SOCW 6202 Week 6 – Discussion: Impact of Codependency on Addiction Recovery


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Discussion: Impact of Codependency on Addiction Recovery

Four simple questions may help to assess codependent behavior: 1) Am I trying to rescue the person from painful consequences? 2) Am I trying to fix someone? 3) Do I see my fixing as crucial to saving his or her life? 4) Am I feeling resentment? A “yes” answer to one or more of these questions indicates possible codependent behavior.

Codependency is not limited to family and friends of the person with problems with addiction. In your work in this field, you must continually ask yourself these four codependent questions to guard against having your well-intentioned helping hinder both the recovery of the person with problems with addiction and your role as a helping professional.

Provide a 300-word discussion Post detailing:

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– Two examples of ways that family members might demonstrate codependent behavior with a client with problems with addiction. 

– Explain how such behavior might impact addiction recovery. 

– Provide one strategy for addressing these codependent behaviors

Support your response using the resources from the following providing at least 3 references and citations.

Week 6: Co-dependency and Families

When it comes to addiction, family members are sometimes part of the solution, but they are often part of the problem. Understanding the role that family members play and how their behaviors may result in codependent relationships can assist the helping professionals develop an appropriate addiction treatment plan that addresses these issues.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Analyze the impact of codependent behaviors

· Analyze strategies for addressing codependent behaviors

· Analyze the impact of unhealthy family roles on addiction recovery

· Analyze strategies for addressing unhealthy family roles

Learning Resources


 To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the 

Course Materials

 section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Doweiko, H. E. (2019). Concepts of chemical dependency (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.

· Chapter 22, “Codependency and Enabling” (pp. 313-321)

· Chapter 23, “Substance Use Disorders and the Family” (pp. 304-312)

Gibson, B. (2016). A harrowing journey through codependency. Perspectives, 24(2), 3.

Margasiński, A. (2017). Psychological roles of young adults growing up in alcoholic and non-alcoholic families measured by Family Roles Questionnaire. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, 30(1), 13-40.

Sharma, R. (2016). Role of Family relationship in child rearing of drug addiction afflicted vs normal families. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 7(8), 807-809.

Stenzel, W. (2018). Co-Dependency, a metastatic disease. Human Development, 39(1), 74–87.Stenzel, W. (2018). 

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Counseling session 3. [Multimedia file]. Retrieved from

Document: “Counseling session 3” Transcript (PDF)

Discussion: Impact of Codependency on Addiction Recovery

Four simple questions may help to assess codependent behavior: 1) Am I trying to rescue the person from painful consequences? 2) Am I trying to fix someone? 3) Do I see my fixing as crucial to saving his or her life? 4) Am I feeling resentment? A “yes” answer to one or more of these questions indicates possible codependent behavior.

Codependency is not limited to family and friends of the person with problems with addiction. In your work in this field, you must continually ask yourself these four codependent questions to guard against having your well-intentioned helping hinder both the recovery of the person with problems with addiction and your role as a helping professional.

Provide a 300-word discussion Post detailing:

· Two examples of ways that family members might demonstrate codependent behavior with a client with problems with addiction.

· Explain how such behavior might impact addiction recovery.

· Provide one strategy for addressing these codependent behaviors.

Support your response using the resources from the following providing at least 3 references and citations.

Learning Resources

 To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the 
Course Materials
 section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
Doweiko, H. E. (2019). Concepts of chemical dependency (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.
· Chapter 22, “Codependency and Enabling” (pp. 313-321)
· Chapter 23, “Substance Use Disorders and the Family” (pp. 304-312)
Gibson, B. (2016). A harrowing journey through codependency. Perspectives, 24(2), 3.

Margasiński, A. (2017). Psychological roles of young adults growing up in alcoholic and non-alcoholic families measured by Family Roles Questionnaire. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, 30(1), 13-40.

Sharma, R. (2016). Role of Family relationship in child rearing of drug addiction afflicted vs normal families. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 7(8), 807-809.

Stenzel, W. (2018). Co-Dependency, a metastatic disease. Human Development, 39(1), 74–87.Stenzel, W. (2018). 
Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2012b). Counseling session 3. [Multimedia file]. Retrieved from

Document: “Counseling session 3” Transcript (PDF)

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