service management

Graduate Program

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Assessment Brief

Academic Year 2019-2020

BBA223-ONL01457 SERVICE management


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For this Final Assignment, worth 60% of the final mark, the student must carry out the following work:

For the purposes of this assignment, you will develop your own Individual Service Design Project! 


Please explain in detail the service concept (purpose of the service;  please define target market and customer experience) and service specifications (performance specifications design specifications delivery specifications); 

(PPT slides: week 4)

Word count: 400 words 

2. Please create the service blueprint and customer journey map for your chosen service design. 


A service blueprint is a diagram that visualizes the relationships between different service components — people, props (physical or digital evidence), and processes — that are directly tied to touchpoints in a specific customer journey. Nielsen Norman Group, week 4 Article 

The customer’s journey is the process buyers go through to become aware of, consider and evaluate, and decide to purchase a new product or service. This includes all the different touchpoints customers use to interact with a product / service. (week 5 slides)

A customer journey map 
is a diagram or several diagrams that depict the stages customers go through when interacting with a company (week 5 sldes).

3. Please discuss the available media channels you utilise to create meaningful touchpoints with your targetted customers throughout their journey and explain in their significance in the service experience you design for them (400 words).

4. Please summarize the strategic importance of your Service Design in gaining competitive advantage. What types of service encounters are most prevalent in your service design? (400 words).


This assignment should answered entirely on one single Word x document of 3 to 4 pages (not including the cover or title page, table of contents, bibliography or appendix).

Structure of the Assignment


Cover page: The first page must contain the full name of the student, the logo of the school as well as the name of the course and the name of the professor.

1. Main answers clearly numbered and,

· Use sub-headings as you see fit.

· Use figures, tables, etc. as you see fit.

1. Bibliography: You should use the
Harvard Referencing System


Appendix (if needed)

Assessment Criteria.

Credit will be given for evidence of:

• Library/Internet based research. Try to use a mixture of resources – books, articles as well as the internet.

• Understanding of the issues raised by the question.

• Concise and clear presentation. Acknowledge any quotes, ideas or arguments that are not your own using the Harvard system. Include a list of references.

• Originality and a critical and questioning approach. It is important to be objective and to support statements with evidence.

• A logical structure and well-argued conclusion

Marking weight: 40%


The work must be uploaded on the appropriate Turnitin folder created by the course Faculty Member on Moodle.

The title of the student’s submitted file should contain the following information:

– Name of this course

– Name of the Faculty Member / Teacher

– Student’s full Name

– Student ID number

– Title of this assignment (Mid-Term / Final)

The time-frame for this assignment is:

Release Date: as of the 2nd week

Submission Deadline: Final due date in the 4th week: At the latest on Sunday 23rd August– 23:59

The assignment must be submitted (uploaded into Turnitin) to the link provided by the course Faculty Member and indicated on the Moodle page of this course.


(Grading matrix/rubric next page)

Exceptional 90-100

Good 80-89

Fair 70-79

Marginal fail 60-69

Knowledge & Understanding (20%)

Student demonstrates excellent understanding of the task, the key concepts, applies theory where useful or necessary, and uses vocabulary in an entirely appropriate manner.

Student demonstrates good understanding of the task and mentions some relevant concepts and demonstrates use of the relevant vocabulary.

Student understands the task and provides minimum conceptual and theoretical support, and uses only some of the relevant vocabulary.

Student understands the task and attempts to answer the question but does not mention key concepts or uses minimum amount of relevant vocabulary.

Application (30%)

Student applies fully relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.

Student applies mostly relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.

Student applies some relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstanding may be evident.

Student applies little relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstanding is evident.

Critical Thinking (30%)

Student critically assesses in excellent ways, drawing insightful conclusions based on readings from relevant authors. Student also makes clear and correct citations and uses the Harvard referencing method correctly.

Student critically assesses in good ways, drawing conclusions from relevant authors and references. Student knows how to use the Harvard referencing method correctly.

Student provides some insights but stays on the surface of the topic. References may not be relevant.

Student shows little or no critical thinking insights, does not quote appropriate authors, and does not provide valid sources.

Communication (20%)

Student communicates their ideas very well organized and extremely clearly and concisely, respecting word count, grammar and spellcheck.

Student communicates their ideas in an organized manner and concisely, respecting word count, grammar and spellcheck

Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. It may be slightly over or under the wordcount limit. Some misspelling errors may be evident.

Student communicates their ideas in a somewhat unclear and unconcise way. Does not reach or does exceed wordcount excessively and misspelling errors are evident.


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