short essay… must use the template provided below !Prompt: Review the Week Five Case Study Ilana document, and then address the following. Be sure to support your responses with !!research!!!


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This assignment represents the second of the case studies and involves identifying a treatment intervention that can be used when working with clients experiencing bereavement and grief. 

Write a paper that includes the following:
Provide a brief description of the intervention including:

(1) to whom it can be applied
(2) under what circumstances it can be applied
(3) any limitations to the intervention that should be considered

Provide rationale for choosing the selected approach for the case study.
Include an explanation for why selecting that intervention will help your work with the selected case study client, and provide appropriate support.
Describe how the intervention can be used in future work when supporting the treatment approaches for clients.

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Provide a link to the intervention within the body of the paper (or upload the PDF) so your instructor can easily identify and reference it. Ensure the link is active and accessible for review by your instructor. Note: If your selected intervention is not accessible, your submission will be returned to you.

COU 680 Week Five Case Study: Ilana

Ilana is a 37-year-old Korean-American female. She presented to therapy four weeks after the sudden
loss of her husband, Eli, and youngest child, Kai, who were killed by a drunk driver on their way home
from Korean school. Ilana’s daughter, Claire, was also in the car at the time of the accident but survived.
Ilana reports that she moves back and forth between periods of shock, denial, and anger and finds
herself “zoning out” many times a day, as if she is watching herself in slow motion. She struggles with
feelings of hopelessness and rage and simultaneously feels the needs to cut off her emotions to protect
and care for her eight-year-old daughter. She worries she is losing control and does not know how she
will continue to manage life without her husband and child.

Ilana and Eli were married for 12 years. They met at the local hospital where they were both employed
as nurses. In addition to their passion for nursing, Eli and Ilana bonded over their shared Korean
heritage. Eli was biracial with an Irish mother and Korean father, and Ilana’s family had immigrated to
the United States from Korea when she was two years old. Although both adopted “American lifestyles,”
they both felt a strong cultural connection to their Korean heritage and agreed to raise their children
with an awareness of their Korean roots.

After a several years of marriage, Ilana and Eli had Claire, who was later followed by their son, Kai. Ilana
reported that both she and Eli had been very close to their children and saw their relationship as one of
partners and co-parents. While they preferred to do things together as a family, one of the other of
them would take responsibility for the kids’ activities when the other was on call for work.
On the day of the accident Ilana had been on call, so Eli took Claire and Kai to the Korean-language
school they attended on Saturday mornings. She had been in the process of preparing lunch when she
received a call from the local hospital where Eli still worked. She was told a drunk driver had run a red
light and smashed head-on into the driver’s side of Eli’s car, killing him and Kai instantly. Claire had been
taken to the hospital with a broken leg and some small lacerations.

In the month since the accident Ilana has not been working and has largely been supported by her
parents and sister who live in her same town. They held a Christian funeral for Kai and Eli three days
after the accident, but Ilana claims she has been “unable to do anything” since. She said she often drifts
in and out of functioning and will become angry and full of rage completely out of the blue. She notes
that she is hypervigilant and jumpy, and she has become increasingly protective of Claire, who is
struggling with her own nightmares and distressing memories of the accident. She states that she has
“no idea who [she is] anymore” and does not know how to continue to parent in the aftermath of this

Developmental Considerations
Ilana had no physical or cognitive delays in childhood. She immigrated to the United States when she
was two years old, and although her family spoke only Korean, she quickly learned English when she
started public education. She maintained average grades throughout school. Ilana was an outgoing child
and made friends easily. She noted no concerns related to psychosocial development.

Relational Considerations
As a child, Ilana was close to both parents and is especially fond of her younger sister, who was born
when Ilana was 10-years old. As a child, Ilana was an outgoing and precocious child who often greeted

others with a laugh and a smile. As she grew older, she maintained her outgoing demeanor despite the
more reserved nature of her Korean-born parents. While there were some inherent conflicts with her
parents about her “American” lifestyle, Ilana felt supported by her parents and remains close to them
today. She also remains close to her younger sister, who moved in with Ilana and Eli when she
graduated from college. Ilana reports strong relationships with coworkers and other parents from her
kids’ school, many of whom have been bringing food and supporting Claire when Ilana felt unable to do

Multicultural Considerations
Ilana’s Korean heritage is of great importance to her. Both of her parents continue to speak
predominantly Korean, so she felt this was an especially important part of raising her own children, and
why she and Eli elected to send their children to Korean-language school.

While Ilana was raised in the Buddhist tradition, she elected to convert to Eli’s protestant Christian
religion before she and Eli married. This was initially a point of contention between Ilana and her
parents, but over time they came to accept Ilana’s decision. In the weeks since Eli and Kai passed away,
Ilana notes that she has struggled with acceptance of what happened and an inability to deal with the
unknown of afterlife. She notes that her parents’ belief in samsara seem to have brought comfort and
peace to them, but she does not feel the same. She reports that she does not know whether to believe
in the heaven of her Christian religion or the reincarnation of her Buddhist upbringing.

Diagnostically, Ilana presents with symptoms consistent with acute stress disorder with a combination of
negative mood, dissociative symptoms, and arousal symptoms (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

Washington, DC. Author.

COU 680 Clarification of Intervention

Clarification of “Intervention” for Rubrics:

Throughout the course of this term, you will be asked to research and select empirically validated
counseling treatment interventions appropriate to the case studies you have been provided. Treatment
interventions are those cognitive, affective, behavioral, and systemic counseling strategies, techniques,
and methods that are specifically implemented in the context of a therapeutic relationship. They should
reflect the specific needs of the client and demonstrate clinical efficacy in addressing the targeted
concern. For the purposes of this course, you will need to find journal articles that specifically target
crisis and trauma interventions demonstrating clinical application to each specific case study. Select
interventions from journal articles published within the past five years to ensure use of the most up-to-
date resources.

For assistance, consider the following as an example of an appropriate and empirically validated
intervention article for working with clients who have suffered from domestic violence:

Binkley, E. (2013). Creative strategies for treating victims of domestic violence. Journal of Creativity in

Mental Health, 8(3), 305–313.


[Note: To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your paper.]

Intervention Paper: Case Study of [Topic]

[Your Name]

Running head: CASE STUDY OF [TOPIC] 1

Southern New Hampshire University

Description of Intervention

[Include in this section a brief overview of the intervention you have selected, based on how it was described in the article. Please do not copy and paste the description from the article—use your own words. Think of this like you are explaining it to your best friend. What does it do, how do you do it, and to whom would it apply? You also want to make sure you are looking for any limitations to the intervention noted in the article or important to consider. Most journal articles will have a limitations section or speak to any considerations you might want to think about before applying it. Others may not have this concretely stated, so you will need to do some analysis and consider to whom the intervention might not be applicable and why. A couple of limitations you are likely to see are that they are relatively new and untested or that they only apply to a specific group of people. Those are great things to consider when selecting an intervention and part of what I want you to get savvy at looking for.]


[This section should center on why you have chosen this intervention for the case study. Why is it appropriate to the specific client? You want to use the details of the case study to help you justify the approach based on factors like diagnosis, culture, family dynamics, developmental influences, etc. Remember, the goal in any intervention is to choose one that will be most effective to the needs of the client. To that end, you will really want to consider and speak to the details of the case study and why they tie back to your chosen intervention in this section.]

Explanation of Support

[In this section you will speak to the actual application of the intervention to the case study client. What would it look like when applied to the client from the case study given the details of the article and the description above? This takes your rationale a step further and has you really think about what it would mean to put the case study client in the intervention. This step moves you from why it would be valuable (rationale) to how it would work.]

Future Applications

[This final section is designed to have you consider to whom or under what circumstances you might apply this intervention in the future. How might you use this tool in your toolbox to help you in future work? Can it apply to more than one type of issue or client? This is where you should consider expansion beyond the particular case study and speak to how you think you will use this intervention to help your future practice.]


[Include any references cited in your paper in full APA format. Don’t forget to include in-text citations as well.]

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