Research Questions

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Professor William Johnson

COLL300 Research Questions

June 12, 2017

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Field of Study or Major: Psychology

Topic: Value of Music Therapy

Draft Research Questions:

1. How does music affect the brain?

2. What kind of research is needed to validate the effects of music therapy?

3. How many kinds of music therapy are currently being used in the USA?

4. How does music therapy’s effectiveness relate to economic status?

5. Can music therapy help with PTSD and TBI?

Research Question Checklist:

Look at each question to see if it meets most of the criteria shown here. If it does not, please

replace or revise it.

Does the question deal with something that really interests me?

Is it a topic I can research at the APUS Library?

Is the span of information I want to cover reasonable?

Is the question too broad, too narrow, or just right?

Is the question an open-ended question that invites inquiry?

Revised Research Questions:

1. 1. What are the differences in the way the brain responds to language and to music?

2. What kind of research is needed to validate the effects of music therapy?
3. How many kinds of music therapy are currently being used in the USA?

4. What is the relationship between the effectiveness of music therapy and socio-economic

status in the USA?

5. How has music therapy been used to help American veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury


Then, following the model below (including bold headings), compose and submit a set of 5 research questions for the topic in your field of study below. These research questions will guide you as you begin your research process. You will likely find that one research question stands out and that, ultimately, your thesis statement may provide answer(s) to that research question.

Field of Study or Major: Transportation and Logistics Management

Topic: Value of Reverse Logistics

Five (5) Draft Research Questions:






Research Question Checklist:

Look at each question to see if it meets most of the criteria shown here. If it does not, please replace or revise it. Then write your revised questions below.

· • Does the question deal with something that really interests me?

· • Is it a topic I can research at the APUS Library?

· • Is the span of information I want to cover reasonable?

· • Is the question too broad, too narrow, or just right?

· • Is the question an open-ended question that invites inquiry?

Five (5) Revised Research Questions:






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