Rough Draft

i will prepare final paper those are 10 papers end of the class. my prof want me to do rough draft. i attached 5 articles. the rough draft will be 6 pages and it will be onnection all 5 articles.

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This article defines the importance of choosing the appropriate leadership style depending on the nature of the organization to enhance the effectiveness and success of companies both the future and the [resent environment. Most organizations tend to have a lot of challenges as a result of failure to determine the type of leadership that suits them. This challenges end up resulting in dismal performance in the management process. It is very crucial to express the relationship between the organization leadership styles and performance to realize change among the affected companies. Leadership entails the manner of direction of workers in an organization and how they are motivated to realize the goals of an organization.

The article defines the similarities in leadership styles depending on the nature of the organization to enhance the effectiveness and success of companies both the present and future business environment (Hurduzeu, 2015). In similarities, we are going to consider various leadership styles and highlight their suitability to provide more insights into the organization to enable the companies to choose the best style. The articles discuss the similarities among autocratic, democratic, transactional, transformational, charismatic and bureaucratic styles to determine the impacts on the organizational structures and their impact in the next 10-20 years.

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The investigations of the article looks into the similarities of leadership styles to the performance of organizations. Previous research shows that leadership assists in the value system and helps employees in developing their abilities and skills. Besides, democratic leadership style helps to improve the decision making skills of the employees.

Previous research also indicates that autocratic leadership restricts the employees to their superiors’ orders and is not suitable for organizations that want to enhance the autonomy among the employees. Primarily, the style only works in favor of the organization but not to the employees. Charismatic and bureaucratic leadership have negative impacts in organizations and not suitable for current organization set up. However the initial research showed that transactional leadership positively impacted in most organizations that were not in line with the research conducted in the article. Therefore there is need for further research on the type of leadership style and its influence on organizations’ performance going into the future.

From the article, it was identified that there is a distinct similarity with the provision of earlier articles concerning the same issue. The suitability provided of various leadership styles is stated and how they are used in enhancing efficiency in organizations. The main similarity in leadership styles is that both approaches identify actions that any leader can be capable of doing in any given situation. The behavioral theory of leadership mostly agree on the types of behaviors and actions that make a good leader, whether they refer to them as behaviors, traits or actions. Despite the fact that there are similarities, on the other hand there are limitations. For instance, the study makes the use of quantitative data only to draw its conclusions.

There is need for future research to include other aspects of research methods to supplement quantitative method to ensure that more accuracy is enhanced in establishing the relationship between the leadership styles and the performance in the organizations. In addition, there is a gap between earlier research and the article concerning the suitability of transactional leadership. In the previous research it recommended the method although the article does not find it suitable especially with the current organizational structure. Therefore the recommendation of more research as well. Organizations should also assess their structure to determine the type of leadership style that works best for them. The managers should support leadership styles that suits the organization. Lastly, the styles that do not fit with the current nature of business should be avoided.


Hurduzeu, R. E. (2015). The impact of leadership on organizational performance. SEA–Practical Application of Science, 3(07), 289-293.



Positive elements are presented in many organizations. However, many of them are constrained by a flawed perspective of their future sustainability, especially the one concerning leadership and external environmental volatility. Excellent understanding is shown by the leaders in collaboration for a sustainable future for the medium and short term gains. Most leaders have not attained sufficient training on collaborative leading in organizations. Therefore in this article, leadership collaboration is evaluated in an emerging customer-focused insurance firm. Mutual engagement is achieved through the engagement in collaboration among the organizations to help in solving problems through a collective intelligence in order to deliver results in the organization. The engagements should occur outside the organization boundaries without the strict regulations of the individual’s organization controls. It must be guided by the common goals and high level of belonging, negation and interdependence. Primarily, leaders should develop a collaborative culture to have the ability to connect knowledge and expertise with other stake holders to achieve a common objective in 10-20 years.

The previous article addressed the importance of customer centered operations for various organizations. To enhance customer experience, the organization collaboration should be explained with those of the stakeholders. From previous studies, the inter-organizational collaborative leadership and how to solve customer challenges have been addressed. Most organizations initially brought with them strict conditions during the inter-organization sharing process to enhance customer-centric engagements. More insight is necessary in the nature of the market to facilitate collaboration so as to enhance customer-centric behavior among insurance organizations.

The previous research demonstrates barely little concern for the need for collaboration among the organization to meet common objectives and to enhance a healthy competition. The evidence is inadequate that suggests that leaders have an innate ability in collaboration. Besides, very few leaders have been trained to enhance collaborative leadership. Primarily, the collaboration in customer-centricity is an essential aspect. In this article, the previous reports are bridged to cover the existing gaps concerning the effectiveness of collective leadership in ensuring customer-centric practices. A paradigm shift is indicated in leadership, especially concerning the share information and collaborations to enhance the performance of an individual organization. The article relates to previous articles to enable people to identify the missing knowledge to enhance effective collaborative leadership.

The leaders should minimize the gaps through identifying new structures and processes that are demonstrated by the shared purpose for enabling environment to enhance dynamics of relation in a collaborative setting. Behavioral theories of leadership suggest that specific behavior differentiate leaders from non-leaders. The trait approach helps pick a leader, or predict that an individual might step up to leadership. The behavioral approach suggest that leaders can be trained (Laub, 2018). Alternative, a leader’s behavior is aimed at creating a mutual trust and respect with their followers. Employee-oriented leaders emphasized interpersonal relations. The leaders take a personal interest in the needs of employees and embrace individual differences among members. On the other hand, the production-oriented leaders tend to emphasize on the technical aspects of the job.

All leaders must participate and be actively involved in any formed relations to enhance understanding and collaboration. It is recommended to start with small-sized business which deliver result on the back of a collective involvement. Social norms should be solicited through collaborative undertakings. The social values such as trust and integrity should be invested through behavior because it sets the stage for crucial leadership collaboration. The collaborative structure should be accommodated in the organizations. The present state of organizations structure should tailor the system to accept the collaborative design. The current organizations’ hierarchical disposition makes it difficult to implement effective cultural concerns to enhance collaborative leadership practices. The human capital should be focused on the right leader within the organization. The profiling should move to the cultural and collaborative changes.


Laub, J. (2018). The Story of Leadership: The Historical Development of Leadership Thought. In Leveraging the Power of Servant Leadership (pp. 15-44). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Many organizations present positive leadership elements. However, most of them are constrained by a flawed perspective of their future sustainability, especially concerning leadership and external environmental volatility. The leaders show excellent understanding of collaboration for a sustainable future in short and medium-term gains. The factor preventing collaboration indicates that most leaders have not attained sufficient training on collaboratively leading the organizations. Therefore, the article evaluates leadership collaboration in an emerging customer-focused insurance firm. Collaboration among organizations brings a mutual engagement that helps in solving problems through collective intelligence to deliver organizational results. The engagements should occur outside the organization boundaries without the strict regulations of the individual’s organization controls. It must be guided by the common goals and high level of belonging, negation and interdependence. Primarily, leaders should develop a collaborative culture to have the ability to connect knowledge and expertise with other stakeholders towards achieving a common objective.

The previous investigation addressed the importance of customer centered operations for various organizations. Many writers sought to explain organization collaboration with stakeholders to enhance the customer experience. However, few research studies have address the inter-organizational collaborative leadership and sharing in solving customer challenges. Initially, most organizations brought with them strict conditions during inter-organization sharing processes to enhance customer-centric engagements. The changing nature of the market makes it necessary to provide more insight into the need to facilitate collaboration to enhance customer-centric behavior among insurance organizations.

The previous research demonstrates little concern for the need for collaboration among organizations to meet common objectives and enhance healthy competition. There is inadequate evidence suggesting that leaders have an innate ability to collaborate. Besides, very few leaders have been trained to enhance collaborative leadership. Primarily, collaboration is an essential aspect of customer-centricity. The article connects to the previous reports by bridging the existing gap concerning effective collective leadership in ensuring customer-centric practices. It indicates paradigm shift in leadership, especially concerning share information and collaborations in issues that enhance the performance of individual organizations. The article’s relations with the previous articles enable people to identify the missing knowledge to enhance effective collaborative leadership.

I. Leaders should minimize the gaps by identifying new structures and processes demonstrated by the shared purpose for enabling environment to enhance dynamics of relation in collaborative setting.

II. Leaders must participate and be actively involved in the newly formed relations to enhance understanding and collaboration. It is recommended to start with small-sized businesses which deliver result on the back of collective involvement

III. Leaders should elicited social norms through collaborative undertakings. The social values such as trust and integrity must be manifested through behavior since it sets the stage for crucial leadership collaboration.

IV. The organization structures should be institutionalized to accommodate collaborative culture. Leaders should review the present state of organizations structure and tailor the system to accept the new collaborative design. The current organizations’ hierarchical disposition makes it difficult to implement effective cultural concerns to enhance collaborative leadership practices.

V. The human capital strengths should be focused on the right profile leader within the organization. The profiling should move towards cultural and collaborative changes.


Moodley, T., Vermaak, A., & Govender, K. Evaluating Leadership Collaboration Within An Emerging Customer-Centric Insurance Organisation1. Journal of Banking, Insurance and Management Sciences (Jbims), 25


The leaders in an organization are of the key determinant for its success. Therefore, they must possess specific characteristics that will enable them to propel the organization to achieve its goals, mission, and vision. The article, “Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Inspire a Shared Vision,” by Stein (2020) articulates the importance of a leader inspire a shared vision in the organization and how they can achieve. The ability to inspire a shared vision requires the leaders to have the power to influence. Thus, they will create a virtual image of the organization’s future in other colleagues’ minds. The leader must have good communication skills that speak without stammering, making the people believe in them. The leader should be the source of change in the organization by being optimistic and encouraging others, thus influencing words and actions. Leaders must be able to make prudent decisions without being bias. And they must provide the ‘why’ should be believed and support the process of achieving the goal.

The previous investigation shows that most of the leaders cannot inspire a shared vision in the organization. For instance, research shows that 80% of a 4000 sample of British workers gave 5/10 marks on leaders’ ability to inspire a vision. The competitive market and labor force are demanding for a leader who has the power to influence. Hence this will break the monotony of doing one work daily. The workforce will be creative and innovative, giving an organization a competitive advantage to outshine their competitors. The articles show that employees without an inspired vision are likely to remain in the same status quo. And thus, an organization can have outdated skills and technology, leading to its failure.

The previous research shows other vital qualities of an outstanding leader that can propel the organization to reach its goals, mission, and vision. Therefore, a leader model the way by setting an example and achieving wins that will build confidence amongst the workers. The company will have a positive culture that will create a positive image for the organization. Also, they must challenge the process to increase customer satisfaction. Using pestle and SWOT analysis, they can identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the organization. The leader must always enable others to act and encouraging from the heart. Hence, rewards and promotions should be given to the employees accordingly, thus encouraging them to achieve more. The article’s relation with the previous ones enables the people to have full knowledge of an outstanding leader.

· Leaders should inspire a shared vision by creating a virtual image in the colleagues about the future and making them work and support achieving the goals, mission, and vision.

· Leaders should challenge the process by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that will help them be creative and innovative in the production process, giving the firm a competitive advantage.

· Leaders should enable others to act by offering support and availing required resources to perform the given task.


Stein, M. (2020). Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Inspire a Shared Vision. EDIS, 2020(1), 2-2.



Article Review

Inspiring a shared vision

Matthews lowell

Southern New Hampshire University


Article Review
Inspiring a shared vision
Matthews lowell
Southern New Hampshire University


Article Review 1

Abdussamet Akca

Leading in an Organization

Matthews lowell

Southern New Hampshire University

The article defines the importance of choosing the appropriate leadership style depending on the nature of the organization to enhance the effectiveness and success of companies both the present and future business environment. Most organizations fail to determine the type of leadership that suits their organization, which results in dismal performance and challenges in the management process. Besides, some organizations don’t take into account leadership style adopted by the management. Therefore, expressing a relationship between an organization’s leadership styles and performance is crucial to realizing change among affected companies. Leadership style entails the manner of direction of workers in an organization and how they are motivated to realize the goals of an organization. Therefore, the articles explain six major leadership styles and highlight their suitability to provide more insights into the organization and enable them to choose the best style. Thus, the report enables organizations to create vision, mission, and determination of objectives using a leadership style that provides advantages for the organization. The article’s authors discuss autocratic, democratic, transactional, transformational, charismatic, and bureaucratic styles to determine their impacts on various organizational structures and the impact they will have in organizations the next 10 to 20 years

The investigations of the article are in line with the previous research concerning the importance of leadership style to the performance of organizations. The previous review suggests that transformational leadership assists in the value system and helps employees develop their abilities and skills. Besides, democratic leadership style helps to improve the decision-making skills of employees. Previous research also indicates that autocratic leadership restricts employees to their superiors’ orders and is not suitable for organizations that want to enhance autonomy among employees. Primarily, the style only works in favor of the organization but not employees. Charismatic and bureaucratic leadership have negative impacts in organizations and not suitable for current organization set up. However, the initial research shows that transactional leadership positively impacts most organizations, which is not in line with the surveys conducted by the article. Therefore, there is a need for further research on the type of leadership and its influence on organizations’ performance going into the future.

It was identified that the article has distinct similarity with the provision of earlier articles concerning the same issue. It provided the suitability of various leadership styles to various organizations and how they are used in enhancing efficiency in organizations. However, the study exhibits certain limitations. For instance, the study makes use of only quantitative data to draw its conclusions. Therefore, the future research needs to use other research methods to supplement quantitative method to ensure more accuracy in establishing the relationship between leadership styles and performance of organizations. Besides, there is a gap between earlier research and the article concerning the suitability of transactional leadership. While the previous research recommends the method, the article does not find it suitable, especially with its current organizational structure. Therefore, more research is still needed on the aspect as well.

I. Organizations should assess their structure to determine the type of leadership style that best works for them.

II. The organization should support the leadership styles used by the managers if it suits the organization.

III. Styles that do not align with the current nature of business should be avoided.


Al Khajeh, E. H. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 2018, 1-10.

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