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2 biblical integration

DB 5

Sara Rooks

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It appears that many healthcare administrators/managers join the career field for many different reasons.


After reading chapter 4 of the textbook it is evident that many are interested in the career field for different areas of interest.  In healthcare, there is a huge variety of different directions to go.  So, while their may be many common themes it maybe because you can possibly take it any different direction as one chooses to best fit their personality and strengths, skills and abilities that best suit them. (Buchbinder, 2010)


Last week I interviewed my boss, he is a manager of a dialysis center.  I found it interesting to learn more about him.  He was attending school for education and realized that he was not interested in pursing that as a career.  After talking to his advisor, she suggested he may consider nursing as he was showing interest in science and anatomy.  He did go on to pursue his education receiving an associate in nursing.  While working as an RN he learned his wife had a kidney disease that he was eager to learn about.  Essentially this drew him to become an RN in a dialysis clinic and later to become the manager.  He is still unsure of where he wants to go in his career but one thing, he said is that he wants to be part of something good.

               I noticed that wanting to be part of something “to do good” is a common theme.  Reading through all the interviews from chapter 4 of the textbook I noticed that most had a purpose or desire to make a difference or have an impact to better another’s life.  What is means “to do good” greatly varies or looks different to each person due to their talents, skills, and abilities.  The book discussed non-direct and direct care and each area can lead to much different paths.  Non-direct care can be closely affiliated with direct care and as some mentioned while being interviewed, every position has some impact in the outcome.

               Key themes as Identified by Practicing Healthcare Managers… Buchbinder (2010, pg. 196)

· Interest in the Profession and Satisfaction

-Healthcare managers seem immense satisfaction in their individual roles.

· Role of Mentors

-Mentors such peers, bosses, professors, parents, and colleagues have been significant sources of influence and have contributes to personal managerial success.

· Variation in Preparation, Experiences, and Roles

· Managers have a different variation of roles within an organization, prior work experiences, and education preparation.  Many different paths lead to the type of career in healthcare management that may interest you.

· Challenges faced by Healthcare Managers

-Managers face significant professional challenges coming from internal and external sources.

               Four major themes have been identified for preferences in a favorable nursing work environment.  Themes found were nursing practice/unit characteristics, managers/leadership, and team relations.  To help ensure desired outcomes, leaders may consider providing adequate staffing, seeking input regarding pay and benefits, encouraging self-development, educational opportunities, and mentorship, and exploring areas of improvement to improve staff interaction.  (Campbell, 2020)

               Proverbs 27:16-18 restraining her is like holding back the wind or grasping oil with one’s right hand. 17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. 18 Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who looks after his master will be honored…     



Buchbinder, S. (2010). Career Opportunities in Health Care Management. Michael Brown


Campbell, C. M., & Patrician, P. A. (2020). Generational preferences in the nursing work environment: A dimensional concept analysis. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(4), 927-937.






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2 hours ago

Kristy Britt 

RE: DB 5


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Dear Sara,

            Thank you for your very inciteful discussion post this week, I really enjoyed reading about the interview between you and your manager. The factors that influenced him to follow the career path he is currently in is a beautiful testimony to the person he is. “Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose” (Psalms 25:12, 2006, New Living Translation).

             Experiences throughout one’s life and career journey play a major role in where a person is led and what they are led to do. “Many managers began with some exposure to health services while in high school or college, the military services, or through personal or family circumstances with health and disability” (Buchbinder & Thompson, 2010, p. 198) The combination of these exposures and experiences will guide individuals through life and may have a significant impact on their choices. There are so many managerial positions within the healthcare industry and therefore options are endless with education and experience, which is one reason why this industry is very desired. Some managers over the years have had the opportunity to move into manager positions without furthering their education while others have obtained higher degrees to qualify for the same position. Along with experience influencing a person’s career choices there are also three other factors that play a role such as intrinsic, extrinsic, and interpersonal factors and this varies from culture to culture. Intrinsic factors include personal interests, personality traits, and professional advancement. Interpersonal factors include influences throughout a person’s life such as support form parents, family bond, status, peer influence and interactions from teachers, counselors through school, and other educators. Research that Akosah-Twumasi, P. et al (2018), conducted found that depending on what country a person is from will also depict what factors are more influential, here in the United States intrinsic and interpersonal factors have a greater impact than extrinsic factors in someone’s career choices.

            Mentors contribute significantly to the personal and career success that a person may have. Companies who have implemented mentor programs for new hires have seen less of a turnover rate and more employee satisfaction. “Mentoring programs are widely used by organizations as a key means to support both employee career development and retention” (Banerjee-Batist, R., et al, 2018, p. 1). Normally in a work environment a mentor is there to help support the new hire, train them, give advice, and encourage them. Adequate training that is provided in a positive manner is huge for a company and new employees. As we have learned through this course not all manager positions are the same and not all require the same skill set so therefore one may or may not be proficient in one area does not mean they cannot perform that duty, it may mean they just need more training in that area.

            Job satisfaction is also popular factor among healthcare managers, “Job satisfaction is a multidimensional response to work and workplace environment. It depends on many factors, and affects the behavior of employees that, in turn affects organizational functioning” (Singh, T. et al, 2019, p. 1). Themes that have been identified throughout healthcare managers and their career journeys are all connected at some point, through their personal interests and the satisfaction of this profession, from the mentors throughout their lives, through life experiences, and education all factors play a role in shaping who we are.

            Thank you again Sara for a very well written discussion, I look forward to reading more throughout this course.



Akosah-Twumasi, P., Emeto, T.I., Lindsay, D., Tsey, K., and Malau-Aduli, B.S. (2018). A systematic review of factors that influence youths career choices-the role of culture.     

Banerjee-Batist, R., Reio, Jr. T.G., and Rocco, T.S. (2018). Mentoring functions and outcomes:   An integrative literature review of sociocultural factors and individual differences.     

Buchbinder, S. B. and Thompson, J. M. (2010). Career Opportunities in Health Care        Management: Perspective from the Field.

New Living Translation. (2006). YouVersion Bible App.

Singh, T., Kaur, M., Verma, M., and Kumar, R. (2019). Job satisfaction among health care           providers: A cross-sectional study in public health facilities in Punjab, India.     

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