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  “identify Dilulio’s primary thesis and provide reasoning and evidence to explain  position”



Juvenile delinquency

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Dilulio recount how the juvenile delinquency has been on the raise and the challenge is facing both white and black kids. Parents and the society have become afraid of their own children because they have failed to control them. Dilulio goes ahead to cite that these children are remorseless, hardened and kill without any intelligent motive. He also grew out in a tough neighborhood and uses life experience to narrate what goes on in the inner city. Dilulio also asserts that the number of blacks in the juvenile prison outnumbers that of the white. More so, blacks are known to commit more serious crimes compared to the blacks. The primary thesis of John Dilulio is that the criminal cases among young children especially African Americans will be on the rise and wreak havoc on the American soil as they matured into adulthood.

Anecdotal evidence

Anecdotal evidence has to do with personal experience. It is a brief narration of the story that serve to make a point but it does not mean that it is factual. Dilulio happens to have grown in a pretty rough environment and from there he uses such stories to make appoint and prove the argument. Moreover, he once visited juvenile lock ups and saw buzz of impulsive violence, vacant smile. He also asserts that growing up in such environment could make one lack morality because of lack of parents, relatives and guardian who were morally upright. Most youths who end up as criminals grew up with people who could not teach them how to care about others, feeling joy for other and you can only be happy when others are. Moral poverty in this case is growing up surrounded with criminal adults and deviant individuals.

Empirical evidence

Empirical evidence is the argument or evidence that is based on scientific research. In this text there is use of empirical evidence to prove several points or theses. Between 1985 to 1992 the rates at which male between the ages of 14 -17 engaged in murder cases and went up by 50 percent for white then 300% for blacks. More so, being said that most of these crimes are committed against the juveniles of the late young offenders; it has been committed against the adults as well. The 1993 study asserted that juvenile committed close to a 1/3 of all the homicides to the strangers and even killing victims in groups of two and more. Similarly, another empirical evidence is cited in the Mark S. Fleisher’s1995 book on the lives of 194 West Coast urban street criminals where he conducted a primary field research between 1988 to 1990 on family tiers and bonding. He holds that parents and guardians who abuse drugs are more than likely to influence their children. A home that lacks a father figure, fathers who are criminals or beat them will have sons and daughters who will imitate such aggressive behaviors.

The author also uses logic evidence to approve the argument. Logic evidence follows the footsteps of sound reasoning to approve or disapprove the point. The author asserts that the crimes have been more prone to blacks compared to whites in the inner city. More so, in general the number has been on the increase. Nationwide, there is close to forty million kids under the age of ten, being the largest number in decades. Using simple math, in today’s decade 4-7 years old kids will be 14-17 years old respectively and that is the number of males in the group.

Conclusively, I agree with Dilulio thesis based on the evidence from California official that the state population of children between 11 to 17 years will grow from 2.9 million as per 1993 to 3.9 million by 2004 and this number of juvenile will grow by thirty percent. Moreover, every generation of crime prone boys-6% has been about 3 times dangerous than the one that was there before.

CCJ210: Intro to Juvenile Justice – Assignment Guidelines (Winter 2020)

Assignment 1

Read the article “The coming of the superpredators” by John Dilulio. Then, write an essay

summarizing and responding to the article, answering the questions below. Your essay should

respond to Dilulio’s theses, making an argument for whether you agree or disagree with his basic

argument(s) regarding the causes of juvenile delinquency and how society should best respond to

juvenile delinquency. The length of the essay should be about 750 words (500-1000 range) or

about 3 pages (2-4 page range) if using double-spacing and 12-point font. Note: length is

provided for guidance only; content is most important.

1. What is Dilulio’s main thesis? Include any additional theses you identify.
2. What anecdotal evidence does Dilulio cite in support of his theses?
3. What empirical evidence does Dilulio cite in support of his theses?
4. What is the logic of Dilulio’s argument(s)?
5. Do you agree or disagree with Dilulio’s thesis? Include why (e.g. credibility of evidence,

logic of argument).

To pass this assignment, your essay should do the following:

 Summary:
o Accurately and completely summarizes/describes article

 Evaluation/response:
o Contains a clear thesis
o Provides reasoning and evidence to explain position

 Organization and coherence:
o Introduction engages audience
o Ideas flow logically and coherently
o Conclusion summarizes arguments, reiterates thesis

 Professionalism:
o Contains minimal (less than 5) errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, use of

abbreviation, incomplete sentences

 Format and length
o Double-spaced, 12-point font
o Minimum 500 words or 2 pages

Assignments must be submitted to the Dropbox on D2L (located under Activities > Assignments)

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