details of Unit(s) of competency

Unit Code (s) and Names

BSBPMG621 Facilitate stakeholder engagement

Details of Student

Student Name


Student ID

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks. I am also aware of my right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and reassessment procedure were explained to me.


Signature: ___________________


Date: _____/_____/________


Details of Assessor



Assessment Outcome

Assessment Result

|_| Competent |_| Not Yet Competent



Feedback to Student

Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student.

|_| Student attended the feedback session.

|_| Student did not attend the feedback session.

Signature: ___________________
Date: _____/_____/________

Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:



Not Yet Competent


BSBPMG621 Facilitate stakeholder engagement

1.1 Identify and document program stakeholders and their communication needs as they apply to the given program of work

1.2 Engage with pertinent stakeholders and agree on communication approaches in accordance with organisational policies and procedures

1.3 Communicate information as planned and address identified variances

1.4 Monitor communication interfaces among constituent projects, aligning to relevant program objectives

2.1 Investigate, document, and consider the interests and expectations of pertinent stakeholders when making program decisions

2.2 Develop and implement approaches to influence ongoing stakeholder commitment, in accordance with organisational policies and procedures

2.3 Accommodate differing stakeholder interests and expectations, escalating where necessary

2.4 Share evolving stakeholder interests and expectations across the program

3.1 Conduct analysis of interactions with pertinent stakeholders and document outcomes to reach desired outcomes

3.2 Assess effectiveness of stakeholder interaction in line with program objectives and organisational policies and procedures

3.3 Develop plan for future stakeholder engagement based on findings of analysis conducted

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.

Resources required for this Assessment

1. Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet

1. Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions

Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully

· This assessment has to be completed |X| In class |X| At home

· The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
· Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
· Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
· If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
· Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook).

Stakeholder engagement and communication plan – 100%

Assessment Brief (Individual Assessment): Develop a stakeholder engagement and communication plan


Note: The organisational details used in this assessment have been sourced (and to some extent paraphrased) from the organisation’s website and other relevant documents of the organisation. The information used here is solely for educational purpose.

Stakeholder engagement – A Kellogg’s case study

Introduction to Organisation:

The Kellogg Company is the world’s leading producer of cereals. For more than 100 years, Kellogg’s has been a leader in health and nutrition through providing consumers with a wide variety of food products. Kellogg’s market leading position and reputation is built on its commitment to ethical business practices and its values-based culture. Business values identify the beliefs that the company holds to be the most important. These values then guide decision making and shape the way the organisation behaves. For Kellogg’s, these are referred to as K-Values. Kellogg’s K-Values guide the way the company interacts with all of its stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals, groups and organisations that have an interest in the decisions a company makes and the products that it produces. They also, depending on their power, affect how businesses perform. Kellogg’s products are manufactured in 18 countries and are sold in more than 180 countries. This means Kellogg’s has to manage its relationships with a variety of stakeholders around the world. The diagram identifies Kellogg’s key stakeholder groups.

Kellogg’s long-term business plans, known as strategies, focus on engaging with its stakeholders to ensure their needs are being met. For Kellogg’s, this means ensuring the highest ethical standards and sustainable business practices. Kellogg’s has a Global Code of Ethics governing how it deals with

stakeholders across the world. A sustainable business is one which focuses on minimising any negative impact to the environment to ensure future generations can prosper. Kellogg’s vision and core purpose outline what the company wants to achieve. They guide the organisation’s decision-making processes to help meet the expectations of its stakeholders. Kellogg’s vision, which was refreshed in 2012, sets out the company’s main aim which is ‘To enrich and delight the world through foods and brands that matter.’

Kellogg’s Global Employer Brand:

Kellogg’s invests heavily in its employees and future employees. Kellogg’s global employer brand communicates the K-Values and the wide range of benefits that Kellogg’s employees receive. Kellogg’s refreshed company vision and purpose were a direct result of feedback from employees. A company’s vision and values must be ‘lived’ by its employees for them to incorporate them into their decisions and actions. Kellogg’s seeks to manage its employer brand in the same way that it manages its product brands. Just as the company uses market research to identify what its consumers want, it uses employee research to find out the needs and opinions of its employees through, for example, an employee survey. The 2012 survey involved 20,000 employees across the globe (with a 75% response rate). This information was used to improve processes to engage employees. For example, employees requested to be able to communicate more openly so Kellogg’s created a feedback training programme for all employees.


Kellogg’s business strategy is stakeholder-focused. The company’s decisions and actions are all made with the best interest of its stakeholders at the heart. Engaging with both internal and external stakeholders creates two-way communication that brings benefits to both Kellogg’s and to each stakeholder group. Although Kellogg’s engagement initiatives have huge cost implications for the company, they yield huge benefits to the communities and stakeholders as well as to Kellogg’s in order to demonstrate that it’s a responsible business.

Kellogg’s uses its size as a force for good. Its stakeholder engagement focuses on supporting its CSR activity, such as its breakfast clubs and support for food banks around the world. These initiatives support the company’s vision and, through living the K-Values, enable its employees to continue to improve the lives of its global stakeholders.

Information about Kellogg’s Australia (


KELLOG’S PRIVACY POLICY in BRIEF: (sourced from their website)

About this policy

Kellogg (Aust) Pty Ltd (ABN 30 004 110 105) (“Kellogg”) is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) and complies with the APPs as required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Kellogg is committed to protecting and maintaining your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information we may collect, and how we use, hold and disclose this personal information. This Privacy Policy also sets out how you can contact us to access or correct your personal information, ask questions or make a complaint. This Privacy Policy includes examples but is not intended to be restricted in its application to such examples. Accordingly, where the word ‘including’ is used, it will mean ‘including without limitation’. From time to time, our information handling processes will be reviewed and updated, and we will update this Privacy Policy accordingly. Kellogg will notify you of any updates to this Privacy Policy by posting an updated version of the Privacy Policy on our website. Please check this Privacy Policy periodically for updates. Alternatively, you can contact us (see below) to receive an updated hard copy. All personal information held by Kellogg will be governed by Kellogg’s most recent Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Kellogg website following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy indicates that you accept those changes.


This Privacy Policy is based on the Australian Privacy Principles. Unless you provide us with your consent to do otherwise, Kellogg will only collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy. Kellogg approaches communications with individuals with respect for, and commitment to, individual privacy rights, and the different sensibilities of our child consumers. We support active self-regulation of this environment to ensure that responsible marketers can maintain the right to use communication media to interact with our consumers.

In summary, whilst you should read each provision in this Privacy Policy, by providing your personal information to Kellogg:

· you agree that if you disclose your personal information to us, we may create a database record of information about you and use the information for the purposes set out below, including notifying you of any prizes awarded to you in a promotion you have entered or communicating relevant product information or offers to you

· we may contact you for the purpose of handling an enquiry or complaint you have raised

· you may contact us via the methods set out below if you want to know what personal information we hold about you, update that personal information, opt out of receiving communications from us or ask us questions about this Privacy Policy.

Other useful links:
Health and Wellbeing (
Community engagement initiatives(
Brands (

For this assessment you may select a project/program of the organisation from the case study or a project/program of an organisation of your choice. The hypothetical situation is that you work for that organisation and you are required to prepare a plan for stakeholder engagement which will highlight to areas which are effective communication with stakeholders and ways of facilitating commitments made to stakeholders. For the plan you are required to research about the industry, examine and analyse the possible stakeholders for the business, make effective stakeholder engagement and interaction plan. You are expected to do your own external secondary research as you will need to identify the internal and external stakeholders, identify engagement models and their benefits and application.
You will be required to use the template/structure as provided below. Marking criteria and weights for each section are also provided within the structure.

**Note: This is an individual assessment and student’s assessment will be graded as “Not Yet Competent” if found similar to any other assessment.

Structure, Template and Marking Criteria for the Consumer Analysis Report & Design of Direct Response Offer:

1. Identify all the possible program stakeholders and their communication needs (15 marks)
2. Stakeholder Analysis for Effective Engagement (15 marks)
3. Stakeholder Interaction (15 marks)
4. Stakeholder Engagement (20 marks)
5. Develop and Implement initiatives for your ongoing stakeholder commitments (20 marks)
6. Identify stakeholder conflict and suggest possible resolution (12 marks)
7. References used (2 mark)
8. Appendix (1 mark)





1. Identify all the possible program stakeholders and their communication needs


2. Stakeholder Analysis for Effective Engagement


3. Stakeholder Interaction


4. Stakeholder Engagement


5. Develop and Implement initiatives for your ongoing stakeholder commitments


6. Identify stakeholder conflict and suggest possible resolution


7. References used


8. Appendix




TASK 1: Identify all the possible program stakeholders and their communication needs (15 Marks)
You answer should include:
· The type of stakeholders (all possible internal stakeholders and all possible external stakeholders)
· Identify and mention their communication needs
· Identify and mention their interest and expectations for effective communication
· Provide examples of communication both formal and informal which will be required for the types of stake holders

Type of stakeholders:

Identify and mention their communication needs:

Identify and mention their interest and expectations for effective communication:

Provide examples of communication both formal and informal which will be required for the types of stake holders:

TASK 2: Stakeholder Analysis for Effective Engagement (15 Marks)

Based on the above identified stakeholders, prepare a stakeholder matrix where the two variables are level of influence of stakeholder and importance of the stakeholder to the program (refer to lecture notes in E-Learning). You are also required to highlight:
· Objective of stakeholder matrix
· Method of analysis
· Strength and weakness of this matrix
· Tools and time required to prepare the matrix
· Use and outcome of the matrix (such as can help develop action plan)

Objective of stakeholder matrix:

Methods of analysis:

Strengths and weaknesses of the matrix:

Tools and time required to prepare the matrix:

Use and outcome of the matrix (such as can help develop action plan):

TASK 3: Stakeholder Interaction (15 Marks)
Stakeholder interaction by building two-way relationships with stakeholders, is essential build trust between stakeholders. Use your workplace example to identify:
· Identify communication approaches with relevant stakeholders
· Highlight methods, means and media of communication used to communicate with identified stakeholders and provide examples
· Identify your workplace communication skills required for effective communication with the stakeholders identified above
· With use of workplace example, mention your ways of monitoring and documentation of communication over relevant programs

Identify communication approaches with relevant stakeholders:

Highlight methods, means and media of communication used to communicate with identified stakeholders and provide examples:

Identify your workplace communication skills required for effective communication with the stakeholders identified above:

With use of workplace example, mention your ways of monitoring and documentation of communication over relevant programs:

TASK 4: Stakeholder Engagement (20 Marks)
Based on the above identified stakeholders you are required to outline:
· The stakeholder engagement model
· The applications of stakeholder engagement
· The benefits and drawbacks of the applications
· Use example to highlight your ways of accommodating the stakeholder interest and expectations

The stakeholder engagement model:

The applications of stakeholder engagement:

The benefits and drawbacks of the applications:

Use example to highlight your ways of accommodating the stakeholder interest and expectations:

TASK 5: Develop and Implement initiatives for your ongoing stakeholder commitments (20 Marks)
With the use of example, highlight key initiatives that can be taken to influence engagement of:
· Explain/define internal and external stakeholders of the company
· Discuss key initiatives that can be taken to influence all type of internal and external stakeholders that you have identified

Sample scenario is given for better understanding of the question. Your answer should not include the example given below:

1) Kellogg’s key internal stakeholders include employees at all levels, all over the world, and shareholders. Both groups are integral to the success of the organisation. Employees carry out the day-to-day activities which enable the company to operate globally. Shareholders invest the capital that makes this possible. Kellogg’s seeks to make a profit to secure high returns for its shareholders. Shareholders invest money into the business in return for a stake in the company. If the company makes a profit, its shareholders receive a share of these profits in the form of dividends. At the same time shareholders take a keen interest in the company’s strategies and seek to influence decision making to safeguard their investment.
2) Kellogg’s key external stakeholders include community Kellogg’s uses a variety of communications approaches to engage with its different external stakeholders. For example, regular case studies in The Times 100 help the company to engage with young people through educational materials that help to explain the values and goals of the organisation. Kellogg’s engages with communities through its breakfast clubs. Independent research shows that children who have breakfast at the start of the day are able to concentrate for longer by maintaining their energy at school. Kellogg’s therefore supports, through donations of cereals and money, breakfast clubs in schools across the nation to make sure that all children have a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Explain/define internal and external stakeholders of the company:

Discuss key initiatives that can be taken to influence all type of internal and external stakeholders that you have identified:

TASK 6: Identify stakeholder conflict and suggest possible resolution (12 Marks)
An important part of managing the needs of stakeholders is to understand that different stakeholder groups can sometimes have conflicting interests. Use your workplace scenario or case scenario and identify potential conflicts as well as provide mitigation plan for those conflicts.

Examples of conflicting stakeholder needs are given for better understanding of the question and how it can be answered. Your answer should not include the example provided to you:

1) Government requirements for food content and consumer preferences. Kellogg’s recently changed the formula of Honey Loops to reduce the sugar content, but this had an impact on consumer’s perceptions of the brand.
2) Different interests of charity groups requesting Kellogg’s support. Kellogg’s current CSR strategy focuses on breakfast clubs for children, so conflict will occur when charities supporting other causes cannot be a focus for Kellogg’s at this time.



Include any attachments, facts, figures, pictures, diagrams, brochures, web screenshots, etc that you have discussed in your plan and may relate to explain the e-marketing plan more clearly.

Stakeholder Engagement, Assessment No.1 v1.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 1

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