Speech Assignment creating a Bill

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Instructions: Before we begin our own bill writing, we want to make sure we have a full understanding of what a strong bill looks like. For this assingment, you will portions of bills and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each portion. Make sure to be detailed in your explanations and write in complete sentences.

*You might find it helpful to look back at the documents “CD – Example Bills” and “CD – Bill Template” which can be found under CD – Resource


Bill Analysis

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The bills pulled from this assignment are from past student samples. You will
analyze each section for strengths and weaknesses
to make sure that YOUR bills are the best they can be.


1. This bill is about how we’re trying to make terrorism go away or stop it from happening.

a. Strengths:

The summary clearly states the bill is about terrorism.

b. Weaknesses

: The phrasing is informal and unspecific which does not create a strong foundation for the bill. 

I. Section One: Summary

The Summary Section of a Bill should be at least one complete sentence summarizing the goal of the bill.

1. This bill will not increase income tax because it’s taking money from regular class citizens.

a. Strengths: 

b. Weaknesses: 

2. This bill shall grant that any person at the legal age of 18 should be allowed to buy and carry firearms. 

a. Strengths:

b. Weaknesses:

Section Two: Definitions

The Definitions Section of a Bill should explain and describe in detail the critical aspect(s) of the bill. For example, if your bill is “A Bill to Ban All Abortion,” you would provide the technical definition of the term “Abortion,” then explain in further detail the focus of your bill.

1. Migration: “migration” is defined by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as reducing emissions and stabilizing the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  

Adaptation: “adaptation” is defined by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment for Adapting to the climate change already in the pipeline.

Financial Resources: financial resources is the money available for spending in the form of cash, liquid securities and credit lines.

I. Strengths

I. Weaknesses:

2. Tax refunds checks are 8.4 percent less compared to this time last year, thanks to changes ushered in by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. While many individuals could receive less back or even owe the IRS, there are still some who will actually receive bigger checks this year.

1. Strengths


2. Weaknesses:

III. Section Three: Enforcement

The Enforcement Section of a Bill should specify which government agency or organization will be in charge of enforcing this bill.

1. The FDA will be in charge of enforcing this law on the world.

a. Strengths

b. Weaknesses

1. The NRA will oversee any and all applications to get a license to own a gun/carry in the United States, then by the MHA to ensure the user of the firearm is meantly sound before purchase.

a. Strengths:
b. Weaknesses

IV. Section Four: Timeline

The Timeline Section of a Bill should specify WHEN this bill will go into effect. Consider the realities of changing policies and develop a realistic time frame.

1. sometime in the future

1. Strengths

1. Weaknesses

1. This bill shall go into effect by the new fiscal year of 2019 (December 1, 2019)

b. a. Strengths: 


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