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Find a current (within the last five years) research article (a scientific paper) on a nutrition topic of your choice from one of the following sources:

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

American Journal of Nursing

Annals of Internal Medicine

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Journal of Nutrition

Journal of the American Dental Association

Journal of the American Dietetic Association/Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health


New England Journal of Medicine



Find a current (within the last five years) research article (a scientific paper) on a
topic of your choice from one of the following sources:

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

American Journal of Nursing

Annals of Internal Medicine

Journal of Nutrition

Journal of the American Dental Association

Journal of the American Dietetic Association/Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health


New England Journal of Medicine

Others, with
approval of the instructor

If you want to have an alternate source considered, do not wait until the last minute to seek approval from the instructor. Your article should be a full text article (not an abstract) and at least 5 pages long. Read the article and prepare to discuss it in class (note, this does not mean read it!). Your presentation should last at least ten minutes and include time for discussion and questions. A written summary of your presentation should be submitted immediately following your presentation. If you wish to use any electronic audio-visual aids, please check with the instructor prior to your presentation to ensure compatibility with school software and equipment. In any event always bring plan b, in case the electronic equipment is not available. Do not assume you can download material saved in your email from the classroom.

In order that I may prepare for your presentation, send a file or link to your article and submit this copy to me through Canvas for approval no later than Wednesday October 7, 2020. I will be keeping this copy. Presentations will begin on Wednesday November 11, 2020

Journals may be obtained at an academic library. Additionally, full text journals (e-journals) are available through the BCCC library which can be accessed from the BCCC homepage (

). Alternatively journals can be accessed through Some full text articles are available through

. Links to articles may also be found by subscribing to newsletters (free) at


. Please do not use work downloaded from Gale/Centage websites.

This project should not include promotions for nutritional supplements that you may be marketing that are linked to your topic. Doing so will result in a 0 for the presentation component of your final grade. There will be a penalty of 5 points for changing your article after the original selection is made. Regardless of the reason, there will be a penalty of 5 points for not presenting on your assigned night, unless the change is made at the request of the instructor. If your article submission is returned by the instructor because it is old (more than 5 years old), or does not meet the five page criteria, or is not scholarly, or is not nutrition-related, there will be a 5 point deduction per class day until an appropriate article is submitted. There will be NO MAKE-UP’s after Wednesday December 9. 2020.

Grading will be based on the following criteria:

Copy of article submitted no later than October 7, 2020
15 points

Article of appropriate length*

10 points


Covers major points addressed in article*

40 points

Stimulates class discussion

20 points

Written copy submitted immediately following presentation

15 points


100 points

*Please note that you will get no points for article length or presentation major points if you do not submit a copy of your article.

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