Rhetorical Analysis

ENGL 1302 Essay 1: Page 1 of 2

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English 1302

Dr. Gilchrist White
Essay 1: Rhetorical Analysis1

(100 points)

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Objectives: To analyze rhetorically a visual text
To think critically about the evidence in the visual text

To write in a style that clearly communicates meaning and builds credibility

Write a rhetorical analysis of a visual text using specific questions and criteria. The analysis

should be 2-3 pages in length (3 is the expectation) and use MLA format.

Choose one of the visual arguments below. Then, use the questions below to analyze the
argument’s effectiveness. You should also make a judgment about the image’s effectiveness

using evidence from the “text” to support your assertions. This “judgment” is your

argument/claim and the analysis provides your reasons for your claim.

1. Making a Visual Argument: Sonny Assu, “Breakfast Series,” pp. 577-579
2. Making a Visual Argument: “The Issue of Privacy,” pp. 702-707 (choose one or two


3. Making a Visual Argument: “Racial Microaggressions.” pp. 751-755

Some of these visual essays have more than one image. Choose only one of the images to

analyze in your essay. If you feel that a comparison is necessary or would be helpful in your

analysis, then you may choose a second image in the series.

Topic due Wednesday, September 9 at 11.59 pm

“You perform a rhetorical analysis by analyzing how well the components of an argument

work together to persuade or move an audience. Focus your rhetorical analysis on elements

that stand out or make the piece intriguing or problematic. You could begin by
exploring some of the following issues:

• What is the purpose of this argument? What does it hope to achieve?

• Who is the audience for this argument? Who is ignored or excluded?

• What appeals or techniques does the argument use — emotional, logical, ethical?

• What type of argument is it, and how does the genre affect the argument? (You might

challenge the lack of evidence in editorials, but you wouldn’t make the same complaint

about bumper stickers.)

• Who is making the argument? What ethos does it create, and how does it do so? What

values does the ethos evoke? How does it make the writer or creator seem trustworthy?

• What authorities does the argument rely on or appeal to?

1 Assignment from Lundsford, et. al., Everything’s an Argument with Readings, 8th ed.,

Bedford/St. Martins, 2019, pp. 100-101.

ENGL 1302 Essay 1: Page 2 of 2

• What facts, reasoning, and evidence are used in the argument? How are they


• What claims does the argument make? What issues are raised — or ignored or evaded?

• What are the contexts — social, political, historical, cultural — for this argument?

Whose interests does it serve? Who gains or loses by it?

• How is the argument organized or arranged? What media does the argument use and

how effectively?

• How does the language or style of the argument persuade an audience?

In answering questions like these, try to show how the key devices in an argument actually

make it succeed or fail. Quote freely from the text if there is text, or describe the elements
in a visual argument. Let readers know where and why an argument makes sense and

where it falls apart. If you believe that an argument startles, challenges, insults, or lulls

audiences, explain why that is the case and provide evidence. Don’t be surprised when your

rhetorical analysis itself becomes an argument. That’s what it should be” (pp. 101).

Peer Review

• Post a draft of Essay 1: Rhetorical Analysis by Sunday, Sept 20 in Peer Review 1 in

the Discussion Folder on the Course Menu.

• Download the questions for Peer Review 1 linked in the Week 5 Content Folder.
• Choose 2 papers to read and comment on using the Peer Review 1 Questions.

• Peer Review 1 ends on Friday, Sept 25 at 11.59 pm

• 2-3 page essay analyzing an image

• MLA format for the essay

• Work Cited page with the image(s) listed (and of course, you will need in-text

citations when you use examples from the image(s))

Due Dates:

Topic choice due Wednesday, Sept 9 (email in Blackboard)

Peer Review: post draft by Sunday, Sept 20 at 11.59 pm

Peer Review completed Friday, Sept 25 at 11.59 pm
Essay 1: Rhetorical Analysis due Sunday, Sept 27 at 11.59 pm

Upload your analysis through the assignment link in the Week 5 Content Folder.

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