Sports assignment

in document 

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Student’s Name: ____________________________

PED 507 Grading Rubric for MVVP Assignment

Fall 2020 – 200 Points

Points in ( )















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Points in ( )

Points Earned


Size 12 TNR Font

1-inch Margins



Correct Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation;

NO Contractions;

Proper Standard English

< 5 errors


6 or more errors


Project was seemingly developed by student, rather than an obvious copy-paste from the Internet.


General Information

A brief 100-300 words that give a general synopsis of the entity.



Mission Statement

Includes 1-3 sentences that clearly and concisely communicate the purpose or reason for being.

Vision Statement

Provides a broad view of how the entity will leave an impact on stakeholders. There are 5-10 bullet points concerning what the entity hopes to achieve over the long-haul.




Values Statement

Communicates the entity’s top priorities and core beliefs, to guide employees’ actions and help connect w/ stakeholders.

Short-term Objectives

3 – 10 specific objectives for the entity/organization/program;

and each objective is clearly tied to a goal.

Long-term Goals

At least THREE desirable goals, w/ a time-frame


for meeting them.



Provides a good Blueprint that guides the entity.

Entity/Program/Organization Description-Specifics

Seems appropriate and adds to previous info, giving reader a good picture of entity.

Grade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


30% off for each class day the assignment is late _____

RUBRIC – PED 507 Job Announcement – 100 Points

Fall 2020 (DO NOT RE-CREATE this page or SUBMIT it)

(10 Points Each)
























(06 Points Where Applicable)


(02 Points Each)

Complete name of chosen entity, and Sub-Unit, Specific job/position title and date job begins all shown in BOLD


Full-time, part-time,

temporary, seasonal, and

salary/wage info

is specified

The city/town/community county, state specified

(whichever is appropriate)

Position that will evaluate the successful candidate’s job performance, and to whom the employee answers is specified

Education and Experience required

are specified

At least 2

requirements are specified

1 requirement

is specified

NO requirements

are specified

Minimum or Prerequisite Qualifications needed

are specified

At least 4 are specified

At least 3 are specified

At least

2 are specified

Duties and Responsibilities the successful candidate will perform

are specified

3-10 are specified

2 are specified

< 1 are/is


Who or what the individual holding this position will supervise

are/is specified

Contact Information is given

and complete

Applications received by date and

Review of applications beginning date

are shown


30% off for each class day the assignment is late _____

PED 507 Special Event/Fund-raising Flier – Grading Rubric – 2020

100 Points

( ALSO list yourself on the flyer as the primary contact person for the entity! )

Flyer Criteria Points Earned

Spelling is error-free 10 0

Includes pizzazz (Color) – make it look professional (use backgrounds, borders, or special formats) 10 0

Must include a minimum of ONE related picture 10 0

Why ? (Any special reason, fundraiser, awareness event, who/what benefits?) 10 0

What ? (Name and Brief Description of the event, Schedule of Events) 10 0

Where ? (Location of event – address or directions to event) 10 0

Who ? (Who is eligible to attend, play, what age groups, genders) 10 0

Who to contact ? (What organization to contact, person to call, phone number, e-mail, etc.) 10 0

When ? (Days, dates, times) 10 0

Price ? (Participant Entry Fee; deadline when $ must be paid,
if any
; and Spectator Entry Fee) 10 0


_____ / 100

30% off for each class day the assignment is late _____

Final Grade = ________ / 100

PED 507 – Fall 2020 – Event Plan Rubric

Any submitted Major Project/Organizational Chart/Budget assignment that is seemingly borrowed from or plagiarizes Dr. Conkle’s sample/example

will receive a grade of ZERO!


04 Points
Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event

07 Points

04 Points
Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event

07 Points

04 Points
Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event

35 Points





Cover Page for

Special Event Plan

10 Points

Identifies the event by name, appearance is professional and has color/pizzazz/ backgrounds/borders/special formats

07 Points

Some effort is evident

04 Points

No significant effort is evident

5 W’s & 1 H

30 Points

All clearly addressed: Who; What; Where; When; Why; How

25 Points

1 element vague/absent

20 Points

2 or more elements missing or unclear

Event Goals

& Objectives

15 Points

Event goals & objectives are listed and clearly match/meet the entity goals & objectives in some way – the degree of fundraising involved is described and how much advocacy/awareness & call-to-action is the message – who will benefit and how/to what extent? Expresses how this event helps a cause

10 Points

Somewhat unclear how G&O of event matches entity G&O; or cause is vague

05 Points

Totally unclear how the event matches G&O of entity – or cause is VERY vague

Event Timetable

Or Master Plan

20 Points

Clearly addresses 4-6 months out if not up to 12-months prior to event

Addresses 2-3 months before event

Addresses 1-week to 1-month before event

Addresses 1-day to 1-week before event

Addresses Last-minute Day-of the event

15 Points

Timeline does not cover at least 4-6 months and/or lacks good detail

10 Points

Timeline does not clearly outline the process and/or lacks major details

Event Branding

& Publicity Plan

10 Points

Website / Logo / Catch-Phrase / Tag-Line & other description(s) of the event have been clearly developed – Branding & Publicity Plan are/is Crystal Clear

07 Points

Branding & Publicity Plan provides some clear details

04 Points

Branding and Publicity Plan has poor and/or unclear details


10 Points

A title sponsor is clearly identified, or a list of top-level sponsors named to help defray expenses to some degree

07 Points

Sponsorship details okay, but a bit vague

04 Points

Sponsorship details are totally unclear


Entertainers/Key Staff/ Committees/Volunteers/etc.

10 Points

Vital external participants & staff (and internal employees/staff), etc. are

clearly identified & compensation described explained

07 Points

Staffing of the event is vague/insufficient

04 Points

Staffing seems totally inadequate



Ticket Fees or Sales

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what audience/attendees will pay for event and/or what active participants will pay (if applicable) – how funds will be generated for the cause?

07 Points

04 Points

Details missing regarding admission, or reasons why there are no audience prices

Security/Medical &

1st Aid Needs

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses how the security and welfare of all present individuals will be protected and/or needs met

07 Points

Plan has gaps for this key area of event

04 Points

No plan for this key area of the event



10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what suppliers/vendors will be necessary and for what goods/products/services they will provide or be responsible; Fees these parties must pay if applicable

07 Points

This part of plan has some gaps

04 Points

Doesn’t address/detail this part of event

Merchandise, Catering, Concessions, Food & Beverage Needs

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what goods/products/services will be necessary/ordered

07 Points

Plan partially covers details in this area

04 Points

Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event


Equipment Needs

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what rentals and necessary purchases will be required for the event to take place

07 Points

Plan seemingly has gaps in this area

Event Day Venue

Set-Up / Logistics

& Execution

10 Points

Clear explanation and description of how the day will be set-up & arranged, and schedule of the logistics involved.

Post-Event Details

10 Points

A clear and complete description or explanation of all necessary post-event

Overall Style & Content

25 Points

*Seems totally appropriate for the key publics/stakeholders; Reader left w/ no unanswered questions; Content meets assignment objectives; Writing is interesting & informative

*Sentence structure / Spelling & punctuation / Grammar & syntax are correct

20 Points

1 – 5 clear Errors / Issues / Problems

15 Points

6 or more clear Errors / Issues / Problems

Special Event Budget

50 Points

A complete line-item breakdown of expenditures & revenue sources w/ realistic amounts specified

Object & Line-Item Budget Required – numbering is student’s choice

35 Points

20 Points

Deficient, for the event or math incorrect



or Special Event

Personnel Structure

50 Points

*Shows the internal structure and hierarchies (at least 2-3 levels)

*Shows who reports to whom and who to contact if problems occur 

*Clarifies roles and responsibilities  

*Helps management see how to allocate human resources best 

20 Points

Structure doesn’t show a >
2-level clear chain-of-command and communication

YES, this rubric IS subjective. Pay attention to good details and each student should be okay.

Final Grade = / 300

College of Education, Humanities, and Behavioral Sciences
Center for Educator Preparation
And Certification Services
223 Carver Complex North
Normal, Alabama 35762
(256) 372-5528 Office
(256) 372-5035 Fax


Undergraduate and Alternative 5th year Class A Graduate Teacher Candidates

WHAT: Informative Meeting for Graduate – Alternative 5th Year and Undergraduate Teacher Candidates with Dr. Lydia Davenport, Director, and Staff of the Center for Educator Preparation and Certification Services


WHEN: Thursday, November 19, 2020 (12:30 PM Central Time)
Register in advance for this meeting:

Zoom Number: 950-5934-2903       Passcode: 1230
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


WHEN: Thursday, November 19, 2020 (5:00 PM Central time)

Register in advance for this meeting:
Zoom Number: 972-9976-0880    Passcode: 5000
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

WHY: To discuss
updates and changes
to the Admission, Retention and Completion process of the Educator Preparation Program.

Please make every effort to attend this very important meeting, as THIS affects YOU!!

Rock-Bridge High School Baseball

“The Year 2029 Wild Beast Feast”
1500 tickets available – everyone is welcomed!
Buy tickets from any baseball team member or coach – $15.00 each;

OR, reserve a full 12-seat table for $120.00

100% of revenue supports Rock-Bridge High & Middle School Baseball Teams

Call Coach Conkle @ 205-555-9876, if you have questions

February 31, 2020 @ The Rock-Bridge City Fairgrounds
1354 Coosa Avenue, Rock-Bridge, AL – Across from the high school

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Exhibit Area Will be Open in the Livestock Barn

featuring spectacular game and fish mounts; bow range;

wild-game-call contest; laser shooting gallery; and, a wildlife

biologists’ educational information booth

6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner includes a choice of foods and beverages:
Alligator, Buffalo, Catfish, Dove, Duck, Quail, Rabbit, Turkey,

Wild Hog, Venison, Grilled Chicken, and other wild game and

fish, w/ these sides slaw, wild rice, spicy fries, boiled corn on the

cob, and peach cobbler. There will be a beverage choice of tea,

water, or brand-name colas.

7:15 – 8:15 p.m. Featured Speaker – Fishing & Hunting Guide

“Bee-Jo” Jones, including his trick casting show

*8:15 p.m. 150 Door Prizes (valued at $50.00+, each) will be awarded!
Grand Prize = Yamaha ATV!!

UPDATE for all PED 507 Assignments

Submit via Blackboard no later than 11:59 pm


vember 20, 2020

Dr. Conkle’s Observations Regarding the





Zeros would have been awarded to 1/3 of the students, for a variety of reasons, all covered below.


Review your own assignment and determine how you may have had a poor grade and how you can improve for the future.

02]  Some students apparently NEVER looked at the Writing Tips, Rubric, Syllabus, or MVVP Directions.

03]  Tremendous over-use of “you.” 

04]  Violating the use of contractions.

05]  Violation of “in order to.”

06]  Violation of “to be.”

07]  Violations of margins.

08]  Violation of font style and size. This must be fixed!!!

09]  Using incorrect and inconsistent tense.

10]  Not using left-aligned text but using justified text.

11]  Obvious copying straight off the Internet.  Cases of obvious plagiarism.

12]  Improper business/entity/organization/program that was NOT allowed for assignment.

All assignments are accepted, although some were most definitely not on an acceptable entity.

That said, EVERY assignment that follows this must be aligned directly with this one. 

13]  No clear separation of objectives and goals by definition and specifications.

14]  No Values Statement included; or, the values statement was no different than the philosophy.

15]  Using “Entity,” “Organization,”


too much when the name of the school, department, center, etc. would have

been most appropriate. Incorrect use of those words was also an issue in some cases.


Fix problems you see in what you have already done. You do not want to lose points at the end of the semester! ALL assignments will be due by NOVEMBER 20, 2020 (must have a time-stamp no later than 11:59 or 2359 on that date). All assignments will be due in a single document, and graded separately, using rubrics that you will see or have seen.

MVVP (Mission/



= 200

Position Announcement (Staffing Assignment) = 100

Flier/Flyer Assignment = 100

Major Project = 300

700 Points (as indicated in the course syllabus)

The major project will include a(n):

Flier/Flyer advertising/promoting/marketing the Special Event

Organizational structure and line of command specific to the Special Event

Special Event Plan to support the mission and vision of your entity

Budget specific to the Special Event that is planned

This is the outline for the comprehensive document:

Cover Page

Section 1 (200 Points)


Name of the entity

General Information regarding the entity

Mission of the entity

Vision for the entity

Values the entity espouses

Short-term Objectives for the entity

Long-term Goals, matched to the objectives, for the entity

Philosophy/Creed for the entity

Entity/Program/Organization Description-Specifics

Section 2

Position Announcement (100 Points) – You are hiring someone for a position w/in your entity

Section 3

Flier/Flyer for Special Event (100 Points)

Section 4

Special Event Plan (200 Points)

Special Event Organizational Structure (50 Points)

Special Event Budget (50 Points)

PED 507 MVVP Assignment – Fall 2020

Dr. Terry Conkle – 200 Points

Directions: Computer-generate, using standard guidelines for Dr. Conkle’s Courses. The assignment should be professional in appearance. It should also meet expectations of Standard English, correct spelling, proper punctuation, and proper grammar. A rubric will be posted soon, to inform students regarding how this assignment will be graded.

Every assignment that follows
this one must be aligned directly with this one. Select your entity/organization/

program from one of the following:

A Grades P/K-5 elementary school – physical education teacher/program

A Grades 7-12 combination middle and high school – physical education teacher/program

A Grades 7-12 athletics department – coaching 1 sport

A parks and recreation department – city or county director

A public or private sector for-profit fitness/health/wellness business/center/club owner

2] What must be included in the assignment (or Outline):

A] General Information, regarding the entity/organization/program (100-300 words). Some ideas = name of entity,

location, local population/enrollment/membership, other demographics, and facilities described

B] Mission Statement, in 1-3 sentences that clearly and concisely communicate the purpose or reason for

being/existing. Some questions to consider when writing a mission –

 What do we do?

 How do we do it?

 Whom do we do it for?

 What value are we bringing?

C] Vision Statement, a broad view of how the entity is going to leave an impact on athletes/student-athletes/clients/

customer/the greater community (i.e., the stakeholders). A vision statement is something that should be

The vision communicates an organization’s value and its commitment to achieving its goals.

is no certain length, but they address 5-10 bullet points concerning what an entity hopes to achieve over the

long-haul (may be 1, 3, 5, 10 or so years – it can be any time-period or multiple ranges, it all depends on the

unique aspects of the vision and aspirations.

D] Values Statement, simply put, values are a declaration that announces an entity’s top priorities and core beliefs,

both to guide employees’ actions and to connect with consumers/stakeholders. Values statements provide

clarity about the administration/management perspective on who the entity is today, how it acts and who they

want to serve, and the culture nurtured by the entity. They can be a guiding force for employees in making

decisions about problem-solving and helping customers, when well-written. It is about behavior the entity

prioritizes and ideally should convey the soul of what it is.

E] Statement of Objectives and Goals, 3 – 10 objectives for the overall entity/organization/program should suffice.

A goal is different than a vision. Goals are short statements of
desired outcomes
that should be met over a specific time-frame, usually three to five years. Goals are broad statements that focus on desired

results but do not describe methods used to get the intended outcome. The assignment should have at

least THREE goals, and each objective should be tied to a goal. Conversely, objectives are specific, actionable targets that should be achieved within a smaller time frame, such as a year or less, to help the entity reach a certain goal. In other words, objectives describe the actions or behaviors involved in achieving a goal. For example, to achieve the goal of increasing revenue, an entity may have an objective such as “Add three new products by the end of August this year.”

F] Philosophy, or creed, if the previous things are well-stated, the philosophy is simply a summary of beliefs that act

as a blueprint for how an entity will operate. This can be in bullet-points, or in paragraph form.

could be
stated as –

We believe:










G] Entity/Organization/Program Description/Specifics, this will be situation-oriented and different for everyone.

The specifics communicate vital details about an entity and expands on matters such as how large the entity

is, the scope of its coverage regarding services and products it provides, the facilities, events, equipment, and aspects of the entity such as key personnel/positions involved. Is the entity covered by a governing body, is it a member of professional organizations, does it have credentialed employees? If so, what credentials do ideal employees and management have? Has it been award-winning? What is its reputation in the community, state, region, nation, world?

Student’s Name: ____________________________

PED 507 Grading Rubric for MVVP Assignment

Fall 2020 – 200 Points

Points in ( )















Points in ( )

Points Earned


Size 12 TNR Font

1-inch Margins



Correct Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation;

NO Contractions;

Proper Standard English

< 5 errors


6 or more errors


Project was seemingly developed by student, rather than an obvious copy-paste from the Internet.


General Information

A brief 100-300 words that give a general synopsis of the entity.



Mission Statement

Includes 1-3 sentences that clearly and concisely communicate the purpose or reason for being.

Vision Statement

Provides a broad view of how the entity will leave an impact on stakeholders. There are 5-10 bullet points concerning what the entity hopes to achieve over the long-haul.




Values Statement

Communicates the entity’s top priorities and core beliefs, to guide employees’ actions and help connect w/ stakeholders.

Short-term Objectives

3 – 10 specific objectives for the entity/organization/program;

and each objective is clearly tied to a goal.

Long-term Goals

At least THREE desirable goals, w/ a time-frame


for meeting them.



Provides a good Blueprint that guides the entity.

Entity/Program/Organization Description-Specifics

Seems appropriate and adds to previous info, giving reader a good picture of entity.

Grade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Complete Name of YOUR Chosen Entity Here, in Bold

If there is a sub-unit/department/division/ for the entity it goes here, in Bold

POSITION TITLE: Specific job/position title here, date the job begins goes here.

POSITION TYPE: Specify whether it is full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, etc.

POSITION PAY INFO: Salary range, precise salary, or hourly wage amount goes here.

WORK LOCATION: Specify the city/town/community (whichever is appropriate) county, state.


Specify the job title that will evaluate the successful candidate’s job performance, and to whom they will answer


The successful candidate for this position will –


For this position, the ideal candidate will have –


The individual who holds this position must be able to perform the following job functions –


The individual who holds this position will supervise –


A hypothetical full postal address

A hypothetical phone number

A hypothetical e-mail address

Other pertinent contact info?

Applications received by (date) will be assured consideration. Review of applications will begin (date). 

The search will remain open until the position is filled.


The assignment must be for the same entity that the MVVP was. You are hiring for a key position within the organization, so the job must be legally advertised, and this will be your announcement that hypothetically will be posted/published.

For this assignment, a Size 10, Times New Roman, Font is acceptable. It should fit on 1-2 pages and may have .7 margins on all 4 sides. Be mindful that job announcements have three objectives:

1. To give necessary information about the position;

2. To attract the interest of suitable applicants; and

3. To motivate suitable applicants to respond.

RUBRIC – PED 507 Job Announcement – 100 Points

Fall 2020 (DO NOT RE-CREATE this page or SUBMIT it)




(10 Points Each)


(06 Points Where Applicable)


(02 Points Each)

Complete name of chosen entity, and Sub-Unit, Specific job/position title and date job begins all shown in BOLD




Full-time, part-time,

temporary, seasonal, and

salary/wage info

is specified




The city/town/community county, state specified

(whichever is appropriate)




Position that will evaluate the successful candidate’s job performance, and to whom the employee answers is specified




Education and Experience required

are specified

At least 2

requirements are specified

1 requirement

is specified

NO requirements

are specified

Minimum or Prerequisite Qualifications needed

are specified

At least 4 are specified

At least 3 are specified

At least

2 are specified

Duties and Responsibilities the successful candidate will perform

are specified

3-10 are specified

2 are specified

< 1 are/is


Who or what the individual holding this position will supervise

are/is specified




Contact Information is given

and complete




Applications received by date and

Review of applications beginning date

are shown





PED 507 Special Event/Fund-raising Flier – Grading Rubric – 2020

100 Points

Student Name: _________________________________________________

( ALSO list yourself on the flyer as the primary contact person for the entity! )

Flyer Criteria Points Earned

Spelling is error-free 10 0

Includes pizzazz (Color) – make it look professional (use backgrounds, borders, or special formats) 10 0

Must include a minimum of ONE related picture 10 0

Why ? (Any special reason, fundraiser, awareness event, who/what benefits?) 10 0

What ? (Name and Brief Description of the event, Schedule of Events) 10 0

Where ? (Location of event – address or directions to event) 10 0

Who ? (Who is eligible to attend, play, what age groups, genders) 10 0

Who to contact ? (What organization to contact, person to call, phone number, e-mail, etc.) 10 0

When ? (Days, dates, times) 10 0

Price ? (Participant Entry Fee; deadline when $ must be paid,
if any
; and Spectator Entry Fee) 10 0


_____ / 100

30% off for each class day the assignment is late _____

Final Grade = ________ / 100

Special Event Plan Assignment

Things to consider:

Special Events Described

A special event can be described as a one-time or infrequently occurring event outside normal programs or activities of the sponsoring entity or organizing body. To the customer or guest, a special event is an opportunity for a leisure, social, or cultural experience outside the normal range of choices or beyond everyday experience. Special events can last a mere few hours up to 10 or more days/nights. Two types are most typical: Local and Mid-Level, although some are large-scale special events and attract domestic and international attendees, with major expenditures and revenue.

Local Special Event = It can be a special event that attracts mostly local or community visitors, has low-to-moderate local media coverage and a nominal economic benefit to the organization, the municipality, or region.

Characteristics may include one or more of the following criteria:

· Use of single community or local venue or site;

· Event with a small footprint (i.e., zero to few street closures, limited area or use of public right-of-way, little or no traffic redirection/routing)

· Expected attendance of less than 5000;

· One to two points of governmental agency interaction (i.e., approval from City Council members or County Commissioners); and

· Cost of between $25 and $1,500 in City/County services, staff time, and equipment use.

Examples include a health fair, Special Olympics, walk-a-thon for a health cause, sport banquet, sport awards day picnic or cookout, National Girls and Women in Sports Day, Mardi Gras, PE Field Day / May Day, local block party, a local adult soccer club wishes to host a tournament or end of season party in a local park, a high school parade to celebrate homecoming or the football team’s championship win, market day, concert, festival, carnival, fair, Holiday parade, community barn dance, Halloween Carnival, Valentine’s dance, Sport Camp, Safety Camp, Clinic, Workshop, Seminar, Day In The Park or Opening Day Ceremonies/Celebration of a Recreational Sport Season beginning (such as football, basketball, soccer baseball/softball), a tournament, a 5k Run/Marathon, Christmas on the River, haunted house, pancake breakfast, a wedding (etc. – many other possibilities exist). 

· Organizers must have a sanitation (clean-up) plan if the event includes debris in any way

· Although the event may not require

emergency medical coverage

, for liability and safety purposes event organizers are advised to use EMS personnel

Mid-level Special Event = A sporting, cultural or special event that attracts mostly domestic visitors, has moderate local media coverage and modest-to-significant economic benefit to the host organization and within the municipality or region.

Characteristics may include but not be limited to:

· Use of single local venue or site;

· Event with a mid-sized footprint (i.e. a few street closures, neighborhood level area or use of public right-of-way, little or no traffic redirection/routing)

· Expected attendance between 5000 and 20,000;

· One to two points of governmental agency interaction (see same point on local special events);

· Cost of between $1,500 and $50,000 in City/County services, staff time, and equipment use; and

· Promotes the City or County within the event’s marketing campaign.

Examples are endless but could include anything that classifies as local, only on a much larger scale

· Organizers must have a sanitation (clean-up) plan if the event includes throws and/or debris are produced

· Events  with more than 1,000 attendees require emergency medical coverage  and security coverage

· Events with 8,000 to 20,000 participants need to 

submit event details through contact form

 for consideration for 

Event Support Team


· Event organizers are suggested to attend an Event Support Team meeting at least two months in advance therefore organizers must

register at least

three months before the event date to make necessary City/County reservations and obtain permits. However, it is advisable to begin 6-12 months in advance. A Planning Team meeting with City/County representatives is also required on the Friday or Monday prior to the event (at least 7 days before the scheduled start of the event).

Event Planning Timeline Ideas

The following is a generic Event Planning Guide that will help identify most details to consider as well as an indication of the timelines involved with the event planning process.

Event Planning Musts

1. Establish your event goals and objectives.

2. Select your event’s date.

3. Develop an event master plan. 

4. Create an event budget.

5. Brand your event and begin publicity. 

6. Arrange sponsorships and speakers for your event. 

7. Launch ticket sales. 

8. Coordinate with event suppliers (catering, equipment, etc.). 

9. Manage event day set up and execution. 

10. Conduct a thorough evaluation of your event. 

To help every step of the way, the process is broken down and a few different sections by date:

The earlier event planning can start, the better — that way planners can be as prepared as possible when any issues come up (as they probably will). 

Planning an event is stressful, and it is normal for things to fall through the cracks. 

Finally, note that since events can range from a small workshop to a gala fundraising event, every possible level of detail to consider when planning a specific event cannot be covered — this guide is a good start.

The First Steps: 4-6 Months Ahead of Event (or as far out as 12 months)

The further in advance one can start planning, the better — but most organizations start planning their big events like galas and fundraisers about 6 months in advance. Here is what is needed to get started. 

· Establish the event goals and objectives. Did you want to raise money or awareness? How many attendees are you hoping to get? Establishing it upfront will make it easier to gauge the event’s success. 

· Select the date. Be sure it does not conflict with other key events taking place in your area, or any major holidays that may hinder attendance.

· Identify venue and negotiate details. What kind of insurance does the venue require? Can you serve alcohol? Determine the requirements before committing. 

· Develop an event master plan. Ironing out every detail will help ensure you do not miss a thing. 

· Get cost estimates. Some costs you might need to consider are:

· Room rental

· Food and beverages

· Equipment

· Speaker fees

· Travel for staff 

· Insurance

· Create an event budget. Based on the costs above, you’ll be able to determine how much your event will cost — and if you will need to reduce any of them! 

· Recruit an event committee. This includes selecting an event manager or chair and establishing sub-committee chairs.

· Brand your event. 

· Start building out an event website or pages

on your website

that describe the event. 

· Develop an event logo and tagline. 

· Create and launch publicity plan. This includes ensuring staff and/or volunteers are identified to manage specific tasks – e.g., media relations, VIP coordination, printed material design & printing coordination, signage, online /social media, etc.

· Identify and confirm speakers/presenters/entertainers. Who will you need on hand during the event? 

· Identify and contact sponsors/partners.

· Determine if you need

event registration software

to make the process easier. There are a variety of different software tools that can help streamline the event process. 

· Determine if you need other

event management software

· Release early-bird tickets.

· Ensure registration forms are accessible and allow space for preferred pronouns and preferred names.

3-4 Months Ahead of Event: Starting to Ramp Up

Now that you have some of the foundational parts of your event figured out, it’s time to start executing on the rest. If your event is coming up in a few months, you’ll need to start communicating with all the stakeholders outside your organization and continue coordinating with them. Remember to include: 

· Build out required documents for the planning team.

· Speaker/presenter/entertainer liaison:

· Finalize presentation/speech topics

· Get bio information, photo

· Travel & accommodation arrangements

· Have contracts signed if appropriate

· Ask speakers to start promoting and sharing it with their network

· Financial/Administration:

· Determine registration fees

· Set up and enable

online registration

· Finalize sponsor levels and amounts

· Identify items to be underwritten and accounting tracking details

· Venue and logistics planning:

· Determine and arrange all details re menu, A/V equipment, registration set-up, parking, signage, etc.

· Review security needs/plan for the event with venue manager

· Investigate need for any special permits, licenses, insurance, etc.

· Assess accessibility requirements (e.g. all-gender restrooms, wheelchair accessibility, etc).

· Communicate accessibility requirements to staff. 

· Follow publicity plan:

· Develop draft program

· Create draft event script (e.g., MC, speaker introductions, thanks, closing, etc.)

· Develop publicity pieces — e.g., newsletter articles and/or ads, radio spots, print blog posts articles for submission to other publications and/or ads, etc.

· Request logos from corporate sponsors for online and printed materials

· Develop and produce invitations, programs, posters, tickets, etc.

· Develop media list & prepare News Release, Media Advisory, Backgrounder and all media kit materials (e.g., speaker info, photos, etc.)

· Create event page on your website

· Enable/create email 

event notifications

· Create a Facebook event page

· Develop a promo video and post on YouTube and your Facebook page

· Register your event on a variety of online event calendars

· Create some buzz on your blog or member forums

· Determine VIPs and create invitation & tracking document (e.g., spreadsheet)

· Order any desired event swag

1-2 Months Prior To Event: Keep on Going

You’re getting there! At this point, you’re probably spending more and more time focusing on the event and finalizing some details. 

· Send reminders to your contact list regarding registration and participation.

· Reach out again to presenters/speakers regarding: 

· Confirming travel and accommodation details

· Request copy of speeches and/or presentations

· Sponsors

hip finalization:

· Follow up to confirm sponsorships and underwriting

· Get any promotional materials you’ll be sharing at the event

· Ask sponsors to share event on their promotional channels

· Continue executing on your publicity plan:

· Release press announcements about keynote speakers, celebrities, VIPs attending, honorees, etc.

· Post your initial event news release on your website and circulate to all partners, affiliated organizations, etc.

· Post more details about your event on social media

· Close early-bird tickets; release standard pricing.

· Finalize and proofread printed materials. 

1 Week Prior to the Event: The Home Stretch

Getting close now! By this point, most event details should be confirmed and all that’s left will be final touches, such as: 

· Have all committee chairs meet and confirm all details against Master Plan. You should also ensure back-up plans are developed for any situation (e.g., back-up volunteers as VIP greeters, additional volunteers for registration or set-up, etc.).

· Finalize event script.

· Assign practice sessions for anyone who has a speaking slot. 

· Brief any/all hosts, greeters, volunteers about their event duties and timelines.

· Finalize your seating plan.

· Ensure it includes wheelchair-accessible areas and has clear paths through the venue.

· Provide final registration numbers to caterer.

· Make print and online copies of any speeches, videos, and presentations.

· Do a final registration check, including name badges & registration list. Depending on when your registration closes, this may not be possible until a few days in advance but try to finish it as early as possible. 

· Determine photo op and interview opportunities with any presenters and VIPs.

· Confirm details with media attendees. 

1 Day Before the Event: Almost There

Here are a few last-minute details you might want to remember:

· Confirm media attendance. 

· Ensure all signage is in place — both around the venue and any other areas in which it’s needed. 

· Ensure registration and media tables are prepared and stocked with necessary items (such as blank name badges, paper, pens, tape, stapler, etc.)

· Ensure there are enough outlets. If not, consider bringing power bars for attendees and your team.

· Ensure all promo items, gifts, plaques, trophies, etc. are on-site. 

· Ensure all A/V equipment is set up and working properly.

· Get a good night’s sleep! You’ll need the rest before the exciting day to come. 

Event Day: Your Time to Shine

The big day has arrived! Remember:

· Take a few deep breaths — you got this! 

· Ensure you have copies of all instructions, directions, phone numbers, keys, extra parking permits for VIP guests, seating charts and guest lists with you

· Check in with each Committee Chair to ensure their team is on track. 

· Also check in with catering and any sponsor teams that are attending. 

· Assist sponsors, speakers, and other teams as needed.

· Greet new attendees. 

Immediately Following Event: Post-Event Follow-Up

While you need to conduct a thorough evaluation and update your budget, there are post-event publicity, fundraising and

member development opportunities

that you can take advantage of with just a little pre-event planning.

Here are some of the activities you might consider once the event is over:

· Check in with venue. Ensure nothing important was left behind. 

· Financial status:

· Gather all receipts and documentation, final registration data, etc. and

· Update budget

· Send thank-you cards/notes and acknowledgement letters to:

· Sponsors

· Volunteers

· Speakers/presenters

· Donors

· The media

In your thank-you notes, be sure to remind the recipients of the event’s success – and how they contributed (e.g., dollars raised, awareness – number of participants, etc.

· Post-event publicity:

· Send out an email to your subscriber base with highlights from the event

· Make a publicity reel video to share how it went (and as a bonus, you can use it as publicity next year!)

· Share highlights on social media

· Update website page to reflect that it’s a past event. 


Conduct a post-event survey.

Learn what people enjoyed about your event and where you have room to improve. 

· Reach out to event participants. Thank them for participating and promote your ongoing programs and how they can support you throughout the year by joining, volunteering or making a sustaining donation.  

· Conduct a team debrief to learn their thoughts.

· Conduct a thorough evaluation of the event. What went well and what could you do better next time?



􀀹 Determine concept/theme for event

􀀹 Designate a coordinator

􀀹 Create committees to share in the work of planning and implementing the event.

Suggested committees include:

􀂉 Public


􀂉 Food

􀂉 Entertainment and activities

􀂉 Setup
􀂉 Cleanup

􀀹 Evaluate goals and expected outcomes

􀀹 Determine rules and regulations for event in accordance with appropriate city and state rules and regulations

􀀹 Collect appropriate permits

􀀹 Designate a day and time

􀀹 Anticipate attendance – does the space have room for activities and participants?

􀀹 Secure site

􀀹 Check for potential conflicts with other events

􀀹 Confirm date with key participants

􀀹 Set rain date if applicable

􀀹 Anticipate alternate location, set-up and transportation

􀀹 Put everything in writing: contracts, booth agreements, supplier agreements, etc.


􀀹 Identify resources and develop budget

􀀹 Inventory equipment needs

􀀹 Determine sponsorship opportunities

􀀹 Identify in-kind services

􀀹 Arrange payment and billing procedures

􀀹 Determine event insurance needs


􀀹 Site plan

􀀹 Accessibility plan

􀀹 Portable restroom facilities (150 guests per portable unit)

􀀹 Parking and transportation plan

􀂉 Public

􀂉 Vendors


􀂉 Staff / volunteers

􀂉 Valet

􀂉 Performers

􀂉 Bicycle

􀂉 Other

􀀹 Determine needs

– Rental equipment:

􀂉 Stages

􀂉 Chairs

􀂉 Refrigeration

􀂉 Audio / visual

􀂉 Power

􀂉 Tents / canopies

􀂉 Fencing

􀂉 Barricades

􀂉 Signage

􀂉 Tables

􀂉 Communication equipment

– Building needs

– Power needs and distribution

– Emergency vehicle access

– Security needs

􀀹 Setup / tear-down schedule

􀀹 Trash and recycling

􀀹 First aid

􀀹 Water station(s)

􀀹 Policies: lost child, communications

􀀹 Command post / emergency procedures

􀀹 Onsite money collection

􀀹 Site preparation – mow grass, plow snow, etc.

􀀹 Decorations

􀀹 Pre- and post-event walk-through


􀀹 Send invitations 3 weeks in advance of event

􀀹 Contact media if applicable

􀀹 Send official invitations to the Mayor, City Council, other City officials, or County / state officials

􀀹 Create posters, flyers, banners, brochures, nametags, gift bags, news releases, etc.

Specific information includes:

􀂉 Date

􀂉 Time

􀂉 Location

􀂉 Cost

􀂉 Activities

􀂉 Who to call for more information


􀀹 Determine what types are appropriate

􀂉 Food / beverage

􀂉 Merchandise and services

􀂉 Community organizations

􀂉 Children’s activities

􀂉 Arts – visual and performing

􀂉 Hands-on activities

􀂉 Beer / wine

􀂉 Other

􀀹 Recruit vendors

􀀹 Arrange for equipment

􀀹 Alert vendors of necessary permits and sales tax licenses

􀀹 Determine financial methods on site

􀀹 Survey vendors after event

􀀹 Determine setup / tear-down procedures

Sample Special Event Budget (NOT all will apply, and some not shown may apply)

Provided below is an in-depth list of items that could potentially cause
in the budget.

Many events will not need such a detailed a budget.

Potential Location Costs:

Site rental fee $________

Projected tips $________

Permit(s)/license $________

Additional labor $________

Subtotal $________

Potential Rental Needs:

Heat/air $________

Furniture (tables and chairs) $________

Pipe & drape $________

Carpeting/flooring $________

Props/tents/canopies $________

Risers/staging (skirting, stairs) $________

Stanchions/ropes $________

Labor $________

Subtotal $________

* Make sure your cost includes delivery, set up, and tear down. Be clear with delivery date when ordering!

Potential Food and Beverage Costs:

Food/catering $________

Beverages/bartender $________

Equipment (ex. steamer for hot dogs) $________

Linens, glasses, utensils, plates, etc. $________

Labor/staff $________

Gratuities $________

Tax $________

Health permits $________

Misc. charges $________

Subtotal $________

* Be sure there is enough food for the number of guests expected and work closely with caterers or friends to minimize cost.

Potential Audio-Visual/Entertainment Costs:

Television monitors $________

Recorders/cameras/film $________

Overhead projector/cart/screen $________

Lecterns/podiums/microphones $________

Disc players/sound system $________

Walkie-talkies $________

Pointers/marking pens $________

Flip charts/blackboards $________

Computer interfaces $________

Technical staff/labor $________

Music/talent/celebrity fees $________

Other $________

Subtotal $________

* Is everything compatible? Is Internet access needed? Are there other related things to consider?

Potential Lighting Costs:

Special lighting (pictures/videos) $________

Generator/extension cords $________

Labor $________
Subtotal $________

Decorations and Supplies

Event/stage/table decor $________

Stage backdrop $________

Flowers/plants $________

Specialty linens $________

Chair covers $________

Signs/props $________

Paper supplies $________

Misc. charges $________
Labor $________
Subtotal $________

Potential Trash Removal Considerations:

Water Hookup $________

Restrooms/port-o-potties $________

Receptacles/dumpsters/trash service $________

Disposal service $________

Cleanup crew $________

Supplies $________

Misc. $________

Subtotal $________


Facility $________

Private $________

Subtotal $________


Gen. Liability Insurance $________

Rider $________

Specialized $________

Subtotal $________

Collateral Materials

Advertising $________

Business Cards $________

Brochures $________

Media Kit $________

Registration Packets $________

Posters $________

Flyers $________

Invitations $________

Tickets $________

Paper/envelopes $________

Specialty items $________

Duplicating/photocopies $________

Program $________

Subtotal $________

Misc. Printing/Specialties

Menus $________

Maps $________

Sponsor signs/name tags/holders $________

Place cards $________

Prizes $________

Frames $________

Thank You cards/notes $________

Other $________
Subtotal $________

1. Are there unknown variables to work into the event budget template? This is called a “Contingency Plan” line-item. If it is not needed in the end, even better — that is a buffer that becomes profit (so-to-speak) in the bank. An Emergency or Contingency Line is usually about 10%-15% of expected revenue. Which brings us to the next consideration – ANTICIPATED or PLANNED REVENUE.

2. Now, what is the projected event revenue? Estimate how much will be made, including revenue from tickets, sponsors, vendors, and all other expected income sources.

The Special Event planned by each student will have diverse revenue sources. But, to get the brainstorming started, here are some ideas – some may or may not be applicable – there are certainly many more possibilities:


Source $ Amount

Ticket Sales (minus complimentary tickets)

Regular General Admission

Patron, Special Access, or VIP Admission



Program Ads

Raffle Tickets

Contest Tickets

Concessions Foods/Beverages

Alcoholic Beverage Bar

Silent/Live Auction

Organizational Structure

Making the best organization chart for your business/entity/group/program/organization

Using Microsoft

No matter where you work, knowing who does what and where they fit in can help everybody do their jobs better. An

organizational chart

gives everyone a quick glance into how an entity is structured, whether it is an established office, a non-profit, a manufacturing plant, a school or school-system, or something else. 

What is an organizational chart? 

We all (likely) have seen one before. Organizational charts (a.k.a., org charts or organograms, feature boxes, shapes or photos that) represent people and positions. They can also include contact information, page links, icons or illustrations.

What is the purpose of an organizational chart? 

Organizational structure charts can help new hires or volunteers learn an entity quickly by assisting them in putting names and faces to roles and responsibilities. Veteran staffers, HR departments, and business owners can benefit from having an organizational chart at their fingertips.

Here is what they do: 

· Show the internal structure and hierarchies 

· Help employees figure out who to report and who to contact if problems occur 

· Assist in clarifying roles and responsibilities  

· Make it easy to keep employee contact info in one convenient place 

· Help management see how many employees are in each dept. and how to allocate staff / resources best 

· Give staff insight into promotion channels 

One organogram cannot do everything. Review the types of organization charts used most – examples are easily found on the Internet. 

What are the four types of organizational structures? 

The type of chart used will depend on the audience, the organization and what one wants to convey. One simple chart for an entire entity may do or a few different types may be needed for several different audiences or divisions.  

Although each type of organizational chart can be modified and edited, most entities use organizational charts that fall into one of four categories:  

1. Functional top-down hierarchy 

Perfect for showing a traditional business structure, the hierarchy chart starts with the C-Suite at the top, then it is broken into departments or divisions. Within each division, senior management, middle managers, senior staffers, mid-level personnel and junior staff members are shown. In the end, the hierarchy chart looks like a pyramid with every department rolling up to the CEO. 

NOTE: Hierarchical charts are generally easy to understand. But when there are multiple layers in the chain of command, knowing who to connect with and when can seem difficult, especially if there is a problem or if someone has a new idea.   

2. Divisional organizational chart 

This form is a safe choice if an entity is organized along product lines or geographic regions. If they are independent of one another, a divisional chart is also an excellent way to reflect that clearly. Like an organizational hierarchy, the divisional chart starts with a president or CEO, but rather than a division into departments with shared resources, it is divided into lines of business (LOBs). The chart covers each LOB’s departments, like HR, accounting, legal and marketing and the people or positions within those departments.  

NOTE: Because organizations like this often have redundant departments within each division, a divisional structure can result in staff bloat and unnecessary overhead expenses. 

3. Matrix organizational chart 

This type of organogram usually applies to companies with teams or team members who have more than one manager. For instance, at a newspaper, a reporter may cover a local news beat as well as a financial beat, which means they would have two managers. Or a graphic designer at an energy provider may report to the head of graphic design. But because he or she works on projects for the renewable energy division, then the designer may also communicate up to someone on that team.  

NOTE: When team members work across departments, organizations can usually find more creative ways to solve problems. This creates a more cooperative environment. However, when teams or team members have more than one supervisor, it can increase confusion and conflicts.  

4. Flat organizational chart (advisable for the PED 507 Assignment) 

Used almost exclusively by small businesses, flat or “horizontal” charts usually have two levels: administrative officials and workers. Within the chart, solid lines show the principal chain of command, and dotted lines show secondary lines of authority. On paper, entities with a flat structure may look similar to a small fire department, with a chief, 2-4 captains and several firefighters who work under the captains. Or it might be a supervisor or department head with a handful of employees who are his or her direct reports. 

NOTE: In a flat structure, supervisors and their teams often have close relationships and share in decision making. Employees usually have more responsibility and more autonomy than in other organizational structures. This means that that building trust is critical—and teamwork is, too. But because the matrix is so compact, if there are conflicts between employees, they can be more pronounced due to the simple fact that the team is so small.  

Building organization charts with software 

Organizational chart software

 makes building new organograms and revising old ones simple.

Organizational charts in



PowerPoint may have been designed as a presentation tool, but it can also be used to 

develop organizational charts


· Open a new PowerPoint document 

· Go to the Insert tab and click SmartArt 

· Navigate to the Hierarchy group and select the org chart template you need 

· Click into the shapes to add text 

· Add more shapes (or people) as needed 

Once everyone is accounted for, start reorganizing the chart in PowerPoint. Go back to the SmartArt Tools Design tab and using the Promote/Demote buttons to move shapes vertically. Use the Move Up/Move Down buttons to move shapes horizontally.  

Organizational charts in Word  

It may not be a traditional way to create charts, but 

Microsoft Word

 can help design basic diagrams that show how an organization functions. To create a chart in Word: 

· Go to the Insert tab and click SmartArt.  

· Go to the Hierarchy group and choose the org chart template you want to use. 

· Next, see the menu with shapes that represent people. Just enter text to represent each person in the chart. 

· Shapes can be added to the chart template, by clicking the SmartArt Tools Design tab, click Add Shape. 

· To order someone in a chart, click their name in the Text Dialog box. Press Tab to move them up or Shift + Tab to move them down. Hierarchies can be managed in the SmartArt Design tab. 

Adjust colors, fonts and sizes, via the SmartArt Tools Design and Format tabs.  

Organizational charts in Visio from Excel 

Visio is a visual, drag-and-drop canvas tool that allows people to create charts, and it also has the power to connect with data in existing Excel files or Active Directories to help 

automatically create charts

. But when combining the two, eye-catching charts for entities of any size can be created. Open Visio and click the Organization Chart Wizard, then: 

· Click “Information that’s already stored in a file or database” 

· Answer questions when prompted 

· Import pictures or images if you’d like 

· Click finish 

Along with importing information to the chart from Excel, info can also be added directly into the Organization Chart Wizard. 

More organizational chart tips  

Even with organization chart software, organograms can quickly become a blur of shapes and words. But with a little design work, they can capture people’s attention the proper way. So, when finessing a chart try to: 

· Right size it. If your chart is too large, it will be overwhelming. If you need to create three charts rather than one, do it. This way, your audience can get an overview of the organizational structure, then take a deeper dive into departments or divisions when they’re ready. Just make sure that everything leads back to your organization’s highest level.  

· Use shapes and colors consistently. By using the same shape for supervisors, another shape for mid-level staff and yet another for junior employees, you can help people understand your chart better. Use one color for each division in your company, as well. 

· Add pertinent information. Be sure to add details about your staff, like contact information, location, clients or specialties. This way if someone’s looking for help, they can tell who does what and where. 

· Show assistants with a sidebar below the manager. This formatting style can help denote the assistant role while still clearly showing the manager’s direct reports. And it can also help people know who to contact if you need to reach the manager. 

· Pay attention to spacing. Keep boxes equidistant from each other. Your chart will be easier to read and have a more professional appearance. 

Once your chart is complete, have someone review it (maybe someone who knows the entity well and someone who does not). This way, you can make sure that it is correct AND clear, and informative for any audience.

Rubrics will be forthcoming for Event Plan and Event Budget, & Event Organizational Structure

Student’sName: _______Hosea_____________________



7 Grading Rubric for



Fall 2020 –



Points in ( )






















Points in ( )

Points Earned


Size 12 TNR Font

1-inch Margins




Correct Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation;

NO Contractions;

Proper Standard English

< 5 errors




6 or more errors





Project was seemingly developed by student, rather than an obvious copy-paste from the Internet.


General Information

A brief



words that give a general synopsis of the entity.







Mission Statement

Includes 1-3 sentences that clearly and concisely communicate the purpose or reason for being.

Vision Statement

Provides a broad view of how the entity will leave an impact on stakeholders. There are 5-10 bullet points concerning what the entity hopes to achieve over the long-haul.






Values Statement

Communicates the entity’s top priorities and core beliefs, to guide employees’ actions and help connect w/ stakeholders.


You still have my explanation there

Short-term Objectives

3 – 10 specific objectives for the entity/organization/program;

and each objective is clearly tied to a goal.

Long-term Goals

At least THREE desirable goals, w/ a time-frame


for meeting them.


Only 1 given


Provides a good Blueprint that guides the entity.

Entity/Program/Organization Description-Specifics

Seems appropriate and adds to previous info, giving reader a good picture of entity.

Grade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



30% off for each class day the assignment is late _____

RUBRIC – PED 507 Job Announcement – 100 Points

Fall 2020 (DO NOT RE-CREATE this page or SUBMIT it)

(10 Points Each)
























(06 Points Where Applicable)


(02 Points Each)

Complete name of chosen entity, and Sub-Unit, Specific job/position title and date job begins all shown in BOLD


Full-time, part-time,

temporary, seasonal, and

salary/wage info

is specified

The city/town/community county, state specified

(whichever is appropriate)

Position that will evaluate the successful candidate’s job performance, and to whom the employee answers is specified

Education and Experience required

are specified

At least 2

requirements are specified

1 requirement

is specified

NO requirements

are specified

Minimum or Prerequisite Qualifications needed

are specified

At least 4 are specified

At least 3 are specified

At least

2 are specified

Duties and Responsibilities the successful candidate will perform

are specified

3-10 are specified

2 are specified

< 1 are/is


Who or what the individual holding this position will supervise

are/is specified

Contact Information is given

and complete

Applications received by date and

Review of applications beginning date

are shown

FINAL GRADE = 60 / 100

30% off for each class day the assignment is late _____

What state? I haven’t seen that anywhere! You have this person answering to and being supervised by too many people. Your wording is cluttered and unclear in many places. Why does this person need 2 undergraduate degrees? You should have had someone proofread this. You have not given attention to details.

PED 507 Special Event/Fund-raising Flier – Grading Rubric – 2020

100 Points

( ALSO list yourself on the flyer as the primary contact person for the entity! )

Flyer Criteria Points Earned

Spelling is error-free 10 0

Includes pizzazz (Color) – make it look professional (use backgrounds, borders, or special formats) 10 0

Must include a minimum of ONE related picture 10 0

Why ? (Any special reason, fundraiser, awareness event, who/what benefits?) 10 0

What ? (Name and Brief Description of the event, Schedule of Events) 10 0

Where ? (Location of event – address or directions to event) 10 0

Who ? (Who is eligible to attend, play, what age groups, genders) 10 0

Who to contact ? (What organization to contact, person to call, phone number, e-mail, etc.) 10 0

When ? (Days, dates, times) 10 0

Price ? (Participant Entry Fee; deadline when $ must be paid,
if any
; and Spectator Entry Fee) 10 0


_____ / 100

30% off for each class day the assignment is late _____

Final Grade = __ZERO___ / 100

None included

PED 507 – Fall 2020 – Event Plan Rubric

Any submitted Major Project/Organizational Chart/Budget assignment that is seemingly borrowed from or plagiarizes Dr. Conkle’s sample/example

will receive a grade of ZERO!


04 Points
Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event

07 Points

04 Points
Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event

07 Points

04 Points
Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event

35 Points





Cover Page for

Special Event Plan

10 Points

Identifies the event by name, appearance is professional and has color/pizzazz/ backgrounds/borders/special formats

07 Points

Some effort is evident

04 Points

No significant effort is evident

5 W’s & 1 H

30 Points

All clearly addressed: Who; What; Where; When; Why; How

25 Points

1 element vague/absent

20 Points

2 or more elements missing or unclear

Event Goals

& Objectives

15 Points

Event goals & objectives are listed and clearly match/meet the entity goals & objectives in some way – the degree of fundraising involved is described and how much advocacy/awareness & call-to-action is the message – who will benefit and how/to what extent? Expresses how this event helps a cause

10 Points

Somewhat unclear how G&O of event matches entity G&O; or cause is vague

05 Points

Totally unclear how the event matches G&O of entity – or cause is VERY vague

Event Timetable

Or Master Plan

20 Points

Clearly addresses 4-6 months out if not up to 12-months prior to event

Addresses 2-3 months before event

Addresses 1-week to 1-month before event

Addresses 1-day to 1-week before event

Addresses Last-minute Day-of the event

15 Points

Timeline does not cover at least 4-6 months and/or lacks good detail

10 Points

Timeline does not clearly outline the process and/or lacks major details

Event Branding

& Publicity Plan

10 Points

Website / Logo / Catch-Phrase / Tag-Line & other description(s) of the event have been clearly developed – Branding & Publicity Plan are/is Crystal Clear

07 Points

Branding & Publicity Plan provides some clear details

04 Points

Branding and Publicity Plan has poor and/or unclear details


10 Points

A title sponsor is clearly identified, or a list of top-level sponsors named to help defray expenses to some degree

07 Points

Sponsorship details okay, but a bit vague

04 Points

Sponsorship details are totally unclear


Entertainers/Key Staff/ Committees/Volunteers/etc.

10 Points

Vital external participants & staff (and internal employees/staff), etc. are

clearly identified & compensation described explained

07 Points

Staffing of the event is vague/insufficient

04 Points

Staffing seems totally inadequate



Ticket Fees or Sales

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what audience/attendees will pay for event and/or what active participants will pay (if applicable) – how funds will be generated for the cause?

07 Points

04 Points

Details missing regarding admission, or reasons why there are no audience prices

Security/Medical &

1st Aid Needs

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses how the security and welfare of all present individuals will be protected and/or needs met

07 Points

Plan has gaps for this key area of event

04 Points

No plan for this key area of the event



10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what suppliers/vendors will be necessary and for what goods/products/services they will provide or be responsible; Fees these parties must pay if applicable

07 Points

This part of plan has some gaps

04 Points

Doesn’t address/detail this part of event

Merchandise, Catering, Concessions, Food & Beverage Needs

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what goods/products/services will be necessary/ordered

07 Points

Plan partially covers details in this area

04 Points

Doesn’t address/detail this aspect of the event


Equipment Needs

10 Points

Plan clearly addresses what rentals and necessary purchases will be required for the event to take place

07 Points

Plan seemingly has gaps in this area

Event Day Venue

Set-Up / Logistics

& Execution

10 Points

Clear explanation and description of how the day will be set-up & arranged, and schedule of the logistics involved.

Post-Event Details

10 Points

A clear and complete description or explanation of all necessary post-event

Overall Style & Content

25 Points

*Seems totally appropriate for the key publics/stakeholders; Reader left w/ no unanswered questions; Content meets assignment objectives; Writing is interesting & informative

*Sentence structure / Spelling & punctuation / Grammar & syntax are correct

20 Points

1 – 5 clear Errors / Issues / Problems

15 Points

6 or more clear Errors / Issues / Problems

Special Event Budget

50 Points

A complete line-item breakdown of expenditures & revenue sources w/ realistic amounts specified

Object & Line-Item Budget Required – numbering is student’s choice

35 Points

20 Points

Deficient, for the event or math incorrect



or Special Event

Personnel Structure

50 Points

*Shows the internal structure and hierarchies (at least 2-3 levels)

*Shows who reports to whom and who to contact if problems occur 

*Clarifies roles and responsibilities  

*Helps management see how to allocate human resources best 

20 Points

Structure doesn’t show a >
2-level clear chain-of-command and communication

YES, this rubric IS subjective. Pay attention to good details and each student should be okay.

Final Grade =


/ 300

This is not a special event. All points awarded are gratuitous! You did not follow instructions and pay attention to details. This is disappointing.

Overall Grade

Points Earned


Points Possible

Cover Page

Section 1

MVVP 175 200

Section 2

Position Announcement



Section 3



Section 4

Event Plan/Organizational Structure/Budget

119 300

Total Points



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