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The Dredgescaping Toledo

Dredgescaping as a process involves continually reconciling human activities on land integrating shipment. It counters elements of erosion resulting from urbanization, deforestation, agriculture, damming. As tributaries, Toledo has grown above its urban core that encircles its fabric in the industrial lands. Crucial to the city is the industrial lands and economic health, rendering the belief of a progressive waterfront impossible. As an island, Toledo extracts almost seven hundred and fifty cubic yards of dredge material annually, shipping it off the Bay of Maumee, being associated with algae blooms. On the issue of lakes, presently, there are over a thousand sites in Toledo that are closed. Many of which are unoccupied, there was a proposal in allowing storm water meant for filling the sites and reducing pressure on the sewer system, the waiting lands are operationalized. Therefore, the recyclability of material becomes a vital design factor for this project.

In exploring the notion of material recyclability, the dredged material can be put into good utilization instead of discarding it as waste. This material is useful and can be reused to improve the environment, adding value to the material and the ecosystem. This requires sorting and treatment of sediments. Dredged materials such as sand, rock, gravel, rock mixtures can be processed and put into various usability. For instance, rock constituting of soft rock like sandstone as well as hard rock. This is dependent on size and quantity. Rocks can also be used as an essential construction material. Secondly, sand and gravel are also very crucial and valuable resources. They may be reused as landscaping materials or landfills as well as safeguarding ridges construction. Thirdly, consolidated clay with low water content is reusable for industrial purpose. Fourthly, silt that is reach with agricultural minerals and is therefore, suitable for agricultural activities crop farming and wildlife habitation development. Fifthly, mixed material can be somehow limited in the way it can be reused but can be reused in the filling of escapements or quarries. Alternatively, when a useful reutilization is not possible or is harmful to the environment then an acceptable means of disposal must be sought because any unsafe disposal may raise serious concerns.

Many contractors and customers concentrate on finding various seek customers that may have use for the dredged materials and they work to meet the rising demand. Dredgescaping resulting from soil flowing has a tremendous amount of use. Side cast searching can also be a common practice to embrace where the material would be removed from the centralized navigation channel and placed adjacent to the channel but still in the water (Baker, 2014). Developed along the Maumee River, for instance, are large tracts of waterfront property, some parts serving as parkland for Toledo. Ideally, it becomes possible for the rummage contractors to effectively exploit hopper dredges in removing material to designated disposal areas in Erie Lake.

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Additionally, it is important to note many concerns related to dredging material disposal at Toledo, inducing governmental agencies (Brandon and Price, 2007). Ohio has taken more proactive approaches in taking care of the dredged materials. This action has resulted in various agencies expanding their perspective of the issue to develop the most comprehensive and most environmentally acceptable and cost effective strategy to deal with a long term problem. Toledo’s long-term management approach is a model of how federal, state, and local governments can be integrated in addressing major dredging and sedimentation challenges.


Baker, D. B., Ewing, D. E., Johnson, T., Kramer, J. W., Merryfield, B. J., Confesor Jr, R. B., … & Roerdink, A. A. (2014). Lagrangian analysis of the transport and processing for agricultural runoff in the lower Maumee River and Maumee Bay. Journal of Great Lakes Research40(3), 479-495.

Brandon, D. L., & Price, R. A. (2007).  Summary of available guidance and best practices in determining dredged material’s suitability for beneficial uses (No. ERDC/EL-TR-07-27).

What I would further push you to do is to rethink your second, third, and fourth paragraphs in relation to the project. For instance, you mentioned in the second paragraph the importance of sorting and treatment of sediments to reuse dredged materials; how did the project envision this process? What did their vision contribute to the notion of recyclability? The last paragraph talked about the political agency of government. So, what kind of sociopolitical relationship imagined by the project? Currently, the main point of the last paragraph is the long-term management approach as a good model for governments. However, this text is about the project by the Open Workshop–how the design unfolds to respond to ecological or environmental enactments. In other words, the point will be much stronger if you connect it back to that project.

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