Research Report – Software Engineering and Software Security

Write a research report on Software Engineering and Software Security. 

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All the instructions are attached here under. Please read the instructions and work accordingly.


RRR requirements are highlighted in RED below

Naming convention of file: firstnameLastname_RRR x

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What to Submit

1. A Research Guide Structured paper

a. Title Page

· Running head: uppercase research title (no more than 50 characters)

· Research Title (Narrowed focus determined from the main topic selected)

· Individual/Group Members names

· Course information

· Professor’s Information

b. Blank page

c. Abstract

One paragraph describing the research to be conducted

max 5

d. Blank page

e. Table of Contents

· See page 10 of the Research Guide for an example

f. Chapter 1


· Include additional paragraphs as the introduction (no subheading)

· Problem statement

· Expand on the paragraph describing the problem you plan to research

· Expand on this section to include a detailed explanation of the problem supported by literature sources

· Relevance and significance (see page 4 of the Research Guide)

· Include 1 paragraph describing the research goal

· Expand on this section to further highlight the significance of the research.

· Who will be impacted and how will they benefit from your research solution

· Research questions

· Add no more than 2 research questions as they relate to your research focus

g. Chapter 2 (See page 5 of the Research Guide)

Literature Review

· This section requires that you review at least 5 peer-reviewed literature sources used in the research.

· For each of the 5 articles, write a paragraph each for the following sections

· Description of the research including who the target population was (if available)

· Research Method used to conduct the research (describe what the researcher(s) did to gather data for the research)

a. Was survey distributed? How many questions? How many participants

b. Was it a focus group? Was it a case study

c. Be explicit

· Findings: Indicate the findings as reported in the article

· Conclusion: What was the conclusion of the research

**You are required to do this for each of the 5 articles**. Citation is critical as you report/review the articles

DO NOT add the APA reference at the beginning of each article review in Chapter 2.
Be sure to add to them to the References page

h. Chapter 3 (See page 5 of the Research Guide)

Research Methodology

· Since you will not be conducting a “real” research study that would require you go into the field, your research methodology should be a Comparative Analysis

· Describe how you plan to address your research problem and accomplish your stated goal

· In this section, elaborate on all of the issues pertaining to the problem statement described in Chapter 1

· Based on the literature, highlight the impact on organizations, people or any population.

· Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

i. Chapter 4

Findings, Analysis, and Summary

· Add your findings, analysis and summary – (See page 5 of the Research Guide)

j. Chapter 5


· Add the conclusion paragraphs – (See page 5 of the Research Guide)

k. References

· Include at least 5 peer-reviewed journal references

· Must be as per APA

· NO websites

Note: As per APA:

The format of the outline must include the following

1. Page numbers

a. Front Matter pages: Use Roman numerals – Place in the lower, bottom section of page – See below page 8 of the Research Guide

b. Chapters to Reference pages: Use English numbers – Place in the upper right corner of page

2. Page headings

a. Front Matter pages and References page:

i. headings should be centered, bold, Times New Roman; 12 pts

b. Chapters – heading should be centered, NOT BOLD, Times New Roman; 14 pts

3. Sub headings: should be left aligned, bold, Times New Roman; 12 pts


Table of Contents – See below page 10 of the Research Guide for an example

5. Citations must be as per APA

6. References must be as per APA

page 8 of the Research Guide :

Paragraph Spacing

The text of the document is doubleF-spaced. There should be no extra spaces between paragraphs in sections; however, indent the first line of paragraphs five spaces (1/2 inch). Chapters must begin on new pages.

Page Numbering

Page numbers for the front matter, starting with the Table of Contents, should be lowercase roman numerals, centered at the bottom of the page. All pages following the front matter should have page numbers in Arabic numerals in the upper right-hand corner. The page order and numbering for the front matter is:

0. Title page is page i, but the page number is not printed.

0. Approval Signature page is page ii, but the page number is not printed.

0. Abstract is page iii but the page number is not printed.

0. Acknowledgements is page iv and not to exceed one page. The page number is not printed.

0. Table of Contents is page v and the page number is printed, bottom center.

0. List of Tables (only present if the document contains tables) is given the next page number in sequence, printed bottom center.

0. List of Figures (only present if the document contains figures) is given the next page number in sequence, printed bottom center.

Type Style

For body text, you should use 12-point Times New Roman. Text for the cover page may be larger but should not exceed 14-point size. Text for the chapter title text should be 14-point size. Be consistent in your use of typefaces throughout the document. Do not use a compressed typeface or any settings on your word processor that would decrease the spacing between letters or words. Sans serif typefaces such as Helvetica or Arial may be used for relatively short blocks of text such as chapter headings and captions but should be avoided in long passages of text as they impede readability.

Title Page

Every document that is submitted, from the Research Report, must have a title page. The title page includes the exact title of the Master’s Thesis, date of submission, your name, and name of the department which the report is submitted. Use the format of the Sample Research Report Title Page provided in Appendix A.

The Abstract

The abstract (see Appendix es C) is single spaced. An abstract is a stand-alone document and therefore, should not include citations because it would then need references. Note that the abstract must be fewer than 200 words.

Chapter Title, Heading 1, Heading 2

It is preferred that Research Report contain no more than three levels of headings in the body text. All headings should have only the first letter of each word capitalized except that non-major words shorter than four letters have no capital letters. See Appendix H for a sample page for a first page of a chapter.

Instructions for heading levels follow:

Level 1: Chapter Title

This heading starts two inches from the top of the page, is centered on the page, and is set in 14point type. The first line contains the chapter number (e.g., Chapter 4). The second line is blank. The third line displays the chapter title, is centered on the page, and is set in 14-point type.

Level 2: Heading 1

Start heading 1 at the left margin of the page, four spaces (i.e., two returns when your document is set for double-spacing) down from the title, set in bold 12-point type. Double-space (one return) to the subheading body text. Indent the first line of the body text five spaces.

Level 3: Heading 2

Start the heading 2 at the left margin of the page, double-spaced (i.e., one return when your document is set up for double-spacing) from the subheading, set in 12-point italics. Double-space (one return) to the sub-subheading body text. Indent the first line of the body text five spaces.

page 10 of the Research Guide for an example

Sample First Page of Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Abstract iii

List of Tables (if necessary) viii (your actual page number may be different) List of Figures (if necessary) ix (your actual page number may be different) Chapters

1. Introduction

0. Statement of the Problem to Be Investigated 1

0. Goal to Be Achieved 2

0. Relevance and Significance 4

0. Barriers and Issues 7

0. etc.

1. Review of the Literature

1. The theory and research literature specific to the topic 17

1. etc.

3 . Methodology

· Research Methods Employed 35

· etc.

1. Findings, Analysys, Results,

0. Findings 78

0. Analysis 91

0. Results

1. Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

1. Results 102

1. Conclusions 108

1. Implications 123

1. etc.


1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 140

1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 148

1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 155 etc.

Reference List 198

Note: Count and print the number of this page centered here in lowercase Roman.

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