SMGT 501 Forum 4

Topic: According to your textbook, the amount of money spent every year on intercollegiate sports varies from less than $500,000 at some small schools to over $160 million at some larger schools. Even though the vast majority of college sports teams are not “big time,” people use what they see and read in the media to make conclusions about all college sports—a big mistake, though.

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Your task for this discussion question is to react to the following scenario: The intercollegiate sport programs at your school are undergoing financial hardships. Because of large losses, the students have been asked to increase their student fees by $100 per semester to maintain the programs. If the fee increase does not pass, all the intercollegiate sport programs will be dropped and replaced by low-cost, student-run club sports. How would you vote? Use material from Modules/Weeks 7 and 8 to support and justify your decision.

Based on current (2010 to present) research and personal experience, research this topic and support your opinions with at least 1 citation.

This link

provides a sport-management-specific research portal at the Jerry Falwell Library that may be used for this assignment.

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