Social Work Discussion 5: Cultural Competence


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Cross-Cultural Knowledge
Social workers shall have and continue to develop specialized knowledge and understanding about the history, traditions, values, family systems, and artistic expressions of major client groups that they serve.

Cultural identity is the perception of belonging to a group culture. Group cultures can be defined by many factors including ancestry, appearance, attitudes, behavior, family, education, ethnicity, health practices, history, locality, nationality, political attitudes, profession, religion, skills, and social class. Cultural identity includes markers that offer validation that a person is associated with a particular group, belief system, or race, such as clothing, grooming styles, or diet.

For this Discussion, think about how you would identify your culture. Consider aspects of your identity such as your ethnicity, gender identity, religion, race, ability status, sexual orientation, or any other identifiers that contribute to what you would consider your culture. 

Post a description of important aspects of your culture that an outsider might not know. Explain the information a social worker would need to know about your culture in order to effectively assist your family in the face of a pressing issue. Describe potential consequences of a lack of cultural awareness on the social worker’s part.

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Additional Information
I’m an African American female. 
Things about African Americans:
slavery, struggle for equality, racial profiling, grooming styles such as braids or dread locks. Cuisines like gumbo, fried chicken, mac and cheese, greens chitterlings are some food we are associated with. African Americans overwhelmingly associate with the Democratic Party. I think an important aspects of my culture is celebrating black history month. You can discuss whatever topic though. These are just a few examples

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