SOCW 6103 – Discussion: Team Approach to Addiction Treatment


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Discussion: Team Approach to Addiction Treatment

Addiction has an impact on every aspect of an individual’s life, making a holistic approach to treatment essential. Fortunately, many treatment programs have adopted a team approach to treatment. This provides the opportunity to address the addiction, the physical and emotional consequences of the addiction, and other related issues. For example, in addiction treatment centers, the clinical staff may address a client’s psychological needs while the medical staff addresses their medical and physical well-being.

For this Discussion, review the week’s resources and the media piece, “Team Approach to Addiction Treatment.” Explore the strengths and limitations of the team approach to addiction treatment. Think about how a client might respond to a team approach versus a single person.

Provide a Discussion Post which contains the following Topics, Content, and Headings:

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–  An explanation of two strengths and two limitations of using a team approach to addiction treatment from the perspective of an addiction professional.  

– An explanation of two strengths and two limitations of using a team approach to addiction treatment from the perspective of a client. 

– Support your response using the resources and the current literature.

Must contain at least 4 references and citations.

Week 3: Approaches and Competencies

Your client, George, has an addiction to gambling. The gambling has gone on for years and it is now affecting George both personally and professionally. George has gambled away his children’s college savings and may soon lose his job because of chronic absenteeism. His wife has threatened to leave him. In addition to the financial consequences, George also acknowledges feelings of depression and anxiety.

Think of how you might approach treating George. It is essential for addiction professionals to provide the best treatment approach for their clients. Although there is not one “standard” approach to any type of treatment, there are approaches and competencies that are considered best practices and can improve your effectiveness as an addiction professional. As an addiction counselor, you often work as part of a team of helping professionals to treat clients such as George.  You must demonstrate competencies as an addiction counselor and constantly work to improve upon these competencies.

This week, you explore the strengths and limitations of using a team approach to addiction treatment. In addition, you examine addiction professional competencies and how to develop opportunities that may contribute to the strengthening of these competencies.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Evaluate the team approach to addiction treatment

· Analyze contributions of addiction treatment team members

· Evaluate competencies of addiction professionals

· Analyze development opportunities to strengthen addiction competencies

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Foundations of addictions counseling (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

· Chapter 4, “Important Professional Issues in Addiction Counseling” (pp. 66-86)

Pinderup, P., Thylstrup, B., & Hesse, M. (2016). Critical review of dual diagnosis training for mental health professionals. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14(5), 856-872.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. (2015). Core competencies for peer workers in behavioral health services. Retrieved from

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012d). Team approach to addiction treatment [Multimedia file]. Retrieved from

Discussion: Team Approach to Addiction Treatment

Addiction has an impact on every aspect of an individual’s life, making a holistic approach to treatment essential. Fortunately, many treatment programs have adopted a team approach to treatment. This provides the opportunity to address the addiction, the physical and emotional consequences of the addiction, and other related issues. For example, in addiction treatment centers, the clinical staff may address a client’s psychological needs while the medical staff addresses their medical and physical well-being.

For this Discussion, review the week’s resources and the media piece, “Team Approach to Addiction Treatment.” Explore the strengths and limitations of the team approach to addiction treatment. Think about how a client might respond to a team approach versus a single person.

Provide a Discussion Post which contains the following Topics, Content, and Headings:

· An explanation of two strengths and two limitations of using a team approach to addiction treatment from the perspective of an addiction professional.

· An explanation of two strengths and two limitations of using a team approach to addiction treatment from the perspective of a client.

· Support your response using the resources and the current literature.

Must contain at least 4 references and citations.

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