Sociology week 5 signature assignment

a 6- to 8-slide

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® presentation in which you:

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  • Explain the importance of leadership to a team.
  • Explain leadership practices you incorporated into your leadership style.
  • Provide examples of how you incorporated those leadership practices within your team.
  • Discuss leadership strategies the other managers can use to motivate their own teams.
  • Summarize the challenges you encountered through the team’s process and what decisions you would have made differently.
  • Team formation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Resource Planning and allocation
  • Leadership

the Microsoft® PowerPoint®


to enhance your presentation. Remember to add speaker notes to support your main points for each slide, with a minimum of 50-to-150 words per slide:

  • View PC – PowerPoint 2013 – View Speaker Notes or PC – PowerPoint – View Speaker Notes for a brief visual demonstration on adding speaker notes to your presentation.
  • You may conduct a search for PowerPoint tutorials in the Media Library for additional assistance using Microsoft® PowerPoint®.
  • You may add pictures and graphics to enhance your presentation, and you are welcome to change the design layout of the presentation.

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