Semester Project Case Study

Make sure your references are in APA or MLA style. The case study should be written up as a Word Document and be at least 4 pages doubled-space not including references. (MLA or APA) On a word document you should have: a title, your name, the case study, and a work cited (APA or MLA).

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Dahlia West


Dahlia West

Dr. Irene Kokkala

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ENVS 2202 8BG Environmental Science

March 23, 2021

International Environmental Policy Relating to TIMs

The topic of my choice in my proposal project will be based on International Environmental Policy Relating to Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMs). The aim of this project proposal is to investigate the different policies both local and abroad relating to and controlling the use of toxic industrial materials to entail Toxic industrial chemicals, Toxic industrial radiations and toxic industrial biological. Through compiling various case studies, laws and regulation, and on top to my individual skills I wish to train the average man on the hazards and protection s varied controlling bodies applying to mitigate harm to humans and the environment. By this project, people will have sufficient understanding of policies protecting them as well as how they are secured and why are secured or why they are not secured.

The topic my choice bases on Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). This is in relation to Rachel Carson’s Elixir of Death in Silent spring (1962). At the start of 1962, Carson demonstrated that the introduction of toxic material into the surrounding is so extremely that they plaque all corners of life irrespective of the person. The policy enacted by the TSCA first controlled the introduction of new or the regulation of already prevailing chemicals. There is given videos below which will give brief and detailed sum up of TSCA and the future compensation for TCSA. By usage of facts and prove materials, we will determine the advantages and achievement connected to TSCA beside shortcoming of TSCA.

Materials will be arranged through introducing TSCA. This will advance on how and why the U.S Government reached the confirmed TSCA in 1962. Prove of certain incidents and happenings will be compared and evaluated over TSCA. Instances range from the Love Canal, Hinkley Ground Water Contamination and Agenet Orange Exposure. For these subsections, it is essential and imperative that we determine the incident, time schedule, indemnities (health, environment, financial, and other.) For instance, according to Love Canal, the subsection would determine the area of occurrence and what incident it was. The Love canal was taken as a dumping site for harmful wastes. This can be expounding to additionally determine the damages. Destructions can be anything to entail tangible loss to theoretical, hypothetical or other sort of loss confirming the danger and toxicity of the materials.

Furthermore, an analysis will be undertaken using discussion and materials learnt via Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. The usage of Rachel Carbon Silent Spring and her surrounding ethics we will introduce TSCA whole circle. Through that, we show chances an advance options or resolutions for toxins in the surrounding. Precisely, we will re-determine case study instance and aligning resolutions. Through effective understanding of the materials, recent abilities and restrictions, paired with historical prove, we can explain the unwavering demand for TSCA in varied ways to secure individuals and the surrounding.


The reason for involvement in the environment is always contributed to market failure in the ways of beyond the regulation of an individual entailing free ride issues and the tragedy of commons. An instance of externality is when an industry produces toxic wastes products which may be discharged into the surrounding, eventually contaminating environment. The expense of such activities which may be discharged into the environment is paid by community at large when they demanded to clean the surrounding and it’s external to the expense of the polluter. The free rider challenges takes place when private marginal expense of undertaking an action to secure the surrounding is higher compared to the private marginal advantage, however the social marginal expense is less compared to the social marginal advantages. The tragedy of the commons is the situation that, due to no one owns the commons everybody has an incentive to use common resources as much as possible. Without involvement the commons is overused.

Importance of study

However, despite various environmental success, advances and innovations researchers of environmental law in certain have failed to acknowledged and take the dual ubiquity of wastes as phenomenon constructing individual and collective behavioral series on an international scale and the every materiality of toxic substances. It entails a primary surrounding focus, waste remains relatively peripheral in thinking of global lawyers and in global lawful documents. Over the last years, there has been drafting and conclusion of various specialized conventions targeted at lowering the international production and the circulation of waste. Though the growing number of conventions and international governance mechanism has not been correlate with international reduction of waste production and transfer. Current forecasts predicts increased levels of international production and the outcome increase of trans- border waste flow. In summary, the international growth of waste economy counterparts the strengthening and the densification of the global environmental lawful apparatus meant to control and mitigate waste production and flows. In this case, the paradox is lifted when we consider global environmental law as a set of formal and informal set mechanism designed to arrange and facilitate the production and reintegration of waste into international circuits. International environmental law is waste in a where has turned an international commodity. With this, the proposal will be of importance to my future project and help in achieving my investigation on the different policies both local and abroad relating to and controlling the use of toxic industrial materials.

Work Cited

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