
I need a paper revised by Sunday and here some the comments from instructor. I uploaded the paper, please read comments and paper carefully before you respond to write the paper.

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  – You earned a grade of C on the final paper (75%). This paper has a good foundation, but there are several areas needing more detail and explanation. Please review my feedback below.

You have the right start for this assignment because you work through how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. I’d like to have seen you spend more time making the connection between theory and solution. In order to do this, you have to think about if you looked at the problem from more than one perspective. This is so important because you need to fully understand the problem that you’re trying to solve. What I mean, Paula, is that you need to ask yourself, “Is my definition of the problem the only way to think about it?” How you define the problem can, and often will, lead to dramatically different solutions. You’ve got to feel confident that you’re solving the right problem, otherwise you could end up with a solution for a problem that you didn’t need to solve. Providing examples would have supported your solution.

In terms of EI, social skills and decision making, you want to talk about how you would connect all three areas. This means as you prepare to answer this part of the assignment you need to think about the issue and ask yourself questions like “What do I already know about this problem?,” “What do I need to find out more about to really understand the problem?,” “What assumptions am I making about the problem?,” and “What does an effective solution to this problem look like?” Analyzing the problem isn’t about finding answers . . . it’s really all about asking good questions. You did this fairly well, but I needed to see a more detailed discussion around learning making solid connections between EI and management skills. The application of research to help you understand the concepts was lacking.

Now, the part of the paper where you really need to brainstorm is generating strategies to develop team dynamics. Here I’d like to have seen you describe the core attributes of an effective team and strategies for team development. This is where you’ve got to get out a handful of alternatives, including those you’d never thought of before, and even those you think might be far-fetched, in order to position yourself to do a meaningful evaluation of those options. Generating options, and just having options to choose from, is what helps you avoid bad (though perhaps initially appealing) solutions to a problem. This is the thought process you should go through before giving me your solution. The benefits to the organization is unclear.

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When you develop a program you must evaluate options, you need to make sure to fully explore the pros and cons of those options. We are inclined to see only the positive aspects of the solution we instinctively want to choose, so we’ve got to force ourselves to look at the potential downside. It’s the punch that you don’t see coming that knocks you out, and the same is true of the potential downside of an option that we overlook or just ignore. In this section, you needed to provide more explanation of the reward system you chose along with why your system would motivate employees and why. Supporting details are given but could be expanded to describe how behavior would be influenced. Also, the application of research is minimal.

Your paper lack the reference minimum/quality 

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Running head: professional development program proposal 1

professional development program proposal 8

Professional Development Program Proposal

Paula King

Strayer University

BUS 520 Leadership and Organizational

Dr W. Tillman

February 13, 2021


Motivation at the place of work is essential because it affects the contribution of employees towards organizational processes. Emotions have a significant effect on the level of stimulation in an organization. It is important to note that a human being is emotional, and it is a challenge to separate emotions from a human being. It is therefore essential for organizations to have motivation strategies that impact the feelings of employees. When an employee’s emotions are neglected, the employee’s attitude can affect the organization’s productivity. In this respect, there is a dire need to know the essential role an employee plays in an organization. Most of the operations and activities that directly impact an organization’s success revolve around an employee, making an employee a critical figure. The proposal will be connecting emotional intelligence to motivation. At the same time, the request will recommend a reward system to enhance motivation in an organization. 


The Emotional Intelligence building blocks that would impact management’s ability to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction.

Enhancing employee performance and job satisfaction have a connection with emotional intelligence. However, three emotional intelligence building blocks would help a management team improve performance and job satisfaction (Wen, Huang, & Hou, 2019). The building blocks are as follows:

A. Self-management

Self-management pertains to knowing and understanding one’s emotions. Emotions have an impact on the way people react and perceive things. People are different when it comes to emotions and. In contrast, some people are good at managing their feelings; there are a significant number of people who cannot control their emotions (Khan, Masrek, & Nadzar, 2017). However, there are various strategies that the management can utilize to help employees manage their feelings. It is also essential to note that factors destabilize a person’s emotions (Sun, Chen, & Jiang, 2017). An organization has the power to implement motivation strategies that can help to deal with such issues. 

Self-management does not only affect an employee, but it also affects the organization. An employee is an essential stakeholder in an organization. Regardless of the strategies that an organization has laid down, if employees cannot manage their emotions, they will not benefit from their systems. The emotions of an employee can affect his or her performance (Khan et al., 2017). An employee with strong self-management skills is likely to benefit from an organization’s strategies. This is because their emotions do not affect their judgment about the motivation put in place (Sun et al., 2017). Also, employees with stable emotions are easily satisfied when compared to employees with emotional weaknesses. 

B. Social awareness

Social awareness is the ability to know how to react and behave when among others. Human beings are social, which means that they establish relationships that affect their interactions with their fellow humans. Social awareness affects the management’s ability to enhance performance and job satisfaction (Sun et al., 2017). In an organization, employees play a crucial role, and in many cases, the contribution of one employee might affect other employees in one way or another. Enhancing performance requires employees to read from the same script. Collaborations and teamwork come in place to improve performance and job satisfaction. However, when an employee does not know how to relate with other employees, it becomes a challenge for the organization to enhance its performance (Khan et al., 2017). The reason behind it is that employees need to come together to improve performance. The withdrawal or nonparticipant of some of the employees due to their emotional weaknesses affects the workplace environment, thus adversely impacting job satisfaction (Sun et al., 2017). It is no doubt that social awareness can stand in the way when an organization wants to enhance performance and job satisfaction. 

C. Relationship management 

Relationship management is one of the components of emotional intelligence. A person can connect with others and form relationships (Tagoe & Quarshie, 2017). At the workplace, relationships have the power to change the working environment from worst to best. The management of an organization should have good working relationships with the employees. A good working relationship establishes an environment that is motivating (Khan et al., 2017). However, the lack of a good working relationship between the employees and the management affects the management and the working environment (Sun et al., 2017). In this respect, the lack of a good relationship between the government and employees adversely affects employees’ performance. Also, it affects job satisfaction. When people are not on good terms at work, they are likely to be frustrated and dissatisfied with their jobs. 

Motivational theory

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory is the most applicable in this proposal. The theory is broad, and it has looked at the ways of triggering a person’s emotions positively with the main aim of enhancing his or her performance (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl, & Maude, 2017). The theory revolves around five features that affect satisfaction. The parts are advancement, responsibility, the job, recognition, and achievement. One of the theory’s advantages is that it brings together almost all aspects that other motivation theories have focused on. When dealing with an issue within an organization, the five features come in handy. The first step is to help employees make achievements (Alshmemri et al., 2017). In this case, rewards come in handy. Rewards can be in the form of tangible gifts or education grants. The second feature is responsibility. In this case, the best thing to do is assign duties to employees. When faults are given to employees, employees feel valued, which affects their motivation and satisfaction levels. 

The type of job that employees engage in affects their levels of motivation and satisfaction. When the job is appealing and decent, employees are motivated to work harder. At the same time, they are satisfied. Recognition is the act of acknowledging an employee for their contribution (Alshmemri et al., 2017). When an employee is recognized, the employee feels appreciated, which is enough to motivate them to work harder. In this case, the best method would be to acknowledge employees for what they have done (Alshmemri et al., 2017). For example, an organization might post the best employee of the month on the notice board. The action could motivate other employees to work hard so that they can get the same attention. The fifth feature is an achievement (Alshmemri et al., 2017). Apart from working to earn a salary, employees want to make achievements. In this case, the best strategy could be to offer education grants and other benefits to an employee. Also, promotions come in handy. When an employee receives a promotion from an organization, they feel that they have attained a new level of achievement, impacting their commitment to organizational processes and operations. 


The core concepts would enhance the decision-making efficacy if the organization understood employees’ emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses. The decisions that an organization makes have an impact on the employees. At the same time, employees are affected by emotions (Khan et al., 2017). When the organization understands the employees’ emotional response, it makes decisions that suit all employees. On the contrary, if the organization does not know and understand the employees’ emotional strengths and weaknesses, it might make decisions that will increase conflicts as opposed to bringing sanity and order in an organization (Sun et al., 2017). 


An effective team must have good working relationships. Good working relationships mean that employees can relate and communicate about work matters. Respect is also an attribute that is paramount in an effective team. Members within the group must respect each other (Khan et al., 2017). Communication must be at its best level. Effectiveness does not come without smooth and effective communication. When team members can communicate frequently, it becomes possible for them to tackle issues as soon as they emerge. The best strategy to implement a dynamic team is promoting democracy and openness among the team members. When team members are given the power to air their views, they become free and satisfied. Also, team members must be allowed to participate in the process of making decisions. 


The reward system that will be designed in this case takes after Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory features. The strategies that will be used will have an impact on the behaviors of employees. The following are areas of focus:

1. Achievement: The organization will be rewarding employees who perform better every month. There will be targets to meet whereby they will be focusing on teams and individuals. Teams that perform well will be rewarded. 

2. Recognition: Employees who perform better in their respective departments will be recognized. Every month, their names and pictures will be placed on the notice board. They will also be considered for promotions and essential assignments. 

3. The job itself: The working environment will be made better. The organization will provide all resources that employees need to be productive. The strategy will help to motivate employees. 

4. Responsibility: Employees who will demonstrate the ability to lead others will be assigned to specific projects. The main aim is to confirm that the organization respects their input. 

5. Advancement: Promotions will be taking place as soon as an employee does better. The organization will work with other branches. If other organizations need high positions, employees from the organization will be promoted to such positions. 


Alshmemri, M., Shahwan-Akl, L., & Maude, P. (2017). Herzberg’s two-factor theory. Life Science Journal, 14(5), 12-16. 

Khan, A., Masrek, M. N., & Nadzar, F. M. (2017). Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of academic librarians: An assessment of the relationship. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 49(2), 199-210. 

Sun, P., Chen, J. J., & Jiang, H. (2017). Coping humor as a mediator between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 

Tagoe, T., & Quarshie, E. N. B. (2017). The relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among nurses in Accra. Nursing Open, 4(2), 84-89.

Wen, J., Huang, S. S., & Hou, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence, emotional labor, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction: A moderated mediation model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 120-130.

Satisfactorily describes how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. Makes logical connections between theory and solution. Examples support solution.

Fully describes how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. Draws compelling, logical connections between theory and solution. Examples are strong and support solution.


Needs Improvement




Needs Improvement



Describe how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. 20 %


Needs Improvement



The description does not address how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. Examples are not provided

Partially describes how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. Makes loose connections between theory and solution. Examples do not fully support solution.

Satisfactorily describes how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. Makes logical connections between theory and solution. Examples support solution.

Fully describes how motivation and reinforcement would be used to influence members of the organization to resolve the issue. Draws compelling, logical connections between theory and solution. Examples are strong and support solution.

Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy of the management team. 20%


Needs Improvement



The description does not explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy of the management team.

Partially explains how core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy of the management team. Loose connections are made to support the relationship between EI and management’s skills. Application of research is minimal.

Describe the core attributes of an effective team or strategies to develop team dynamics. 25 %

Does not describe the core attributes of an effective team or strategies to develop team dynamics. Benefits to organization are not presented

Partially describes the core attributes of an effective team. Strategies to develop team dynamics lack details and source support or are not fully articulated. Benefits to the organization are unclear.

Satisfactorily describes the core attributes of an effective team. Strategies to develop team dynamics are articulated. Benefits to the organization are stated. Additional details and source support would improve the description.

Completely describes the core attributes of an effective team. Strategies to develop team dynamics are strongly articulated and detailed. Benefits to the organization are logical and well supported.

Create an effective reward system or determine strategies to motivate employees to influence behavior. 20 %

Did not create an effective reward system or determine strategies to motivate employees to influence behavior.

Partially creates an effective reward system and articulates some motivational strategies. Supporting details are given but could be expanded to describe how behavior would be influenced. Application of research is minimal.

Creates an effective reward system and provides motivational strategies. Details and source material support how behavior would be influenced.

Creates an effective reward system and articulates wellthought out strategies to motivate employees to influence behavior. The connection between strategy and influence is strong and supported by source material.

Reference minimums; reference quality. 5 %


No references provided or all references are poor-quality choices.

Needs Improvement Does not meet the required number of references; some references may be poor-quality choices


Meets the required number of references; some references may be poor-quality choices.

Exemplary Meets or exceeds the required number of references; all references are high-quality choices.

Follows writing standards; meets page minimums. 10 %


Follows few to no writing standards. Does not meet page minimums.

Needs Improvement Follows few writing standards. May not meet page minimums.


Follows most writing standards. Meets page minimums.

Exemplary Follows all writing standards. Meets page minimums.

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