Research Project (Biology)


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Read the instructions for research papers included as a supplement to this lesson. Then, select a topic from the following choices:

  • Human stem cells
  • Genetically modified foods
  • Climate change
  • Use of vaccinations
  • Cloning
  • Designer babies

Prepare a detailed report on the topic you choose, including the following elements:

  1. Describe the background and basic issue of your chosen topic.
  2. Describe the basic argument of opposing viewpoints.
  3. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of both views.
  4. Choose which view you agree with. (Only in the conclusion)
  5. Explain why you agree with that view.

Writing Guidelines

  1. Type your submission, double-spaced, in a Times New Roman font, size 12. Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.)
  2. Read the assignment carefully and address the topic suggested.
  3. Be specific. Limit your submission to the topic suggested.
  4. Use proper APA formatting. Include in-text citations and a reference page in APA style. On this page      list websites, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission. Also include a cover page and in-text citations. For assistance with this project and APA in-text citations and references. 

KarlaPalma Arguello 23002149

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Karla Palma Arguello 23002149

Comment by Young, Diane: It is good that you have a cover page, however, it must be formatted as:
Your name and student number
The course name and code
The assignment number
The date
Your college
Your email address

Dear Karla, thank you for submitting this paper. I am returning your paper ungraded to enable for you to make some needed corrections before a passing grade can be given.

This is to be a PRO/CON paper in which both sides of a controversial topic are explained in detail. Your paper is informative about the effects of climate change.

For Climate Change, you must focus on 1 of 2 controversies:

1. Climate change is real vs a hoax OR

2. Climate change is caused by human activities vs natural occurrences.

Then you must present at least 2 scientific arguments for both sides. These arguments must present scientific facts, supported with data, measurements, examples, and evidence.

DO NOT use subtitles, pictures, and lists of any sort. All information must only be written in proper paragraphs.

Below is a link for a webinar that explains exactly how to write this paper. It is highly suggested you watch this webinar before revising this paper. Also, use the outline given below to ensure you are including all needed information for the paper.

General Format of the Research Paper:

1. The format of the paper should be as follows:

a. Intro: define your topic and summarize the main points that are coming up in the paper. For this main pro and con ideas. State that the topic is controversial.

b. Next should be an in-depth background of the topic. Either a history or explanation of procedures or whatever is needed. This is paragraph 2.

c. Then you should have at least one pro and one con paragraph. Usually there is more than one for each. 

i. You must present and explain in detail at least 3 pros and 3 cons

ii. Support each pro and con with data and statistics that can show its strength or weakness

iii. Each pro and con should be presented, explained and supported in separate paragraphs (6 minimum)

d. Conclusion: Here you should be stating what stance you agree with and why. Usually you can use a summary of points made in the paper to support how you feel and anything personal that goes with your topic.

2. You MUST use in-text citations in APA format throughout your paper to show where your information came from. All information taken from your sources must be cited. Papers without these are considered plagiarized which is illegal and unacceptable by Penn Foster. It will also result in a grade of 1%

3. Be sure your cover page and reference page are properly formatted in APA format.

Research and APA Citing Webinar Link:

Need help with APA citations?:

· Biology Learning Resources Page for APA Citing:

· Purdue Owl APA website:

Need to Contact your Instructor?:

Email: Use your course portal “Help and Support” section to email your instructor, or

. Make sure to put the course name in the email here “Intro to Biology.”

By Phone: If you have questions, contact your instructor (James Hadsell) through email or schedule a phone call appointment with your instructor at

Impact of climate change

Karla Palma Arguello

SCI120 – Research Project

Table of Contents
Impact of climate change 2
Background 2
Issues 3
Impact on oceans and wildlife 3

Impact on forests


Drought and floods

Health risks 6

Positive aspects



References 8

Impact of climate change

Background Comment by Young, Diane: Do not use subtitles in a formal research paper.

The variability in the climate that lasts for a longer period is termed climate change. These changes are different from weather changes in a way that these are long-term changes. There are many factors which are the reason for weather changes. It includes both natural and human-made factors. Natural factors include the release of gases from volcanoes, methane gas released from bacterial activity, emission of carbon-dioxide orbital variation in the earth, and also from the manure. Solar changes are also the reason for climate changes. Artificial reason includes fertilizers, waste products of industries causing air, land, and water pollution. Similarly, cutting of forests, burning of fossil fuels which include coal, oil and natural gas, etc. these all are the reasons for climate changes which are the results of millions of years. Comment by Young, Diane: down Comment by Young, Diane: remove Comment by Young, Diane: in-text citations needed

Comment by Young, Diane: Remove pictures. Do not use pictures, graphs, charts, tables, etc. in a formal research paper.

Issues and Basic Arguments

There are a lot of issues that are caused by climate change. Some of these issues are so serious that they can harm our environment’s survival, including living organisms.

Impact on oceans and wildlife

The water in the oceans absorbs carbon dioxide, and it has a large capacity to do so. It protects the amount of carbon dioxide to reach the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide concentration is increasing rapidly in the air due to the burning of fossil fuels and other natural and artificial resources, the absorption of carbon dioxide is increased by the water. It results in an increase in the temperature of water by one °C (Dickenson, 2021). It is expected that the threshold may increase to a more critical level of 1.5°C (Dickenson, 2021). It can also be increased to this amount. Moreover, the acidity of water is also increasing due to the increased concentration of carbon dioxide. It is a great threat to coral reefs’ lives because their percentage can be declined to a dangerous level. Comment by Young, Diane: ???

Comment by Young, Diane: remove

And if the temperature is increased to 2°C, then at this temperature, all the coral reefs would die (Dickenson, 2021). It is also a great threat to wildlife because many fishes are obtained from these coral reefs as these fishes live in coral reefs. It is harmful to wildlife, and The reason behind this is that they gain their major portion of protein from fishes. Climate changes are severe than past. Comment by Young, Diane: citations needed. Comment by Young, Diane: more Comment by Young, Diane: in the

Moreover, ice and snow are very important to maintain the equilibrium of our earth. Ice on the glaciers and mountains reflect sunlight. Due to climate changes, ice is melting, leaving dark surfaces behind. These dark surfaces are good absorbers of heat. They absorb sunlight, which is why they increase the earth’s temperature (Dickenson, 2021).

Comment by Young, Diane: remove

Impact on forests

Forests are the habitat of a large range of wildlife and are also sources of food for wildlife and humans. Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas that is soaked by the forests. Global warming is also one of the major effects of carbon dioxide. Cutting forests for fuel or housing causes desertification (Schoennagel, et al., 2017). The impact of climate changes varies among different forests, including amazon, boreal, etc. these forests have a large range of biodiversity, which is disturbing or decreasing due to climate changes. Global warming is also increasing due to forest cutting as these decayed trees further release carbon dioxide (Schoennagel, et al., 2017).

Drought and floods

Drought and floods are two important impacts of carbon dioxide. The rainy patterns are becoming more extreme. The air becomes warmer due to an increase in temperature, which increases the capacity of air to absorb more water (Yousefi Malekshah & Ghazavi, 2019). It also caused a lot of conflict due to drought and also flooding. Comment by Young, Diane: ???

There is a lot of pressure on the freshwater reservoirs, and these reservoirs are the source of water for animals and the local community. The water pressure is increased due to pollution, silting and drainage, etc. These factors are increasing day by day due to climate changes. Comment by Young, Diane: Citations?

Health risks

The warm period is favorable for the pollens. Due to the increase in temperature, the pollen season is increasing. Due to this increase, the risks of allergies, which also include asthma, are increasing. Similarly, ozone depletion is also one of the effects of climate of change. Smog is included as the main and large component of ozone. It is directly linked with temperature (D’Amato, et al., 2017). The more they increase in temperature, the more s the smog. It results in a lot of chronic problems, including asthma, lung diseases. It can also cause chest tightness and improper functioning of the lungs. Comment by Young, Diane: remove

Positive aspects

Following are some of the positive aspects of climate change: Comment by Young, Diane: Do not use lists of any sort in a formal research paper. Everything must be written in proper paragraph form

· The cost of heating of winters is reduced due to warm environment or increased temperature in cold regions

· New crops are growing in some countries like the UK, due to high temperature

· It is also beneficial for some animal species because high temperature allows them to stay in the north

· Due to the decrease in snowfall, the chances for accidents on the roads are also reduced

· The people’s lifestyle becomes difficult much cooler environment, so it promotes improved outdoor surroundings.

· The tourist industry is growing due to warmer summers, and this increase is more in the seaside resorts, which increases the economy

· The yield of potatoes and cereals etc. is increasing due to an increase in the growing season. Warm is good for growing crops. So, it provides benefits to the farmers.

· Increased carbon dioxide concentration is good for growing some crops (Chu, Venevsky, Wu, & Wang, 2019). But it is to be noted it is a two-end sword. It also increases the growth of weeds and also pests.


Climate changes have many negative impacts on environments that include extreme rain patterns, change in crops’ growing pattern, decrease in the wild life, and negative impacts on health. The temperature of the earth is also increasing due to the greenhouse effect and global warming. The biodiversity range is also decreasing. But it also has some positive impacts as increased, or warm temperature is good for growing some crops, including beetroot, potatoes, etc. similarly, the growing season is also increasing, which provides benefits to the farmers. But the negative impacts of climate changes are far more in number than negative impacts, and its negative impacts are even more severe. There is an immediate need to deal with these issues because it is dangerous for the environment’s survival. If these issues are left unresolved, they can jeopardize human life.

Chu, H., Venevsky, S., Wu, C., & Wang, M. (2019). NDVI-based vegetation dynamics and its response to climate change at Amur-Heilongjiang River Basin from 1982 to 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 2051-2062.
D’Amato, G., Vitale, C., Rosario, N., Neto, H. J., Chong-Silva, D. C., Mendonça, F., & D’Amato, M. (2017). Climate change, allergy, and asthma, and the role of tropical forests. World Allergy Organization Journal, 1-8.
Dickenson, A. (2021). THE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. Retrieved from WWF:
Schoennagel, T., Balch, J. K., Brenkert-Smith, H., Dennison, P. E., Harvey, B. J., Krawchuk, M. A., & Whitlock, C. (2017). Adapt to more wildfire in western North American forests as climate changes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 4582-4590.
Yousefi Malekshah, M., & Ghazavi, R. (2019). Evaluating the effect of climate changes on runoff and maximum flood discharge in the dry area (case study: Tehran-Karaj basin). Ecopersia, 211-221.

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