Sociology Field Work

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SOC101 Name:

Gender & Sexuality Score:

Introduction – It is arguable that no variable is more central to sociology than gender. Indeed, the gender divide in the United States is very visible, and it has been a topic of sociological interest for several decades. We know gender inequality exists globally including the various in healthcare, the workplace, and in politics. Sociologists are part of an ongoing debate over whether biology or socialization plays a greater role in gender differences. Most argue that gender-related behavior is not primarily the result of biology, but rather that through socialization, members of a society acquire an awareness of themselves as masculine or feminine. Today we will explore how society reinforces traditional gender roles and stereotypes in the objects found at a retail store.

Hypothesize/Predict – After reading Five Reasons Why Gendered Products are a Problem, take a minute to predict the areas/departments in which this retail store will contain gendered products and which are gender neutral.

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Field Work Task 1 – Find 2 products from different areas/department of the store that reinforce traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Take a picture of the products, give a brief description of the product and discuss why you chose them.

Field Work Task 3 – Find a product that is making progress or the effort to be gender neutral that may not have been years ago. Take a picture of the product(s), give a brief description, and discuss why you chose this product.

Field Work Task 4 – Find a product you think may be presented or offered differently in another country (ie, it may be more or less gender specific). Take a picture of the product(s), give a brief description, and discuss why you chose this product.

Summary and Interpretation

Describe how easy or difficult it was for you to find gender specific products that reinforce gender roles and stereotypes. Discuss how or why these products either reinforce or counter gender stereotypes? Do you believe companies purposely make or package the products this way and why? How would you package or redesign this product to encourage gender equality?

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