Staffing in healthcare organizations

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the critical state of staffing in healthcare organizations. Imagine you have recently graduated from University with a Master of Healthcare Administration degree, and you have been promoted to the director of hospital human resources. You have been tasked with the following to ensure that the staffing model currently in place meets regulatory requirements. Please address the following within your essay assignment: Engage the reader in the topic within the introduction, and clearly present a summary of the main points. Ensure that the staffing model currently in place meets regulatory requirements. Examine the roles advanced practice providers play in staffing needs. Connect the importance of financials (net worth, revenues, and expenses) to increase the number of employees at the healthcare center. Research the financials associated with staffing requirements in your state as well as articles found in an online library, and develop an essay discussing the challenges that the regulations place on institutions. Your essay will be at least two pages in length with at least two outside sources, one of which may be your textbook. In addition, utilize an online library when locating your sources. Please use proper APA style for citations, references, and paper formatting, which includes title page, double-spacing, one-inch margins on all sides, and 12-point font size in Times New Roman). 

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Baker, J. J., Baker, R. W., & Dworkin, N. R. (2018). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

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Staffing in Health Care Organizations


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Staffing in Health Care Organizations

Staffing in Health Care Organizations

Derrick Underwood

Waldorf University

Examining the critical sate of staffing in healthcare organizations


The major key factor of health care staffing is to ensure there is high-quality delivery of patient care. Nursing is a very critical factor in ensuring that the hospitals are quality and the patient’s outcomes are reliable. In the 1990s, the National Center for Nursing Research, the precursor to the National Institute of Nursing Research, convened an invitational conference on patient outcomes research from the perspective of the effectiveness of nursing practice. It was hoped that as methods for capturing the quality of patient care quantitatively became more sophisticated, evidence linking the structure of nurse staffing that is hours of care and skill mix to patient care quality and safety would grow (Africa, 2017).

Human resources, historically a major cost center for hospitals, and nurse staffing were often the focus of work redesign and workforce reduction efforts.

How to ensure the staffing model currently in place meets the regulatory requirements

Ensure the data is available on measures of quality. This can be reasonably attributed to nurses, nursing care, and the environments in which care is delivered has constrained research studying the link between staffing and outcomes.

Ensure measures that have conceptual and clinical links. No matter what label these measures are given, measures that have conceptual and clinical links to the practice of nursing and are sensitive to variations in the structure and processes of nursing care are an essential ingredient in this area of research (Newman, Ye, Leep, Hasbrouck & Zometa, 2016).

The most recent initiative in standardizing staffing and outcomes measures for quality improvement and research purposes was undertaken by the National Quality Forum (NQF).

Examine the roles advanced practice providers play in staffing needs

With the impending rise in demand for health services, and effective utilization of the workforce is paramount to ensure high-quality yet cost-effective health service delivery

The global annual growth of the nurse practitioner (NP) workforce has been estimated to be between three to nine times greater compared to physicians; therefore, of interest to health policymakers is the utilization of NPs and advanced practice nurses.

Connecting the importance of financials (net worth, revenues, and expenses) to increase the number of employees at the healthcare center

There is a need for better management of resources to attain a reliable performance of health care. Hospital financial statements are obtained from the CMS cost reports.

First, every year virtually all hospitals are required to file a cost report in order to receive reimbursement from the government for treating Medicare patients. Second, the sample covers various types of hospitals including not-for-profit, public, and for-profit. Third, the financial information in the Cost Reports is more comprehensive and accurate than the previous ones that use survey data, and it represents the whole hospital industry.

The financials associated with staffing requirements in states as well as articles found in an online library, to develop the challenges that the regulations place on institutions.

The health institutions may sometimes lack adequate funds to run their activities (Bidee, Vantilborgh, Pepermans, Willems, Jegers & Hofmans, 2017 This happens when the federal government does not provide enough funds to them. The institutions may not be able to raise the funds themselves. There are also too many complicated procedures when the state is allocating the funds to the health institutions and delays of those funds have led to poor management. Finally, the Cost reports in the health centers may not be accurate as required thus may not be reliable.


Africa, L. M. (2017). Transition to practice programs: Effective solutions to achieving strategic staffing in today’s healthcare systems. Nursing Economics, 35(4), 178.

Bidee, J., Vantilborgh, T., Pepermans, R., Willems, J., Jegers, M., & Hofmans, J. (2017). Daily motivation of volunteers in healthcare organizations: Relating team inclusion and intrinsic motivation using self-determination theory. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(3), 325-336.

Newman, S. J., Ye, J., Leep, C. J., Hasbrouck, L., & Zometa, C. (2016). Assessment of staffing, services, and partnerships of local health departments—United States, 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 65(25), 646-649.

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