Short Ppt slides

I attached my assignment question below which carries all instructions. I need at least 80%. I just want part1. Thank you

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BUSA 2005 – Management Principles Application Assignment (2020)

BUSA 2005 – Assignment details

Management Principles Application

The following is detailed information about your BUSA 2005 “Management Principles Application” assignment. The assignment is divided in 2 parts, part 1 (15%) is the written component (theory and applied) and part 2 (5%) is an individual power point presentation. The purpose of the assignment is to describe, apply and present the four management functions (e.g.: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling). This is an individual assignment.

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Part 1 Written component (Theory and application) – 15 %

Due date: Wednesday, March


1 by 6pm, upload on the Learning Hub as a WORD doc (NO PDFs or google DOCs)

Length 1750-2000 words (hint: double space, 12 point font, 1 inch margins is approximately 250 words per page)

a) Cover page (not included in word count)

b) Introduction (125 words – approx. ½ page)

In your introduction include your business name and a brief description of your business and product/service (you will need to make something up!). See case below.

c) Management functions (theory and applied)

(1500-1750 words – approx. 6-7 pages double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font)

You are the manager of a small business and you are looking for investors to grow your company. Prior to lending you funds to grow your business, a potential investor is interested in your ideas about how you will efficiently and effectively manage your business in the next year. Your business XXXX (your choice of service/product: coffee shop, ice cream store or producer, yoga/Pilates studio/fitness gym or Covid-19 related products such as masks and hand sanitizer) currently has 2-3 employees employed full-time including yourself. Up to now you did not have a formal strategy nor structure as your growth has been organic and unstructured. Your profit for last year was $50,000 after all expenses paid. You are expected to double your staffing and profit next year.

The potential investor wants to know, what are your future plans? How will you organize your business resources to achieve your plan? How will your demonstrate leadership? And how will you show that you have achieved your goals?

Composition of section c:

· There should 4 four distinctive sections in section c and the length of each section should be reflective of the amount of time we spend on each principle in class.

· Planning (we covered 3 chapters on planning in class)

· Organizing (we covered 3 chapters on organizing in class)

· Leadership (we covered 2 chapters on leadership in class)

· Control (we covered 1 chapter on control in class)

· Each section above (planning, organizing, leadership and control) should include theoretical concepts from the textbook and applied concepts with a greater emphasis on the applied (what does this mean for your business). The theoretical concepts and applied concepts should be related. You have to decide which concepts to apply which makes the most sense to what you want to present to your potential employer. For example do you what your potential investor to know about what will be your sustained competitive advantage? About how you organizational structure? Etc.

d) Conclusion (125 words – approx. ½ page)

e) Reference list (not included in word count)

FORMAT – APA citation, referencing and assignment format:

· You are required to use APA standards for your citations, references and for your assignment formatting.

· APA format: 1.5-2 spacing, 12 points font, 1” inch margins. You can refer to the following website for more details:


· Minimum 3 academic references are required in addition to your textbook.

· Writing style: Paragraph essay with headings to separate your main sections.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA for Part 1 – Written assignment (15%).

Content (10 marks):

· Is your topic well researched?

· Are you citing your work? Do you have supporting evidence?

· Are you answering what is asked in Part 1?

· Are you demonstrating insight and in-depth thinking on the topic?

· Are you statement of facts appropriately referenced?

· Do you have a well-balanced theory/applied perspectives?

· Does your theory match your applied?

· Are you demonstrating an understanding of concepts used?

Writing Skills, organization and format (5 marks)

· Is your work free of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors?

· Do your ideas, thoughts and arguments flow logically?

· Are your ideas, thoughts and arguments articulated clearly and in a concise manner?

· Is your writing style professional (i.e.: avoid colloquialism)?

· Do you adhere to word count requirements? Length of time?

· Are you using APA standards for citing, reference and formatting?

· Do you have a clear introduction and conclusion?

· Are you providing smooth transition from one section to the next?

· Have your included a minimum of three academic references?


Please submit YOUR OWN WORK, do not pay someone to do your assignment or get someone (a brother, a friend, a cousin, etc.) to do the work for you as this is consider cheating and you will receive 0/15. I can tell when the writing and the voice is not yours. The format of the assignment has changed so do not use or refer to an assignment that was submitted by a previous BUSA 2005. Cheers, Caroline

Part 2: Power Point presentation – 5%

Due date: A presentation date will be assigned to you either on Wednesday, March 24 or Wednesday, March 31.

Length: 5 minutes

In a 5 minute presentation, present your ideas to your potential investor (section C of Part 1):

a) Present your main applied ideas section C of Part 1 with an emphasis on the applied component

b) 5-minute power point presentation delivered online. Your technology (camera and microphone) will have to be on for your presentation where you will be given presenter status. No camera/mic no marks.

c) Maximum of 5 power point slides (not including your introduction and conclusion slides).

d) Instructor will assign your presentation date/time

e) Upload your power point slides on the Learning Hub by 12pm (noon) on your presentation day.

f) Presentations will be recorded for assessment purposes only

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA for Part 2 – Presentation (5%):

Content including writing skills and organization (2.5 marks):

· Is your topic well researched?
· Are you demonstrating insight and in-depth thinking on the topic?
· Are your ideas, thoughts and arguments articulated clearly and in a concise manner?

· Are you statement of facts appropriately referenced? Are you citing your work? Do you have supporting evidence?

· Is your work free of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors?
· Is your writing style professional (i.e.: avoid colloquialism)?
· Are you using APA standards for citing, reference and formatting?
· Do you have a clear introduction and conclusion?

· Are you providing smooth transition from one slide to the next?

Presentation skills (2.5 marks):

· Are your slides interesting with the right amount of content (background, transitions, images, 6X6, etc.).

· Are you speaking clearly and with confidence (i.e.: Articulation, speed, volume, etc.)?

· Are you centered and looking into the camera?

· Is your background appropriate for a professional presentation?

· Did you respect the length of time (5 minutes)?

· Are you verbally adding content to what is written on your slide when presenting?

· Did you answer questions with knowledge and confidence?

Presentation schedule:


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