I am in need of assistance with my ” how to speech”   I was trying to do one on how to make a tomahawk steak but man the professor rules for this one is A LOT!!  PLEASE HELP!! want this done asap so I have all week to practice it..  Please see attached files.   

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Informative “How To” Speech Outline

This is the “How To” speech where you will act as a teacher and inform your audience about a process: (1) how to do something, (2) how something is done, (3) how to make something, (4) how to fix something, or (5) how something works. You will present only 2-3 major parts/steps/components to your topic. 4-6 minutes. Up to 15 seconds over 1 of 2 pts. 16+ seconds over 0 of 2 pts. -1 point off for EVERY 15 seconds UNDER in time. Be sure to avoid something too complicated or not easily explained in 4-6 minutes. Be realistic about what you can discuss in such a short time period. Also, no trivial, mundane, or extremely simple topics (how to make a peanut butter/jelly sandwich or the equivalent.) If the majority of your classmates would already know “how to…” do your topic, is not difficult enough. You must run your topic & main points by me for approval BEFORE you start working. If you change your topic without my approval you will be penalized!

This speech is complex because you must combine your verbal explanations with presentational aids. You are expected to have, at minimum, TWO SEPERATE props/visual aids (you may use more if you choose.) These items should be appropriate for classroom use (i.e. nothing dangerous, messy, or illegal). The computer/projector will NOT be available for use (and NO you can’t bring in or use your own.) NO using a phone/tablet/computer to show pictures or videos. NO writing or drawing on the board. NO playing any music, video, or sound. Acceptable visual aids must be TANGIBLE & include: a hard-copy picture (ideally these will be in color but black & white is fine, make them large enough that we can easily see them = full 8 ½ by 11 size), an object, a diagram, a poster board, a model/replica, etc. You must pick up & interact with your visual aid to earn credit. If it just sits there and you don’t interact with it, you will earn no credit for it. You are to show your presentational aid in the BODY of the speech, not during the intro or conclusion. No passing handouts/pictures around. Each visual aid should be held up and displayed only when you are discussing it. You should interact with it for a FULL 5-10 seconds so that everyone in the room can see/understand it. If you show it too quickly you will not earn full credit.

*You are required to use AT LEAST TWO separate outside sources to boost your credibility while writing this speech (you may use as many sources as necessary.) I suggest having one source for each main point. Websites/online resources are considered acceptable sources for this assignment. However, NO dictionary (online or print) & NO encyclopedia or Wikipedia, etc. Those sources will NOT count for credit. You must turn in a citation page of all sources used. You may use MLA or APA format. 2 points off for no works cited/references page. You must then create an “oral citation” for EVERY source used. This is where you cite each source OUT LOUD, DURING your presentation. You will simply say “According to…” then state the name of the author, then say the title of the article/book/magazine/website/video etc. and then quote or paraphrase the information used. Do NOT cite pictures as your “sources.” Content/research is required. IF YOU DO NOT INCORPORATE ANY SOURCES IN YOUR SPEECH YOU WILL EARN 5 POINTS OFF OF YOUR GRADE.

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This is the outline format I will expect you to follow for your speech. You are required to fill out this outline in TYPED, COMPLETE SENTENCES and turn it in immediately BEFORE you speak. Essentially, you are writing your speech out in its entirety. I will not put a limit on what you may use to present. Don’t forget to include your works cited/references page!


1. Attention Getting Opener. (Get our attention and get us interested about what you are going to speak about. You could raise a question, give an example, or create a hypothetical scenario…)

2. Tell the audience what TOPIC you are speaking about (“Today I’m going to share with you you how to…”) and preview your 2-3 MAIN POINTS (what are the 2-3 major steps/components involved.)


Transition: Remind us what Main Point #1 is. (e.g. “First of all…”, “The first step to _____ is _____…”)

1. Support/discuss main point Main Point #1

Transition: Remind us what Main Point #2 is. (e.g. “Second…”, “Next…”)

2. Support/discuss main point Main Point #2

Transition: Remind us what Main Point #3 is. (e.g. “Finally…” “Third…” “Lastly…”)

3. Support/discuss main point Main Point #3


I. Re-cap your topic and 2-3 main points.

2. End with concluding remarks/final comments/parting statements. Give us something thoughtful to take away from your speech. Don’t end on a dud! Simply saying “the end” or “thank you” does not count as concluding remarks.

GRADING = 29 points total

Outline 0 1

Intro: Attention Getting Opener 0 1

Eye Contact 1 2 3 4 5

Clear Topic and 2-3 Main Points 0 1 2

Use of Voice 1 2 3 4 5

Body: Clear transitions & distinct main points, Professionalism 0 1

Use of Body 1 2 3 4 5

Conclusion: Re-cap topic & 2-3 main points 0 1 2

Minimum of 2 visual aids 0 .5 1

Concluding Remarks 0 1

following detailed guidelines 0 .5 1

4-6 minutes -1 pt off every 15 sec under 0 1 2

-2 points off no works cited/references

Oral Citations of at least 2 sources 0 .5 1

-5 points off no sources used

No dictionary, encyclopedia/Wikipedia. They don’t count for credit. 0 .5 1

*To help you created a works cited/references page check out


(or just Google “purdue owl”). At the bottom left corner under “suggested resources” is a link for the MLA guide or APA guide.

Examples of oral citations :

-John Smith, author of the book “How to deliver a great speech” is quoted saying “…” (This oral citation is where you have quoted John Smith’s exact words.)

-According to John Smith, author of the book “How to deliver a great speech” he notes that … (This oral citation is where you have paraphrased what you read in the book. You put it in your own way of explaining it.)

-USA Today.com’s article titled “Giving a great speech” by author Jane Smith discusses …

***Make it very clear to us, your audience, where your information came from. I encourage you to have one source for each main point to keep it simple and straightforward. YOU MUST HAVE AN ORAL CITATION FOR EVERY SOURCE YOU USE.

GRADING = 29 points total

Outline 0 1

Intro: Attention Getting Opener 0 1

Eye Contact 1 2 3 4 5

Clear Topic and 2-3 Main Points 0 1 2

Use of Voice 1 2 3 4 5

Body: Clear transitions & distinct main points, Professionalism 0 1

Use of Body 1 2 3 4 5

Conclusion: Re-cap topic & 2-3 main points 0 1 2

Minimum of 2 visual aids 0 .5 1

Concluding Remarks 0 1

following detailed guidelines 0 .5 1

4-6 minutes -1 pt off every 15 sec under 0 1 2

-2 points off no works cited/references

Oral Citations of at least 2 sources 0 .5 1

-5 points off no sources used

No dictionary, encyclopedia/Wikipedia. They don’t count for credit. 0 .5 1

*To help you created a works cited/references page check out
(or just Google “purdue owl”). At the bottom left corner under “suggested resources” is a link for the MLA guide or APA guide.
Examples of oral citations :
-John Smith, author of the book “How to deliver a great speech” is quoted saying “…” (This oral citation is where you have quoted John Smith’s exact words.)
-According to John Smith, author of the book “How to deliver a great speech” he notes that … (This oral citation is where you have paraphrased what you read in the book. You put it in your own way of explaining it.)
-USA Today.com’s article titled “Giving a great speech” by author Jane Smith discusses …
***Make it very clear to us, your audience, where your information came from. I encourage you to have one source for each main point to keep it simple and straightforward. YOU MUST HAVE AN ORAL CITATION FOR EVERY SOURCE YOU USE.

“How To” Speech Example Outline


1. Attention Getting Opener

There is nothing better than coming home after a long day of work only to be greeted by your pet at the front door. For most people this is a dog or a cat. For some people it may be a more exotic pet like a snake or a spider. For me, I am greeted by my pet turtle, Alvin. He may not be waiting at the door, but he happily swims to the edge of his tank to say “hello.” He may not be a dog, but he still makes a wonderful pet.

2. Clear Topic and Main Points

Today I’m going to tell you how to have a turtle for a pet (Topic). First, we will look at aquiring your pet turtle (Main Point #1), next I will tell you how to set up your turtle’s tank (Main Point #2), and finally, I will discuss how to care for your turtle (Main Point #3.)


Transition & Preview of Main Point #1: First of all, you need to aquire a pet turtle.

Support/Discuss Main Point #1. Alvin is a red-eared slider turtle. These turtles get their name from the red stripe on each side of their head above their “ear,” as you can see in this picture. (SHOW PICTURE of turtle and red stripe by “ear.”) Red-eared slider turtles are commonly kept as pets.

Katrina Smith, author of the book “Red Eared Sliders” for the Animal Planet Pet Care Library, notes that it is usually best to only own one pet turtle. Turtles start out very small and cute, only about the size of a quarter, so some people take 2 or 3 of them without having done the proper research. As she points out, each turtle will eventually grow to the size of a dinner plate and can live for over 20 years. So make sure you really have the ability to take care of any animal for the long term. Unfortunately sometimes people realize they got in over their head and end up neglecting or surrendering their turtle. If you’d like to have a turtle I strongly encourage you to always adopt one from a shelter rather than buying one from a pet store. Give a turtle a second chance at a good life!

Transition & Preview Main Point #2: Next, I will discuss how to set up your turtle’s tank.

Support/Discuss Main Point #2. There is a lot of work to be done before your turtle can come home. First things first, you will need to set up its tank because turtle’s live in the water and tortoises live on dry land. An online article by Gail Smith titled “Keeping water turtles in an aquarium” notes that the three most important parts of a tank is having 1. a water filter, 2 a basking rock, and 3. a heat lamp. You can see the parts of the tank that I just mentioned in my replica of Alvin’s tank. (SHOW MODEL OF TANK)

Notice the tube in the corner represents the water filter. The filter keeps the water clean and free from debris and waste, which is important because your turtle’s home is in that water. Also, your turtle will want, and need, to come out of the water daily. Turtles spend most of their day sitting on their basking rock – which is an elevated platform that sits just above water level. From here you will have a heat lamp shining down from above. The lightbulb in the heat lamp is special because it has both UVA and UVB rays to mimic real sunlight. Turtles are cold-blooded animals, so the warmth of the light is vital to their health. If they are not allowed to come out of the water on a daily basis and receive the warmth of that heat lamp they will begin to develop “shell rot.” Their shell is the equivalent of our skin, so if it starts to rot they will get very sick and likely die.

You can add in decorative rocks, shells, or plants, to make the tank pretty, but make sure all 3 essential items I just noted are in your tank!

Transition & Preview Main Point #3: Last but not least, caring for your turtle.

Support/Discuss Main Point #3.

Your turtle will need to be fed on a daily basis. Vin Ma’s article titled “Red Eared Slider Care Sheet” from Reptilemagazine.com recommends that a turtle’s diet should consist mainly of floating pellets (SHOW CAN OF FOOD) specially designed to ensure your pet gets all the nutrition it needs. A very common turtle food brand is called Reptomin. In addition to the Reptomin pellets, you also need to do research on your specific breed of turtle. Red eared sliders are originally from swamps, so they love vegetables that mimic plants found in and around a swamp. Also, they need a source of protein such as crickets or meal worms. Then you can experiment and see what else your turtle likes for healthy “treats.” For example, if I give Alvin a cherry tomato, a piece of a banana, or a chunk of pineapple, he is a very happy turtle.


1. Re-cap topic and 2-3 main points.

Today I have told you how to have a turtle for a pet (topic). We looked at aquiring a turtle (Main Point #1), setting up its tank (Main Point #2), and caring for it (Main Point #3.)

2. Concluding Remark.

As you can see, having a pet turtle requires some time, effort, and money. But, if you are able to commit to taking care of one, turtles are interesting animals that will make a great addition to your family.


Ma, V. (2015). Red eared slider care sheet. Reptile Magazine.

Red-Eared Slider Care Sheet

Smith, G.G. (2015). Keeping water turtles in an aquarium. San Diego Turtle and Tortoise

Society. http://media.wix.com/ugd/840bd6_b90e9810854747479bbfd4db3d4f22 7

Smith, K. (2011). Red eared sliders (Animal planet pet care library.) TFH Publications, Inc.

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