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Research Paper: Racism in America.

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Research Paper: Racism in America 


1,000 words minimum

A minimum of 5 sources (1 is the documentary 13th, 1 on racism, and 1 for each of your points)

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Sources must be peer reviewed/scholarly journals

Times New Roman/12pt font

APA Citations required

Double spaced

Racism in America Paper Outline

Intro Paragraph:

This is the first paragraph of your paper. It should introduce the topic of racism in America, and the three points you’ve decided to write about.


2nd paragraph- this is where you will write about your first point. You will need to research and find sources that you will refer to.

3rd paragraph- this is where you will write about your second point. You will need to research and find sources that you will refer to.

4th paragraph- this is where you will write about your third point. You will need to research and find sources that you will refer to.


This is the last paragraph where you will sum up your paper. When summing up your paper, you must refer to your 3 points.

Here are some points that can be discussed, you must pick 3:

Police Brutality – research the history of police brutality and make sure to link it to racism in America

Jim Crow Laws- research the laws and use a few examples to link them racism in America 

War on Drugs- research the laws and use a few examples to link them to racism in America

3 strikes you’re out- how did this law play a part in racism in America

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing- how did this law play a part in racism in America

Slavery and Prison Labor- link it to racism in America

The Southern Strategy- link it to racism in America

Truth in sentencing laws- link it to racism in America

The criminality clause in the 13th Amendment- link it to racism in America

Stop and Frisk laws- link it to racism in America 

Grading Scale 

(1) Paper addresses topic- (20 points)

(2) Paper highlights three points and makes connections to racism in America-  (60 points)

(3) 1000 words, Double-Spaced, Times New Roman 12pt Font, Minimum of 5 Paragraphs- (10 points) (4) Paper cites at least 5 sources- (10 points)

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