Response to peers

Please write a post for the four documents with 150 words each substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

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  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

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Among the cybercrimes that have occurred in recent years, it is said that there are many internal crimes. Log data that is constantly collected within a company and digital forensics technology that analyzes it are useful in pursuing the crime. Digital forensics is the collection and analysis of information recorded on digital devices (Reddy & Venter, 2013). It is being used as evidence for internal investigations and trials within companies against the increasing number of cybercrimes. Most of the crimes are other than unauthorized access from outside the company, and it can be seen that there are many security incidents caused by people inside the company. Specific examples include internal fraud, unintended use, unauthorized information removal, management mistakes, setting mistakes, and erroneous operations (Serra & Venter, 2011). Given the risk that security incidents can lead to enormous damage these days, companies are required to take some measures, whether intentional or not.

USB memory and email are often used as cases where trade secrets are intentionally leaked. However, there is also an investigation report that the internal fraud could not be punished or prosecuted due to lack of evidence or the inability to identify the individual who committed the fraud (Serra & Venter, 2011). That is where digital forensics comes in. The purpose of digital forensic is to identify digital evidence that can be used to identify the suspect and punish accordingly. Digital forensic entails three major steps that are all key to risk management program.  

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As we know, risk management is a series of management processes that identify the risks that can cause loss in corporate management and take measures to avoid or minimize the effects in advance. Digital forensic can be handy in identifying the risks and in creation of strategies that can help the company avoid or minimize risks. For example, if the digital forensic determines that the lack of good password policy system is the main cause of internal fraud, then it is possible for the company to take appropriate measures earlier.

Internal fraud is when all three elements of ‘motivation’, ‘ opportunity’, and ‘justification’ are in place.  “Therefore, as measures to prevent internal fraud, it is necessary to strengthen internal control, such as reducing the motive for running fraud and introducing a mechanism to make fraud difficult. In other words, there is a need for measures to pluck the buds of internal fraud by creating an environment that makes crime difficult, increases the risk of being caught, reduces the incentives for crime, and prevents criminal justification. On the other hand, the possibility of an incident cannot be completely ruled out. In that case, it has become necessary to take advance preparations so that digital forensics can be performed promptly. Thoroughly record computer operation logs to quickly detect access to suspicious data (Reddy & Venter, 2013). Alternatively, the criminal can be identified smoothly by taking measures such as thoroughly setting the administrator authority so that the necessary person can access only appropriate information. Preserving evidence through digital forensic techniques will allow for follow-up measures, including disciplinary action and prosecution.


Reddy, K., & Venter, H. S. (2013). The architecture of a digital forensic readiness management system. Computers & security, 32, 73-89.

Serra, S. M., & Venter, H. S. (2011, August). Mobile cyber-bullying: A proposal for a pre-emptive approach to risk mitigation by employing digital forensic readiness. In 2011 Information Security for South Africa (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

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The Future of Offices



other mobile work arrangements has made working from home a feasible option. When the Covid-19 pandemic spread across the globe, companies were forced into a virtual work world, which increased the likelihood that the future of offices will be a hybrid of the current virtual work environment and the traditional work environment. Offices, in the next ten years, will look very different than the traditional office model. Bacevice, Mack, Tehrani, and Triebner (2020) stated that offices of the future should be decentralized with localized, small offices for workers to gather with other workers from their neighborhoods. Currently, offices tend to be centralized in an urban area, making it difficult for employees to access their workplace and making it less . The idea of decentralizing offices and allowing freedom of the work environment would better support employees, improving performance and culture, while also contributing to local economies (Bacevice et al, 2020). The future of offices are likely to be a blend of the current work-from-home environment created out of necessity due to COVID-19 and a possible small home office environment that would still allow for social connections, positive cultural impact, and improved communication.

I currently work in a higher education institution, and COVID-19 very quickly forced our organization to become a completely virtual work environment. This has allowed us to modify business processes and improve our technological capabilities. Very quickly, staff and faculty were forced to learn how to use technological applications to perform their daily tasks and moved our organization into the 21st century, where previously we were technologically anemic. As a result of discovering we could work from home, we have started to work on identifying which jobs within our organization could be done completely online, regardless of the pandemic. Our human resource department is working with managers to identify who could fully operate virtually permanently. Additionally, we eliminates some services on campus that were identified as unnecessary in the future, where we anticipate continuing to serve a percentage of our students online. Even student-facing positions that work directly with students will now have a virtual component, and being online has allowed us to offer these services later at night without having to expand the offices’ hours on the physical campus. Working virtual has also allowed the college to save money on utilities and printing services, since everything is provided digitally now. Our offices will never be the same following this transition to a virtual work environment. Some offices will be completely virtual, and others will be a hybrid with some virtual hours and some in office hours. The offices of yesterday will no longer exist in the same manner as before, which will ultimately provide flexibility for customers and employees.


Bacevice, P., Mack, J., Tehrani, P., and Triebner, M. (2020) Reimagining the Urban Office. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from .

Peter Bacevice, John Mack, Pantea Tehrani,


Mat Triebner

Digital forensics is the process of uncovering and interpreting electronic data. The strategy aims to preserve any evidence in its most original form while performing a structured investigation by collecting, identifying, and validating the digital information to reconstruct past events. Digital forensic science is a forensic science branch that focuses on the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices related to cybercrime. The term digital forensics was first used as a synonym for computer forensics. Since then, it has expanded to cover the investigation of any devices that can store digital data.

Although the first computer crime was reported in 1978, followed by the Florida computers act, it wasn’t until the 1990s that it became a recognized term (Sadiku, Tembely, & Musa, 2017). It was only in the early 21st century that national policies on digital forensics emerged. Digital forensics is the process of identifying, preserving, analyzing, and documenting digital evidence. It is done to present evidence in a court of law when required.

Digital forensics is a crucial aspect of internal investigations and can piece together a ‘hidden’ audit trail that can provide essential evidence. A forensic image preserves all data within a computer when it is taken. The quicker you image a digital device, the more chance you have to capture the data required for an investigator to piece together the evidence for you. Digital forensics can be implemented into a proactive risk management policy (Hewling, & Sant, 2012). Stating this in legislation that is visible company-wide can be a massive deterrent to those considering unauthorized activity. Having these provisions in place can satisfy several compliance requirements within standards and accreditations – ‘compliance by design.’

Digital forensics is the process of uncovering and interpreting electronic data. Determine the different ways in which an unauthorized user can physically and technically obtain information from your organization. Use the results of a tabletop exercise to execute countermeasures for generating/gathering potential digital evidence. The strategy aims to preserve any evidence in its most original form while performing a structured investigation by collecting, identifying, and validating the digital information to reconstruct past events.


Sadiku, Matthew & Tembely, Mahamadou & Musa, Sarhan. (2017). Digital Forensics. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. 7. 274-276. 10.23956/ijarcsse/V7I4/01404.

Hewling, Moniphia & Sant, Paul. (2012). Digital Forensics: An integrated approach.

The Telecommunicating sector is rapidly increasing. Due to advancements in the telecom sector’s technology, it is bringing many benefits to the other industries. After, the recent pandemic work culture has been changed. This change brings innovation. Many organizations are now offering their employee to work remotely whenever it’s possible. In the past, telecom technology was not evolved that can handle the business need for future technology. As demand is increasing, it is leading the innovation for telecom.

People working in every industry now sees the changes in their workplaces. Especially after the current pandemic industry has seen the many IT products’ growth, which allows people to work remotely, offices and physical workplaces will be changed due to the transformation that the current pandemic brought to everyone’s life. These changes are not only associated with one industry, but it is affected at a wide scale to almost every industry. We can see the workplace changes in many industries, including medical, retail, and even in the financial sector; it is not limited to the IT industry. For example, in the past, we cannot even imagine that doctors are working remotely. But now we can see there are many online medication consultation companies available to the market. In the past, many restaurants were only offering services in house, but we can see drastic changes in this industry. Almost every food chain now offering delivery service. People who used to work only inside the restaurant have adapted to this change (Kang, 2020).

Some researchers think that the future workplace will better work-life balance. The study was carried out on 1000 people and asked several future workplace questions. Research shows that the future workplace will lean towards a balanced work-life experience for the employee (Theodorou, 2020). The future workplace would require ergonomic furniture and design as people are working remotely. It will increase wellness and will provide more support to their family. Companies will instead be spending budget for the office workplace, will start giving benefits to the employees. The Internet of things, machine learning, and other artificial intelligence tools would play a key role in future work. Work management, work collaboration, and many other benefits will be achieved using artificial intelligence, and it will change the future workplace environments.


Adela, Kang. (October 12, 2020). Future of the work. Retrieved from

Melina Theodorou. (May 18, 2020). 5 ways the workplace of the future could change. Retrieved from “”.

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