Services and encounters

Assignment 1: Service Encounter Journal and Paper

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This assignment is intended to increase your awareness of service interactions and make you more analytical about the service interactions you have.

You have a number of service encounters in your weekly routine and this assignment requires that you keep a journal or diary of 2 of these encounters. These include, visits to restaurants, entertainment venues, hotels, housing/apartment rental office, cable and telephone services will etc. Please complete journal entries for 2 situations (see journal below) you encounter in the first 4 weeks of the course. Additionally, please find one positive and one negative review by someone (other than yourself) online. These are for different big companies you may like or dislike. This could be on a website you are familiar with or Twitter or Yelp.


You will analyze your 2 journal entries and the 2 customer reviews. In your report please include your 2 journal entries type written in the appendix of your report.  An appendix is a collection of supplementary materials, usually appearing at the end of a report, academic paper, proposal (such as a bid or a grant), or book. … An appendix typically includes data and supporting documents used by a writer to develop the written work.

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Your online reviews should be included along with the web site address in your report.  Journal entries must be typewritten. More specifically, use your journal entries to write an analysis of your 2 service encounters. Also use the online reviews to write a similar analysis. Use the GAPS model and any other relevant concepts covered in the course to analyze each of the situations covered in your journal. Think about how the concepts from the course explain the events and how the dissatisfying events could be rectified. Start your analysis with a brief summary of the 4 situations so the reader can follow. Use the concepts to explain what is happening? What are the possible issues with the company why the incident occurred, and how it could be fixed or avoided?  Conclude by mentioning what you learned from doing this assignment.

Your report should be no more than 4 pages single-spaced 12-point font. Your journals should be placed in an Appendix at the back of your report. Please do not submit separate files for each journal entry. NO PLAGARISM!                

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