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I think adolescents find it more difficult to be close to their parents because during adolescence it is a time to make mistakes and learn from them. Parents hope to raise you well enough to never make any mistakes and especially to learn from them when you do make them. This is not always the case though. Friends could be making the same mistakes you are making and have good input on how you should handle your problems in this day of age. Sometimes parents give you their input, but it is just outdated and not how things are today. Relying on friends your own age who also accept who you are and do not judge you for making those mistakes is very important. It is also beneficial to confide in friends because you know you will not get into any kind of trouble, or punishments, while telling them your experiences. I think this is both cultural and developmental because you could be taught different things from culture to culture. An example of this would be religion. Religion could have a big impact on someone’s decision making. I also think it could be developmental because adolescence could rely and confide in each other starting at different ages. Late bloomers could be closer to their parents, while someone who went through these experiences early could be more reliant on their friends. 

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