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This week, you have read about the rhetorical appeals of credibility, reason, and emotion and the role of information literacy in responsible research. For your initial post this week, find a current event article from a reputable news outlet and provide an academic summary. In your summary, you must include the following.

A summary of the central idea or argument of the article

An explanation of the topic

An analysis of how the appeals of credibility, reason, and emotion operate in the article

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A paraphrase of at least one example used in the article

An APA citation of the article

Examples that students have posted so far

Hello Professor/


Summary: Earth has a asteroid stuck in its orbit, it is only temporary.

Explanation: The article covers the scientists who discovered the asteroid along with its estimated dimensions.

Analysis: The article seems credible, they have images of the object and the right information. The reason of the article is to inform people about what is happening in space around our planet. The emotion the article sparks in me at least is curiosity.

The asteroid known as 2020 CD3 is temporarily orbiting the earth. While it is orbiting the earth it is acting like a “mini moon” and is expected to leave the Earths orbit sometime in April.(Strickland, 2020)

Strickland, A. (2020, February 28). Earth has a new mini-moon — but it’s only temporary. Retrieved March 2, 2020, from


Summary: Homo Sapiens, believed to be wiped out during a volcanic eruption almost 74,000 years ago, may have began migrating away from the area before the eruption.

Explanation: Scientists have uncovered evidence that Homo Sapiens were migrating before, during, and after Sumatra’s Mount Toba experienced a super-eruption .

Analysis: Newly discovered fossils and tools have led to the discovery that not all humans were wiped out during the super-eruption of Sumatra’s Mount Toba.

“Researchers investigating a site called Dhaba in Central India’s Middle Son River Valley uncovered evidence revealing that humans have occupied the site continuously for the last 80,000 years. Stone tools found at the site are also similar to those associated with Middle Stone Age humans in Africa and even Australia, suggesting that they were all forged by migrating Homo sapiens. ” (Strickland, 2020)

Strickland, A. (2020, February 25). Ancient humans lived through a massive volcanic eruption 74,000 years ago Retrieved March 2, 2020, from

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