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Informative Speech Evaluation

Course: SPCH 1311

Instructor: Dr. Dean

Semester: Spring 2020

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Topic : South Africa

Student Name: Qian Chen

Points E


planation: 0(Missing) – the element is not present in the speech or outline and will not be awarded points

1 – (Incoherent) – the element is present in the outline but not the speech

2 – (Poor) – the element is present in the outline and speech but is unclear

3 – (Fair) – the element is present and somewhat clear but could be improved for a college level course

4 – (Good) – the element is present, clear, and meets the expectations for a college level course

5 – (Excellent) – the element is not only present and clear, but exceeds expectations for a college level course

0 pts

1 pt

2 pts

3 pts

4 pts

5 pts


Introduction – 20 points

Attention Getter


You forgot to follow the instructions regarding the introduction. -20 points

Credibility/Audience Motivation




Preview of main points


Body – 50 points

Main points – Development


Good quality information presented.

Your transition statements smoothly link your main points

1st citation – missing -5 points

2nd citation – missing -5 points

3rd citation – missing – 5 points

Main points – Organization


Unique, interesting content


Supporting details


Transitions – good transitions



3 verbal citations articulated


Minimum elements included in verbal citations


Conclusion – 20 points

Summary of main points


You did not follow the instructions regarding how to write the conclusion. You cannot introduce new information in a conclusion. You say “In conclusion” to signal the end of your presentation. Then, you say, “first,


shared with you…second, I shared, and third and last I shared..”

–20 points

Memorable closing remark


Delivery/Expression – 30 points

Vocal delivery


— vocal fillers


Effective vocal emphasis and volume

You need hand gestures to add physical energy to your presentation.

Please smile as you speak. This is important in U.S. American culture.

You control your nervousness well.

Extemporaneous – Use of notes


Eye contact


Physical delivery

–posture/gestures/facial affect

— distractions


Within 4-6 minute time limit (-1 for every 15 seconds over/under)


Dressed appropriately


Outline and Works Cited – 3 points

General and Specific Purpose


You need two pieces of identifying information to meet the minimum citation standard for each research source -10 points

Full Sentences


Standard outline formatting


Internal references/match verbal citations/highlighted or bolded


Works cited – formatted correctly – corresponding entries


Potential Deductions

Audience requirement waived for this semester


Other Deductions (noise, lighting, recording issues, etc.)

Total Points*: -65 points = 85/150 = 57% F

Dear Sophie,

Your verbal delivery is excellent. Thank you for carefully reading these feedback comments. They are offered with care and respect. I am attaching the El Salvador country outline for you to study. You need to make the changes noted above. Follow the El Salvador outline; watch the El Salvador speech to learn how to give verbal credit to your research sources.

Dr. Dean



Informative Outline Example – El Salvador

*Topic: El Salvador

*General Purpose: To inform

*Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will have learned basic information about El Salvador such as its history, most popular dish, and unique communication behaviors.

El Salvador: Tiny, But Mighty!

I. Introduction

A. Attention Getter: There is only one country in the entire world that carries the name of Jesus Christ and that would be the Central American country of El Salvador, which, in English, is “The Savior”.

B. Thesis Statement-Today, I’m going to share with you all how the tiny, yet mighty El Salvador has a unique and beautiful culture.

C. Credibility Statement-I have a lot of knowledge of El Salvador as both my parents are from there and I have also done a lot of research about the country for school projects in the past.

D. Preview your main points – First, I’m going to tell you some information about the country itself. Second, I’m going to tell you about the culture of El Salvador. And lastly, I’m going to tell you about some of their unique communication behaviors.

Transition statement: Let me begin by giving you some background about El Salvador.

II. Body

A. With a population of just over 6 million people, El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America.

1. The capital city of El Salvador is San Salvador.

a) The country is split up into 14 departamentos, or departments.

b) These departments are the Salvadorian version of our states.

2. From 1980 to 1992, El Salvador experienced a brutal Civil War between the government and rebels from the left.

a) One of the immediate effects of the war was a great influx of Salvadorian immigrants into countries such as Mexico, Australia, the United States, and Canada.

b) According to the United States Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book about El Salvador which was last updated on July 30th 2015, an astounding 20% of the country’s population lives abroad.

c) One of the lasting effects of this war has been the remaining violence and tension in the country, as described by the authors Linda Cooper and James Hodge in their article “Violence, culture of impunity still plague El Salvador,” which appeared in the May/June 2015 issue of the National Catholic Reporter.

Transition statement: Now that I have given you some background about El Salvador, I am now going to tell you about some of the culture.

B. I did research on the CultureGrams website, overseen by the ProQuest LLC Company to learn more about the culture of the country. In the section entitled “El Salvador,” it stated that the food from El Salvador is not as spicy as other Latin American countries.

1. The defining dish of the country is pupusas.

a) The best way to describe it is cheese and your choice of meat or vegetables enwrapped in a hand-made tortilla.

b) My personal favorite is queso con loroco, or cheese with the flower of a plant named loroco that is grown in El Salvador.

c) This dish is accompanied by curtido, a combination of cabbage and other vegetables that have been lightly fermented, along with salsa.

2. It is a joke among many Salvadorians that the way you can distinguish a Salvadorian from a non-Salvadorian is by the way they eat their pupusas.

a) Most people that grew up exposed to the Salvadorian culture eat pupusas with their hands, without using forks or knives.

b) It does get a little messy so it is important to have a lot of napkins available. However, it is definitely worth the experience and combination of delicious flavors.

Transition statement: Now that I have told you about some of the cultural aspects of El Salvador, I will tell you about some of the very unique communication styles of Salvadorians.

C. The dominant language of El Salvador is Spanish. However, Salvadorians definitely add their own flair to the language (CIA World Factbook).

1. One of the ways they do this is by speaking in something called “vosero.”

a) This is when the informal “tu” is substituted with the even more informal “vos.”

b) In conjunction with this, either the accent on the following verb also changes or the conjugation of the verb completely changes.

c) For example, instead of saying “Tu hablas,” which means “You speak,” you would say, “Vos hablás.” Can you tell how both the pronoun and the accent change?

2. The second way that distinguishes the communication in this country is the use of “caliche”, which is the name for the type of Spanish spoken in El Salvador.

a) It consists of different verbs, phrases, and nouns that are unique to the people of the country.

b) Some common examples are: bolado which means object or thing, chucho which means dog, puchica which expresses anger or frustration, and cabal which means exactly.

Transition statement: Now that I have told you information about El Salvador’s history and culture, let me conclude.

III. Conclusion

A. Summary of main points – First I gave you some background information about El Salvador. Second, I told you about the country’s most famous dish and how to eat it. Finally, I told you about the distinct way that Salvadorians speak.

B. If you ever get the chance to visit the beautiful country of El Salvador, I highly encourage you to do it!

Works Cited

“El Salvador.” CIA World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 2 Aug. 2015

“El Salvador.” CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest, 2015. Web. 29 Jul 2015.

Cooper, Linda, and James Hodge. “Violence, Culture Of Impunity Still Plague El Salvador.” National Catholic Reporter 51.16 (2015): 7-8. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 July 2015.

Informative Outline Template

Name:____________Qian Chen_____________________

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with your information and sentences
You should delete anything in parentheses in the text of the speech because those are just directions to you and REMOVE the parentheses
. Those are just there so that you know what to write in place of them. Replace them with your words, in complete sentences. The only thing that should remain is the format: I. A., B., C., 1., 2., etc. and the indentations. Fill in the line for the Transition statement. It does not need to have a letter or number in front of it. You can have more main points than shown here, you can also have more or less supporting details or sub-supporting details than shown here. Remember to HIGHLIGHT or BOLD your internal references/verbal citations in the body.

Fill in this Information for the instructor:

*Topic: South Africa

*General Purpose: To

*Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will….

*Do NOT say this information ^ out loud. Start your speech at your Attention getter.

(Type the Title of Your Speech Here)


South Africa is an African country located in the southernmost part of the continent and one which is among the most countries as it has almost all people from the world represented there. Currently, the country has three capital cities with different functions. There is Pretoria, which does executive functions, Cape Town for legislative processes, and Bloemfontein for judicial functions (Klaus kästle –, n.d.). Additionally, the country has a parliamentary system that has the responsibility of electing the country’s presidents. Currently, the person sitting at the country’s top seat goes by the name Cyril Ramaphosa and has been the president since the year 2018 (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], n.d.). The country’s economy is considered the second largest in Africa. Additionally, the most used languages in the country are Afrikaans and English. Concerning the transport system, most people in the country prefer using road transport.

The country lies a thousand miles from Africa’s greatest cities such as Lagos and Cairo, in addition to lying more than 10,000 kilometers away from most of Europe, Asia, and North America, which are the locations of its major trading partners which later helped in reinforcing the official system for the larger part of the 20th century. With this system introduced into the country, the white minority population started dominating at the expense of the black majority population.

They, therefore, enforced racial segregation in almost all spheres of life, starting from the government through education, access to health facilities to housing, among others. Through this racial segregation, there was the creation of three nations. One for the white population with the British and Dutch domination- a population that struggled for a long time to get political power (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], n.d.).


South Africa is home to the most ancient and beautiful art, including rock art. The origin of rock art can be traced back to the ancestors of today’s Bushman or simply the San (Capetown, 2018). Also, the country is home to diverse and challenging artists who have been producing important new work in the field of art. Additionally, the world’s most valued art exhibition lies in the mountains and caves with its location in Cathedral Peak and the Western Cape. More interestingly, to prove that the country is one of those that value its cultures, the government has developed about 166 art centers that are in operation today. Additionally, the country is also famous when it comes to sports. More importantly, as noted earlier, the country is one that values the cultures of its people and is seen to be determined to share the same culture with visitors. For this reason, the country has developed different cultural villages.

Therefore, among the best places to visit in South Africa includes cultural villages. In these villages, visitors get to learn about South African cultures in a natural environment. Notably, aspects like the cultural dances and rituals found in the country give the country some of its defining features, which makes it a favorable destination for many visitors (Capetown, 2018). Furthermore, South Africa is one country that celebrates every event, place, an art form, and agricultural commodity, among others. Notably, among the dominant festivals in the country are Ficksburg Cherry Festival, Lambert’s Bay Kreeffees, and the National Arts Festival, among others. All these festivals work towards the achievement of a society that is well developed. Notably, the country’s most dominant religion is Christianity having about 80% of the population professing to be Christian believers (Cultural Atlas, n.d.). Therefore, it is invalid to say that the country is dominated by one religion. Because, apart from Christianity, other religions existing in the state include Hindu, Islam, and traditional African religions.


More interestingly, South African people are known to communicate in a direct manner. Although mannerisms exist in communication among almost all South African ethnic communities, most of them are known to have a direct style of communication (Cultural Atlas, n.d.). Therefore, they generally speak to the point confidently. Additionally, South Africans take silence very seriously when communicating. Whenever there is a silence, South Africans might think that there is a problem. They, therefore, grow uncomfortable whenever there is a period of silence and can opt to speak to fill it.

Concerning nonverbal communication, most South Africans may maintain steady eye contact through a conversation. However, older people may avert their eyes to show more so when speaking with someone above them in terms of authority (Cultural Atlas, n.d.). This indicates that they value and respect authority. Additionally, among the South Africans, pointing someone is considered very rude and can attract serious conflicts. Therefore, if one visits the country, he/she must be keen not to point more so through the use of the index finger. When the focus is directed on gestures, in the South African way of life, when one makes a “V” shape with the index and middle finger in addition to the palm facing the person, it is considered rude behavior. To add more, concerning personal space, South African people, in most cases, stand and sit close to each other. Therefore, when some stands or sits closely, visitors might view it as uncomfortably close.

Works Cited

Cultural Atlas. (n.d.). South African Culture. Retrieved from

Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. (n.d.). Africa :: South Africa — The world factbook. Retrieved from

Klaus kästle – (n.d.). Capital cities of Africa – Nations online project. Retrieved from

Capetown. (2018, April 5). Art and culture. Retrieved from

Use the CiteNow! Citation, or other Citation generator (see #6 Cite Your Sources in the Libguide) for correct formatting of your works cited entries. Minimum 2 sources, can use more.



South Africa



South Africa

Point 1

South Africa is an African country located in the southernmost part of the continent and one which is considered to be among the most countries as it has almost all people from the world represented there. Currently, the country has three capital cities with different functions. There is Pretoria, which does executive functions, Cape Town for legislative processes, and Bloemfontein for judicial functions (Klaus kästle –, n.d.). Additionally, the country has a parliamentary system that has the responsibility of electing the country’s presidents. Currently, the person sitting at the country’s top seat goes by the name Cyril Ramaphosa and has been the president since the year 2018 (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], n.d.). The country’s economy is considered the second-largest in Africa. Additionally, the most commonly used languages in the country are Afrikaans and English. Concerning the transport system, most people in the country prefer using road transport.

The country lies a thousand miles from Africa’s greatest cities such as Lagos and Cairo, in addition to lying more than 10,000 kilometers away from most of Europe, Asia, and North America, which are the locations of its major trading partners which later helped in reinforcing the official system for the larger part of the 20th century. With this system introduced into the country, the white minority population started dominating at the expense of the black majority population.

They, therefore, enforced racial segregation in almost all spheres of life, starting from the government through education, access to health facilities to housing, among others. Through this racial segregation, there was the creation of three nations. One for the white population with the British and Dutch domination- a population that struggled for a long time to get political power (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], n.d.).

Point 2

South Africa is home to the most ancient and beautiful art, including rock art. The origin of rock art can be traced back to the ancestors of today’s Bushman or simply the San (Capetown, 2018). Also, the country is home to diverse and challenging artists who have been producing important new work in the field of art. Additionally, the world’s most valued art exhibition lies in the mountains and caves with its location in Cathedral Peak and the Western Cape. More interestingly, to prove that the country is one of those that value its cultures, the government has developed about 166 art centers that are in operation today. Additionally, the country is also famous when it comes to sports. More importantly, as noted earlier, the country is one that values the cultures of its people and is seen to be determined to share the same culture with visitors. For this reason, the country has developed different cultural villages.

Therefore, among the best places to visit in South Africa includes cultural villages. In these villages, visitors get to learn about South African cultures in a natural environment. Notably, aspects like the cultural dances and rituals found in the country give the country some of its defining features, which makes it a favorable destination for many visitors (Capetown, 2018). Furthermore, South Africa is one country that celebrates every event, place, an art form, and agricultural commodity, among others. Notably, among the dominant festivals in the country are Ficksburg Cherry Festival, Lambert’s Bay Kreeffees, and the National Arts Festival, among others. All these festivals work towards the achievement of a society that is well developed. Notably, the country’s most dominant religion is Christianity having about 80% of the population professing to be Christian believers (Cultural Atlas, n.d.). Therefore, it is invalid to say that the country is dominated by one religion. Because, apart from Christianity, other religions existing in the state include Hindu, Islam, and traditional African religions.

Point 3

More interestingly, South African people are known to communicate in a direct manner. Although mannerisms exist in communication among almost all South African ethnic communities, most of them are known to have a direct style of communication (Cultural Atlas, n.d.). Therefore, they generally speak to the point confidently. Additionally, South Africans take silence very seriously when communicating. Whenever there is a silence, South Africans might think that there is a problem. They, therefore, grow uncomfortable whenever there is a period of silence and can opt to speak to fill it.

Concerning nonverbal communication, most South Africans may maintain steady eye contact through a conversation. However, older people may avert their eyes to show more so when speaking with someone above them in terms of authority (Cultural Atlas, n.d.). This indicates that they value and respect authority. Additionally, among the South Africans, pointing someone is considered very rude and can attract serious conflicts. Therefore, if one visits the country, he/she must be keen not to point more so through the use of the index finger. When the focus is directed on gestures, in the South African way of life, when one makes a “V” shape with the index and middle finger in addition to the palm facing the person, it is considered rude behavior. To add more, concerning personal space, South African people, in most cases, stand and sit close to each other. Therefore, when some stands or sits closely, visitors might view it as uncomfortably close.


Cultural Atlas. (n.d.). South African Culture. Retrieved from

Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. (n.d.). Africa :: South Africa — The world factbook. Retrieved from

Klaus kästle – (n.d.). Capital cities of Africa – Nations online project. Retrieved from

Capetown. (2018, April 5). Art and culture. Retrieved from

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