Sales Call Play Worksheet

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Sales Call Planning worksheet (Excel)

using the information and SPIN questions included in the FedEx Office Case Study.

This worksheet provides the framework for the sales call role play and will need to be updated and fine tuned based upon the class discussions the week prior to your role play.  

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Student Name: _____________________________ ________ Date: ________________
Sales Call Worksheet – FedEx Office
ü Preliminaries
Greet prospect – seller’s (your) name
Greet prospect – seller’s company – FedEx Office
Establish prospect credentials – prospect’s name
Establish prospect credentials – prospect’s title – Alex Barber/Founder of Global Training Associates
Reason for visit
Verify amount of time for visit
Provide brief overview of FedEx Office background
Describe FedEx Office available products and services
Ask about timing to make a decision and/or change
Establish reason for timing (urgency)
Situation question #1 (to uncover relevant facts about Global Training Associates):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Situation #1:
Situation question #2 (to uncover relevant facts about Global Training Associates):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Situation #2:
Situation question #3 (to uncover relevant facts about Global Training Associates):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Situation #3:
Situation question #4 (to uncover relevant facts about Global Training Associates):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Situation #4:
Situation question #5 (to uncover relevant facts about Global Training Associates):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Situation #5:
Problem question #1 (that FedEx Office could solve):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Problem #1:
Problem question #2 (that FedEx Office could solve):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Problem #2:
Problem question #3 (that FedEx Office could solve:
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Problem #3:
Problem question #4 (that FedEx Office could solve):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Problem #4:
Problem question #5 (that FedEx Office could solve):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Problem #5:
Implication question #1 (to uncover the future implication that could occur if Problem #1 is not solved):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Implication #1:
Implication question #2 (to uncover the future implication that could occur if Problem #2 is not solved):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Implication #2:
Implication question #3 (to uncover the future implication that could occur if Problem #3 is not solved):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Implication #3:
Implication question #4 (to uncover the future implication that could occur if Problem #4 is not solved):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Implication #4:
Implication question #5 (to uncover the future implication that could occur if Problem #5 is not solved):
Buyer’s anticipated answer to Implication #5:
Clearly summarize three identified needs to prospect: (1) (2) (3)
Global Training Associates Need #1 (that FedEx Office could solve):
Global Training Associates Need #2 (that FedEx Office could solve):
Global Training Associates Need #3 (that FedEx Office could solve):
Outline FedEx Office solutions relating to identified needs and supporting with FedEx Office features and benefits
FedEx Office Solution #1 with features (related to Need #1):
Benefit to Global Training Associates and specific beneficiary related to Solution #1:
FedEx Office Solution #2 (related to Need #2):
Benefit to Global Training Associates and specific beneficiary related to Solution #2:
FedEx Office Solution #3 (related to Need #3):
Benefit to Global Training Associates and specific beneficiary related to Solution #3:
Obtain Commitment
Agreement that FedEx Office solutions would solve the problems/needs
Invite Global Training Associates’s concerns and/or deal with objections
Obtain prospect agreement for proposal
Set specific date and specific time for next action



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