Risk Assessment


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Conduct a risk assessment based on the information from this presentation

ISOL 533 Project Part 1

Write paper in sections
Understand the company
Find similar situations
Research and apply possible solutions
Research and find other issues

Health network inc
You are an Information Technology (IT) intern
Health Network Inc.
Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Two other locations
Portland Oregon
Arlington Virginia
Over 600 employees
$500 million USD annual revenue

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Data centers
Each location is near a data center
Managed by a third-party vendor
Production centers located at the data centers

Health network’s Three products
Handles secure electronic medical messages between
Large customers such as hospitals and
Small customers such as clinics
Web Portal to support secure payments
Accepts various payment methods
Allows customers to find Doctors
Contains profiles of doctors, clinics and patients

Health networks IT network
Three corporate data centers
Over 1000 data severs
650 corporate laptops
Other mobile devices

Management request
Current risk assessment outdated
Your assignment is to create a new one
Additional threats may be found during re-evaluation
No budget has been set on the project

Threats identified
Loss of company data due to hardware being removed from production systems
Loss of company information on lost or stolen company-owned assets, such as mobile devices and laptops
Loss of customers due to production outages caused by various events, such as natural disasters, change management, unstable software, and so on
Internet threats due to company products being accessible on the Internet
Insider threats
Changes in regulatory landscape that may impact operations

Part 1 project assignment
Conduct a risk assessment based on the information from this presentation
Write a 5-page paper properly APA formatted
Your paper should include
The Scope of the risk assessment i.e. assets, people, processes, and technologies
Tools used to conduct the risk assessment
Risk assessment findings
Business Impact Analysis

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