Responses to 2 Colleagues. 1 paragraph each Colleague
Assignment and Instructions attached . Respond to 2 Colleagues Discussion post. 1 paragraph or more total each colleague. Use APA citations and References.
to at least two of your colleagues in one of more of the following ways:
· Compare your perceptions of diversity in the workplace with those offered by a colleague.
· Provide an example from your experience that supports one or more of the benefits of diversity offered by your colleague.
· Provide an example from your experience that supports one or more of the challenges offered by your colleague.
· Offer your colleague additional insights about how to manage diversity.
Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.
1st Colleague to Respond to:
What advantages does an organization realize with a diversified workforce?
With the uncertainties and challenges the future holds, we will need people with different perspectives and experiences to find innovative solutions (TEDx Talks, 2014). Homogenous groups share the same blind spots. Diverse groups draw on a wealth of knowledge and experiences that help the group develop at a faster rate when the environment is inclusive. Diverse groups demand greater accountability with regard to all of the -isms that individuals and organizational systems may express: racism, sexism, ableism, etc. In this way, organizations can balance safety and self-expression by accepting “that comfort always has limits and that self-expression and self-determination must happen in a collective context of mutual understanding and collaboration” (Ferdman, 2017).
What are the biggest challenges or risks that an organization faces with a diversified workforce?
People from different backgrounds are likely operating on different “unconscious presuppositions that guide human thinking” (Lozano & Escrich, 2017). This means that it is easy for team members to misunderstand one another. Teams that define good communication parameters and encourage asking clarifying questions may have more success avoiding miscommunication (Fraser Dove International, 2019). Staff may harbor biases, such as white supremacy, colorism, anti-semitism, anti-immigrant, and on. In a diverse workplace, biases will create conflict. Managers have to be able to identify individual biases and systemic problems within the organization and confront them honestly.
What was ‘new to you” or you need to learn more about regarding the impact of diversity in the workplace after you read the sources for this week?
I want to learn more about how organizations can create systems that have checks on unconscious bias. Because our neurological pathways are established by what we repeatedly experience, people who value diversity and equity often end up participating in white supremacist actions (TEDx Talks, 2016). I recently saw a meme on social media stating something like, “white people gentrify the neighborhood, forcing black people out, then put Black Lives Matter signs in their windows.” A diverse workforce can create accountability for unconscious bias, but it often puts a heavy burden on oppressed people for calling out those in a position of power. People in power need to be self-reflective so that the work environment allows the team to make necessary changes to achieve inclusivity (Ferdman, 2017).
How do you see yourself as a leader of diversity at your workplace? What skills and abilities do you have that will impact your effectiveness in this way?
In my workplace, I do not have any official leadership role on diversity. Yet, I take strategic opportunities to ask my fellow white colleagues to see racism when it plays out. I corrected a staff member who was making fun of a black student’s name. It is essential to ask how to pronounce their name and then repeat it as best you can. That’s it. It’s not their fault you are unaware of their cultural context; it is, in fact, your responsibility to go beyond your limits to relate in “a collective context of mutual understanding and collaboration” (Ferdman, 2017). I ask other white people to consider perspectives beyond what they deem diverse and inclusive. I like Kristen Pressner‘s practical suggestion to “flip it to test it” (TEDx Talks, 2016). I am working on improving my skill at assessing where people’s minds are at and then inviting them to go a step further beyond their biases. I have been perhaps too confrontational for Minnesotan culture, at times. To improve my effectiveness, I am working on how to have the desired growth with messaging that connects.
Ferdman, B. M. (2017). Paradoxes of inclusion: Understanding and managing the tensions of diversity and multiculturalism. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 53(2), 235–263.
Fraser Dove International. (2019, December 16). Top Challenges of Diversity In The Workplace. Retrieved from
Lozano, J., & Escrich, T. (2017). Cultural diversity in business: A critical reflection on the ideology of tolerance. Journal of Business Ethics, 142(4), pp. 679-696.
TEDx Talks. (2016). Are you biased? I am | Kristen Pressner | TEDxBasel [Video file]. Retrieved from
TEDx Talks. (2014). Why cultural diversity matters | Michael Gavin | TEDxCSU [Video file]. Retrieved from
2nd Colleague to respond to:
One thing that stood out while reading this weeks resources is the fact that differently abled people are able to reach the same goal in different ways (D’Gama, 2016). This is something I most likely know but it is not at the front of my mind. Growing up in NYC I was around many different cultures which allowed me to be able to empathize with many individuals. Moving to a different part of the country really allowed me to practice this skill outside of my comfort zone.
Diversity is currently a hot topic at many different companies but I don’t think these companies really understand how important diversity is in the workplace. Usually I am one out of many managers who is usually African American on the management team. This is very disheartening to me because I often times go to our corporate operations meeting hoping to walk in and see someone who looks like me. I always hope but it never happens. This is why we need more diversity in companies especially upper management.
Diversity is also an asset to a company. two of your employees can get to the same end goal through two completely different paths causing you to have more options within your company. If a company is not seen as diverse as other companies in that field the under represented party won’t even attempt to work with you. This makes it hard for the company to meet its goal of becoming more diverse. This is why as a manager I try and nurture all my under represented parties because a lot of time they are over looked and their professional development is hindered.
Everyone needs to work on obtaining diversity in the workforce because its needed by both parties, the company and the employee. My biggest challenge would be my inability to recruit. Human Resources vets all candidates before they even get in front of me. This prohibits me from being able to see our entire applications pool. My biggest tool will be that I am a diversity candidate so I will be able to relate.
D’Gama, L. (2016). Practical lessons of managing diversity. Human Capital, 20(1), 54–55.