Research project part E


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· Due no later than 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Unit 9

· Worth 25% of final grade

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The Final Research Paper will give students the ability to demonstrate application of geographical tools and theories. Students will have an opportunity to think critically about course materials and their own research materials, and synthesize these materials in a way that allows them to see the world in a different way. The Final Research Paper will also give students the opportunity to produce a scholarly piece of writing based on a topic of their own choosing.

1. For the Final Research Paper, build on the first four parts of the Research Project assignment to produce a well-organized, scholarly research paper.

2. In addition to the sources used for the annotated bibliography, you should gather additional data from a variety of sources (e.g., newspaper articles, census data, business reports, government documents, etc.).

3. You may want to return to your field excursion site to make and record more observations. Dates and times of these observations should be recorded clearly.

4. The Final Research Paper should be formatted like a research article in an academic journal. You are encouraged to use journal articles as guides for formatting their essays, bearing in mind there are many different ways to format journal articles.

5. The Research Papers must not simply add on the sections from the first parts of the Research Project but rather incorporate these materials to produce a well-written essay. Although components of a paper can be arranged very differently, the following elements must be included in the final submission.

· data: data must be presented in a format that is legible, meaningful, suitable for the data type, and consistent with the style of the paper;

· analysis: it is not enough to simply state results. Results must be analyzed and discussed, making connections to the theoretical framework used;

· visual representation: all papers should have at least one map of the study area as well as one or more photographs. Papers can also use tables, charts, graphs, sketches, and other forms of visual representation that contribute to data presentation and analysis.

The Final Research Paper should include the following sections clearly identified using headings. Please note that sections do not have to use these titles; they can be more imaginative and descriptive. Please also note that different sections might be combined depending on the style and flow of the report:

1. Introduction: describes the research topic; may include a map; should include a research question or problem statement, as well as an argument; should indicate briefly the theory being used; should set up the rest of the paper.

2. Methods: briefly describes the methods used to gather data; can include a map; can include references to methods literature if used, including the course textbook if used.

3. Theory: includes a discussion of the theoretical lens used and a review of the literature used for the study; links the theory to the research question.

4. Results: describes the observations made (tables, charts, and diagrams can be included as necessary).

5. Analysis and discussion: link results to the theory in a scholarly way that helps the reader to understand the phenomena being studied; may challenge existing literature and propose something new.

6. Conclusion: briefly restates what the essay did and points to what other interesting work could be done; may include limitations; elegantly concludes the paper.

Running head- RESEARCH PART C 1


Name- Kiran Gill

Student id- 2019052245

Human Geography

Research Part C

Professor- Sunny Mangat

Newman, H. F. (2020, March 16). Retrieved from

Will the Coronavirus End Globalization as We Know It?

In this article, it is stated that the spread of the pandemic in the whole world is due to globalization. The authors state what globalization has resulted in and what people thought it would be, the authors listed how pandemic have revealed the truth of the governments and the union members. They have revealed Europe and German refused to export masks and essential goods to other countries during the pandemic, German being the part of European union did not help their members, what else could we expect? We all know Italy has gone through very hard times almost half of the population has died, ambulances had no clue who to get to the hospital or whom should not be taken for the cremation or burial, Italy called in their union members to get help but no one responded expect for the China, where people were busy cursing China for spreading the virus, that country came out to help Italy. Overall, this defines globalization is not about getting countries and people together, it does not mean that the power lies in unity, pandemic has revealed the unity is just for the saying, no one actually stands for another one and the supply chains have failed.

Nature . (2020, March 24). Retrieved from

Coronavirus pandemic: Nature’s pledge to you

This article states what measures the Nature magazine is taking to help out people in this hard time. They have listed in the article that the impact of the pandemic is relatively less on Nature’s working, they have been doing their best at this time in regards to search and informing people. The article also talks about the pandemic that did not just cancel the schools, meetings, events but also have impacted the mental health of people and worsened the rising economies. It could also be read that the world might have followed China’s and South Korea’s steps for social distancing and quarantine to prevent the spread, but no one knows for how long it has to be followed? In addition, in the article they have listed few measures being taken by the Nature magazine to help people- they have prioritized to give the news related to Covid-19 first before any other news, they also have featured interviews with experts and researchers in the magazine so that people continues to know about the updates and changes related to the pandemic, but for everyone’s safety and following the travel restrictions by the government they are doing the meetings and interviews virtually, and also are open to have reviews and information about pandemic from people.

Student Essays . (2020, March 24). Retrieved from

Nature Essay for Students and Children

Nature is a significant component of human life on this planet earth. It is the absolute most

component that interfaces all the living beings and gives methods for living to them. Without nature, life on this planet is unimaginable. The preservation of nature alludes to significant human endeavors to spare nature from being lost. It alludes to considering humans worrying about the security and endurance of nature. Nature has given us endless gifts. All the things that make life going on this planet like water, trees, light, climate, plants and different innumerable things. Since the introduction of human beings to this world, they are utilizing nature as their single means of endurance. Truth be hold, what humankind has accomplished today is made conceivable in the light of utilizing nature and its assets. Nature has been the principle explanation for the logical and mechanical advancement of humans till today. Humankind has misused every normal asset like seas, water, mountains, soil for their own benefits.

Student essays . (2020, May 24). Retrieved from

Essay On Nature | Its Role & Importance of Save Nature For Student

Nature is a significant and necessary part of humankind. It is probably the best gift for human life; but nowadays people neglect to remember it as one. Nature has been a motivation for various artists, authors, specialists from the past. This striking creation propelled them to compose sonnets and stories in its wonder. They really esteemed nature which reflects in their works even today. Basically, nature is all that we are encircled by like the water we drink, the air we inhale, the sunlight we absorb, the flying creatures we hear trilling, the moon we look at and sky’s the limit from there. Most importantly, it is rich and dynamic and comprises both living and non living things. Consequently, individuals of today’s age ought to likewise take in something from the individuals of days gone by and begin esteeming nature before it gets past the point of no return. Nature can carry solace to our life just when we deal with the feeling of appreciation.


Nature . (2020, March 24). Retrieved from

Newman, H. F. (2020, March 16). Retrieved from

Student Essays . (2020, March 24). Retrieved from

Essay On Nature | Its Role & Importance of Save Nature For Students

Student essays . (2020, May 24). Retrieved from




Name- Kiran Gill

Student Id- 2019052245

Yorkville University

Learning Activity 7

Professor- Sunny Mangat

An in-text citation is the brief form of reference used in between the text or in the work done, It differentiates the reference from other sources- because for every in-text citation there is the corresponding entry in the reference list at last (Libraries, 2020).

The APA format in-text citation includes the author’s name and the year of publication, for example (Gill, 1999)- this is for one author if there are two authors (Gill & Bhathal, 2017), three or more authors (Bhathal et al., 2020).

It is very important for one to cite to give credit to the original author whose idea or work has been used by us and it also helps the one who is reading your work to locate the sources and to learn more about the same if required (Libraries, 2020)

The same can be applied to why a reference is required, also reference helps one to differentiate what is our own idea and which are someone else’s, it helps to avoid plagiarism. It also helps readers to identify what sources were referred to (Sydney, 2019).


Libraries, P. S. (2020, May 26 ). Penn State University Libraries. Retrieved from

Sydney, U. (2019, October 29). UNSW Sydney . Retrieved from




Name- Kiran Gill

Student id- 2019052245

Reflection Paper 2

Human Geography

Professor- Sunny Mangat

Ans1) An inukshuk is a structure made of stones heaped on the head of one another. The inukshuks are utilized for route purposes in the north zone, where is a day of considering a substantial day off, the territory appears to be identical. An inukshuk could likewise function as a sign to make a decent chasing or fishing spot. Inukshuks are made of heaped stones that are picked because they fit well together. No paste or concrete holds them together; they remain up because they are bolstered on one another. Each stone backings the one above and underneath it. In Canada Inukshuk speaks to the indication of the nature of companionship, wellbeing, expectation, and network. It does not just draw in the guests who will show up yet, in addition, to review us of the qualities that make Canada an incredible spot to live.

Ans 2) The Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh (Wilson & Henderson, 2014).

Ans 3) A biological system is included all the non-living components and living species in a neighborhood condition. Components of most biological systems hold water, air, daylight, soil, plants, microorganisms, bugs, and creatures. Biological systems might be physical – that is, ashore or water. Sizes of biological systems shift; they could require a little pool or a huge area of desert. In like manner, characteristic biological systems can appear to be unique from each other. Here is the image of the characteristic biological system which I took from the outside of the house. Plants are the most significant piece of the biological system; their job is as per the following-

· They give oxygen to life forms to continue.

· They can defeat the issue of pollution, by utilizing carbon dioxide

· These are likewise the premise of most food networks as producers of nourishment for herbivores and eventually carnivores.

.Plants likewise give haven to the flying creatures, creatures, and creepy crawlies, and so on.

. Roots of the plants hold soil firmly and forestall soil disintegration.

ANS 4) A renewable energy source means energy that is sustainable – something that cannot run out or is endless, like the sun. OR we can say that the renewable source of energy is that energy which we can reuse again and again. Examples are: water, solar energy, wind, etc are the common example.

ANS 5) the most essential ingredient of ALL life is Air, water, food, shelter, clothes.

Ans 6) Human movement discharges gases into the environment. A portion of those can be hurtful and cause unsafe breathing conditions and corrosive downpour. A portion of those gases are characteristic yet are being delivered in huge sums which can affect Earth. Ozone harming substances, like carbon dioxide, in the environment can make worldwide temperatures increment. If we as a whole work together to drive less, monitor power, and make less waste, we can diminish our carbon impression and help battle an unnatural weather change. For instance, the power that controls these things is created by emanations delivering vitality plants. Utilizing your lights, machines, and whatever else controlled by power as rarely as conceivable will lessen your carbon impression, as, depending on regular light during the day; open your blinds and let the sun sparkle in. That way you will not need to turn your lights on. In any event, when they are turned off, machines sap vitality if they remain connected. Circumvent the house and unplug the apparatuses in your kitchen, room, lounge room, etc. Indeed, even a telephone charger left connected can utilize vitality.

ANS 7) Cultural personality is a gathering you distinguish yourself with as per some critical factor, for example, race, religion, age, and so forth. However, it is not just a feeling of having a place, it is a lot of an assortment of elements that you and other gathering individuals share for all intents and purpose dependent on it. It very well may be considered as claiming the way of life and its different limits of ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, and sexual orientation. From my introduction to the world, love for nature has been ingrained in me. My folks were dedicated naturalists and they have raised me in like manner. Being a naturalist is my social character and it has influenced my perspective just as my picked calling. Naturalism has formed my perspective in an assortment of ways, including how I treat both conditions and individuals. My social way of life as a naturalist helped me figure out what work I would be keen on doing. I need to take dynamic activities in sparing condition, so I expect to concentrate on nature in my future. In this manner, every one of these decisions adds to my qualities just as to my social personality improvement. Being a piece of a naturalist bunch has been influencing my life from a beginning. The greater part of what I do is inspired by my respect for nature. This social character has helped me in discovering interests, companions, and vocation, and it will consistently be a fundamental piece of me.

Ans 8) We can pass judgment on the individual in two different ways from the external look and inward. Be that as it may, the main thing is external look where we judge the individual like their appearances, dressing sense and they’re portraying. Most Canadians have reasonable ruddy skin and they are tall. They have brilliant earthy colored hairs. They are easy-going and casual. Despite their salary, societal position, or duties, Canadians are amazingly causal. They dress for the activity to meet an expert clothing regulation, however for the most part do not streak costly shoes and embellishments and so on. They talk affably. Canadians eat early and nibble for the duration of the day. Canadians esteem their own space. They feel awkward if individuals are excessively close or bother physical contact. Canadians are exceptionally defensive of their security and data, for example, age, weight, military status, and so on. Canadians are entirely respectful, and they carry on out in the open.

Ans 9) Popular sports teams in Vancouver are the Canucks and Giants in hockey, Whitecaps in soccer.

Ans 10) Globalization is the procedure whereby frameworks grow from being provincial or national to envelop the whole planet. This is a wide pattern that has been in progress for quite a long time. Coming up next are regular instances of globalization. Exchange The trading of products and ventures between countries. Exchange is an element of old social orders that have extended because of upgrades in transportation, political dependability, and collaboration.

Environment The planet has regular assets. In principle, these can be totally spent or devastated by a solitary country. In that capacity, worldwide participation and law are viewed as an expectation for evading decreases in personal satisfaction because of natural bungle. Lamentably, globalization has an awful history of permitting firms to move creation to countries with low ecological guidelines to maintain a strategic distance from neighborhood guidelines.

Ans 11) As I lived in Abbotsford so the basic time for me to reach the specific location by car is approximately 40 min. this is the example of Kiran Gill. Currently, I am in Hong Kong at present, but I am giving the address where I lived in Abbotsford.

Ans 12) retail geography is the investigation of picking and opening the retail location with the goal that they can sell their products and enterprises in the market as indicated by the request of the purchaser in the spot. The principle motivation behind the retailing is that it includes the selling of individual units or little bundles to colossal amounts of customers by a business set up thus.

Ans 13) This Monument which we generally called the Peach Arch it is situated near the westernmost point of the

Canada–United States border

in the

contiguous United States

, between the communities of

Blaine, Washington

, and



British Columbia.

It is built in 1921 as the symbol of the relation and peace between two neighboring countries that is US and Canada (Cao & Selman, 2010).


Cao, L., & Selman, D. (2010). Children of a common mother: Determinants of social liberalism in the United States and Canada. Sociological focus, 43(4), 311-329.

Wilson, K., & Henderson, J. (2014). First Peoples: A guide for newcomers. Vancouver: City of Vancouver.




Name- Kiran Gill

Student id- 2019052245

Research Project Part A

Human Geography

Professor- Sunny Mangat

Yorkville University

Observation site: Mill Lake

Time- 12.00 am- 2.00 pm, Monday, August 3rd


I was pretty much excited about the excursion, I thought to wake up early in the morning to get some fresh air at the Mill Lake, and also the lake becomes quite hot in the afternoon, but I couldn’t get up from bed till 11.00 am. Well, it was not too late, I got ready and took the bus at 11.40 am, the Lake is just 15 min drive from my place. The reason I chose to explore Mill Lake is because I personally like it, the place is so quiet and peaceful, also I can say Mill Lake is the most popular spot for picnic, walking and jogging, plus there are not many places to explore in Abbotsford I must say.

Clicked by Kiran Gill, Mill Lake, Monday 3 August, 12.10 pm

12.00 am- There are 3 ways to enter in the lake, but I chose the way which was closer to the bus stop, I can say that way has most the tables and chairs to be seated, well I was expecting the lake to be less occupied than before but I was amazed at the same time that there was not even a single person sitting at the chairs when I entered the place, I have been to the lake at least 7 times since I came to Canada, it was never that way before, usually the seats are occupied. Well, it was my call this time, I sat at the chair for a while and stared at the water, I must say there was no change in the water quality though, it was poor again, some people were still throwing rocks into the water, which is not a nice thing to do and I hate when people do it. Let me show the glimpse of water-

Clicked by Kiran Gill, Mill Lake, Monday 3 August, 12.15 pm

12.25 am- After sitting and relaxing for a while, I made my way towards the bridge, where I could see few people walking and jogging, I guess most people came at their cars or either jogging, that is why the way from bus stop seems so quiet, also this is because people are scared to use public transportation in this pandemic, thus refer to use their own vehicles or walk a few miles instead. I have noticed fewer people using transit from quite long though since the Covid-19 affected Canada. Well, while I was walking through the bridge I saw people try to make distance from you as much as possible, usually people love to break the rules and doesn’t want to follow the instructions, but this is the first time ever you don’t even have to put security to see if people follow the instructions or not! I met little ducks assuming that people are going to feed them, instead how would they know people are just throwing rocks and pebbles their way.

Clicked by Kiran Gill, Mill Lake, Monday 3 August, 12.35 pm

Clicked by Kiran Gill, Mill Lake, Monday 3 August, 12.19 pm

This is exactly how the bridge looked! I could only see 4-5 people walking through the bridge. I would love to bring the fact that as soon as I started walking around the lake area I could only see aged people walking, eating and enjoying the sunshine, and that is totally opposite to what I thought earlier. Since, we all know Covid is more dangerous for children and aged people as their immune systems are weaker than adults. I assumed maybe this pattern is just around the bridge area as I told earlier the lake has 3 different sides to enter, it occupies a huge area.

12.55 pm- I didn’t realise I spent so much time looking at the little ducks and trying to click perfect pictures, its obvious I had to stop taking pictures when people were to come my way to pass down the bridge, also I felt scared and amazed when I stood at the side of the bridge to feel the breeze coming my way and closed my eyes to feel relaxed, I realized the bridge was shivering with the wind or may be due to people jogging and walking around, well I am afraid to die in water, I also don’t know how to swim so I left the bride and walked further!

1.30 pm- I was tired by then, was walking from last 1.5 hour almost, I took mat with me so I laid down for a while, then I realized a loud sound, I looked after and noticed a man was singing outside his house an the family was enjoying listening to him , Mill Lake is surrounded by apartments which are quite expensive to live. I love the fact that quarantine has brought families together, and people have realized happiness is not only about going out for picnic, dinner at expensive restaurants or posting get togethers on social media, you can also find happiness sitting with your family, visiting parks at the weekends, you can enjoy pretty much an that too without sending much money. While such thoughts were striking in my mind, my attention went to the tree right in front of me, the leaves of the tree felt like elephant trunk, I was excited to see how the leaves would feel at touch, well I must say the ;eaves weren’t that hard or sharp as it seems from distance, that tree reminded me what people think of me especially in the university, I must say I don’t like making friends or talking to people for no reason, it doesn’t mean I am rude or I have no feelings, it just I don’t trust friendships anymore or I end up hurting myself after putting all the time and efforts in people. I felt quite sad at that time because I don’t like the way people treat or think of me.

Well, let me share the picture of the tree-

Clicked by Kiran Gill, Mill Lake, Monday 3 August, 1.56 pm

1.45 pm- Ignoring the bad thoughts, I started going towards the picnic spot of the lake, where people were sitting and eating with their families, little kids were enjoying getting wet with the sprinklers, I missed my family at that time, but then I realized those poor youngsters and adults were not considering social distancing in their mind, I hated the fact that people still leave their parents and grandparents at home saying that they might get the virus, but they can go and chill in the sun as they have good immune system, but why don’t they understand that they are the only ones who gonna transmit the virus to their parents, well they can fight the virus themselves but their poor grandparents can’t, it is so sad that old people sit at home and do all the chores while adults go out and enjoy. There’s no doubt many families have realized the importance of being a family, but yet there are some people who never gonna appreciate their parents. I would love to show you the tiny toddlers enjoying the sprinkles.

Clicked by Kiran Gill, Mill Lake, Monday 3 August, 1.58 pm

2.00 pm- I had to catch the bus at 2.00 pm or would have to wait another 25 minutes for next bus to come so I decided to walk as fast as I could, on the way walking back I noticed many of the chairs were kept at such points of the lake where no one would ever want to go and sit actually, some were placed facing the wall or some had huge trees in front of them covering the lake view, I was annoyed by that as being an economic student I understand we have limited resources, and it doesn’t feels good to see when resources are being utilized well, I don’t know why were they that way!

Overall, I must say 80% of the people who visited the lake at that time were aged people, and there’s no doubt that it is effect of Covid-19, aged people are conscious about their health and try their best to avoid crowded places, also I feel they are more connected to the nature than adults are, adults rather prefer fancy dinners, social life. And also when adults don’t care about social distancingI feel bad for old people. The other thing that I would love to say is I heard so many birds chirping and noticed a few birds which I haven’t seen since I came here, if people don’t care about nature or the nature life, God does! God has its own way to teach you a lesson, to other people Covid could be a disease with no vaccine, but in my eyes it’s the punishment that god has given us for being mean to humanity!

Once again, I was forced to think when will people learn the lesson? Why can’t they be kind to other people and animals? The science who has made their way to the moon was not able to get even a single vaccine till now! What I have realized after visiting the lake today if the world would stay the same, so does God. No one would ever be able to live life the same as it was before the pandemic. The trend would change from fancy dinners and parties to jogging and walking on the lake sides, the lakes and nature would only be the place left for going out. I am forced to think would more parks be built in the future than restaurants and retail stores?

Final Project Outline Template

The place I chose for my project is very famous among the people where I live, as known Abbotsford has less population when compared to Surrey or Langley, and there are very less places to visit, Mill Lake is the place where people love to jog and walk in the morning or evening. It is the place where people like to spend most of their time when it’s a sunny day outside or a family wants to have a nice picnic, it could be seen how busy the lake is especially on a nice day. There are 4 different paths to enter the lake which is very interesting and once could find many different species of fishes and birds, but when I visited the Mill Lake for my excursion I was pretty shocked finding that there were very few people who visited the park, I never saw the lake this quiet before.

Mill Lake is situated in Abbotsford, the lake is famous for fishing, running and walking. Interestingly, the lake is surrounded by a pool, volleyball courts and a ball diamond. It is very expensive to rent a appartment in the Mill Lake residency because of the beautiful view and glimpse of nature. Apart from the beauty of the lake, I have heard few scary stories about the lake from my cousins, they say there were few dead bodies discovered around the lake and the people found dead were found on different days and were not found to know each other, which is why I prefer visiting the lake during daylight so that I won’t get scared, but I can’t just stop visiting the place, it is so relaxing and beautiful.

I chose the Mill Lake for my excursion for a reason, as known the pandemic has hit the world since December 2019 and it has impacted our lives more than we could have ever imagined of. Being the famous and busiest place of Abbotsford forced me to visit and notice the changes that could be seen as a result of COVID-19. I was amazed finding there were hardly few people who visited the place, and I could see more of the aged people visiting the lake and I must say the young people being more educated than the aged people were less concerned about following the rules and regulations being set by the health departments. I would be reflecting more on how COVID-19 has impacted the lake and its environment.

Qualitative technique implies in which we do the examination dependent on pictures, perspectives, and bits of knowledge we find in the consistent schedule (Mulhall, 2003).

Observational research is utilized to allude to a few unique kinds of non-trial concentrates in which conduct is methodically watched and recorded. The objective of observational examination is to portray a variable or set of factors. More for the most part, the objective is to get a depiction of explicit attributes of an individual, gathering, or setting.

So basically, there are 4 type of observational research that is:

· Complete observer: in this researcher is neither seen nor noticed by participants

· Observer as Participant: under this the participants know the research goals of the observer.

· Participant as Observer: in this the researcher is fully engaged with the participants.

· Complete Participant: in this Participants are not aware that observation and research is being conducted.

The advantages of the observational from my personal view on the field report that I conducted:

· Direct study which means observations are done by the researcher which is done by me. No need to depend on anyone.

· Exactness which means that Observation should be based on standardized tools of research which sees exact in its nature of working.

· Physical and mental activity which means sense organs have a very critical role to play in the observation process.

The disadvantage of the observational from my personal view on the field report that I conducted:

· Observation is a time taking process which means it takes a lot of energy and time because we must write each and everything on that time.

· Observation involves a lot of time as one must wait for an event to happen to study that event.

· Depending on the data I have collected insight noting cannot be changed.

The paragraphs would have how the Lake was before, how it has changed due to the spread of virus and what I observed in detail.

Talking about the results, I must say I realized the virus has impacted more to the retails and restaurant than the lakes, or the places to hike and are full of nature. I would also be answering what questions came into my mind and what I predict about the future trends about how people would enjoy or spend their time in the upcoming time.

Hi All

I hope you are in the process of doing your individual case study and group marketing plan. Some students have asked me about the questions to the case study. Not all case studies come with questions. When you read the case study, try to identify problems/issues/concerns and then put them together to create the problem statement. Then, you will need to provide solutions to these problems. Of course, you need to provide specific details about your solutions to show that they solve the particular problems.

So, to help you analyze the Fitbit case study, here are some items you may want to think about in your analysis:

-Think about the characteristics of the wearable device market. Describe this industry and explain what customers’ expectations/desires/needs are. Consider using the BCG matrix to help you understand the market.

-Think about Fitbit’s competitive advantages: compare them to the other brands. What are the competitors’ advantages?

-Compare the positioning strategies of the different companies in the wearable device market. What comes to mind when customers think of Fitbit verus iWatch versus other brands, etc.

Understanding these three main variables should help you develop a strategy for Fitbit’s future. (hint, hint

Good Luck!

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