short answer assessment portion 2pg

The short answer assessment portion of each module will incorporate all of the pieces you have worked with throughout the previous sections. You will be expected to use the more factual information (like in the quiz section) along with the more applied, critical thinking elements (like in the discussions) in order to answer the questions presented here.

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These questions will require more advanced thinking and consideration to earn full credit. Make sure to support your answers with detail, data and facts presented in the text, along with ties to cultural and societal influences. You should also include theoretical perspectives as appropriate. You should NOT quote anything directly from the textbook or any other resources. Instead, you should paraphrase using your own words, and cite the source appropriately (APA citation preferred, but other citation methods will be accepted). When paraphrasing, think about how you would explain the concept or idea to a classmate or parent. Show me through your writing that you understand the ideas, not just that you can locate the concept in the textbook.

Question 1 – 15 points

Twelve-month-old Jula (female), born in Somalia, has just been adopted by an American couple and is moving to the United States. Explain how Jula’s heredity, environment, and individual difference will play a role in determining her development.

  • 5pts for heredity (biological components, genetics)
  • 5pts for environment (home, country, society, culture)
  • 5pts for individual difference (Jula as a unique person)

Question 2 – 15 points

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Select 2 theories from this module. They may be from the book or the additional resources. Define each theory, and then describe the similarities and the differences between them. 

  • 2.5pts for each definition, 5pts total
  • 5pts similarities
  • 5pts differences


Dev Science & Theories Short AnswerDev Science & Theories Short AnswerCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ1 Heredity5.0 ptsAccurate, detailed response with appropriate course terms used.4.0 ptsGenerally accurate, but may be vague.3.0 ptsSome minor inaccuracies.2.0 ptsSomewhat incorrect response with potential missing elements.0.0 ptsOff-topic, inaccurate, or missing response.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ1 Environment5.0 ptsAccurate, detailed response with appropriate course terms used.4.0 ptsGenerally accurate, but may be vague.3.0 ptsSome minor inaccuracies.2.0 ptsSomewhat incorrect response with potential missing elements.0.0 ptsOff-topic, inaccurate, or missing response.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ1 Individual Difference5.0 ptsAccurate, detailed response with appropriate course terms used.4.0 ptsGenerally accurate, but may be vague.3.0 ptsSome minor inaccuracies.2.0 ptsSomewhat incorrect response with potential missing elements.0.0 ptsOff-topic, inaccurate, or missing response.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTheory choice 12.5 ptsAccurate, detailed definition..1.5 ptsGenerally accurate, but may be vague.1.0 ptsSomewhat incorrect response with potential missing elements.0.0 ptsOff-topic, inaccurate, or missing response.2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTheory choice 22.5 ptsAccurate, detailed definition..1.5 ptsGenerally accurate, but may be vague.1.0 ptsSomewhat incorrect response with potential missing elements.0.0 ptsOff-topic, inaccurate, or missing response.2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ2 Similarities5.0 ptsAccurate, detailed response with appropriate course terms used.4.0 ptsGenerally accurate, but may be vague.2.5 ptsSomewhat inaccurate response with little analysis.0.0 ptsOff-topic, inaccurate, or missing response.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ2 Differences5.0 ptsAccurate, detailed response with appropriate course terms used.4.0 ptsGenerally accurate, but may be vague.2.5 ptsSomewhat inaccurate response with little analysis.

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