self asses 4

Self AssessmentRacial, Ethnicity and Racismanswer each with one to two paragraphs.1.      What values about race and racial differences are held in your family? Among your close friends? What is your memory of your first awareness of race? Racial differences? Racism?2.      What does the word “racism” mean to you? What does the word “racist” mean to you? What images or examples come to mind when you think of racism or a racist? What feelings or thoughts are you aware of when the topic of racism is raised in your presence (e.g., angry, defensive, fearful, guilty, anxious, sad, helpless, etc.)?3.      How prevalent do you think racism is in American Society? Where do you see it manifested (if at all)? Please discuss your opinions.  Do you see examples of racism in your daily life (experienced or observed)?4.      Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone about issues of race or racism? What was the situation? What were your views? What were the opposing views? Was there any resolution to the discussion? a.      Have you ever been called a racist (or known that someone else thought of you as racist?) What was the situation? How did you feel? How did you react?b.      Have you ever thought of someone you know as racist? What was the situation? How did you feel? How did you react?5.      Can you think of examples of how racism has influenced your own thoughts, feelings and behavior regarding various racial groups? Regarding race relations? Be specific. 6.      How do you collude with racism? Discuss the ways that your behavior, attitudes, and life choices support the perpetuation of racism? What would be the consequences (positive and negative) in your own life if you were to change some of the behaviors described above?7.      What are your thoughts about the relationship between racism and skin color? Between racism and social class? Religion? Gender?8.      Are you aware of any specific dynamics that you may create in therapy with racial/ethnic groups different from your own? Are there specific racial/ethnic groups that may “push your buttons” in any way? What might you need to be attentive to in yourself?9.      Are you aware of any specific dynamics that you may create in therapy with members of your own racial/ethnic group? How might members of your own group “push your buttons”? What might you need to be attentive to in yourself?10.  How might your own ethnic/racial identity development impact therapy with members of your own group? With members of other groups?

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