Research paper on Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Research paper of 6-7 pages (approximately 1600-1750 words) I have attached the rubric and a rough draft of my outline. Just needed assistance in organizing the paper. Must be able to run the final product on Grammarly and Turnitin.
TraumaticBrain Injury
Research paper of 6-7 pages (approximately 1600-1750 words) Grading Rubric
A+ (100)
A (95)
B (85)
C (75)
D (65)
F (55)
F (0)
Possible Points: 15
Thesis Statement:
The work includes a concise, specific, one-sentence thesis statement relevant to the student’s topic, located in the introduction and reiterated in the conclusion.
The thesis statement is clear, concise, and specific to the topic, including a unique perspective that is broad enough to make a case, but narrow enough so that the case can be made feasibly. Located in the introduction paragraph and reiterated in the conclusion.
The thesis statement is clear, concise, and specific to the topic, and is broad enough to make a case, but narrow enough so that the case can be made feasibly. Located in the introduction paragraph and reiterated in the conclusion.
The thesis statement is specific and appropriate to the topic but may be either so narrow that there is little room to make a case, or so broad that the case cannot be feasibly made within the scope of the paper. Located in the introduction paragraph and somewhat reiterated in the conclusion.
The thesis statement is provided, but the connection with the topic is unclear. The statement is too broad or too narrow to make a case. May not be clearly located in the introduction paragraph or reiterated in the conclusion.
The thesis statement is too broad or too narrow and is irrelevant or inappropriate to the topic. Not located in the introduction paragraph or reiterated in the conclusion.
The thesis statement is vague, unclear, and difficult to locate.
No submission.
Possible Points: 30
Analysis, Argument, and Discussion:
The body paragraphs of the paper demonstrate original and effective argument analysis and discussion using evidence and are related to the thesis statement.
The argument is analyzed and discussed critically in each body paragraph, using multiple perspectives, with significant evidence from the different perspectives. Supporting details and evidence to justify claims are relevant, accurate, and specific to the thesis.
The argument is analyzed and discussed critically in most body paragraphs, using evidence. Supporting details and evidence to justify claims are relevant, accurate, and specific to the thesis.
The argument is analyzed and discussed critically in some body paragraphs using some evidence. Supporting details and evidence to justify claims are mostly relevant, accurate, and specific to the thesis.
The argument is adequately analyzed and discussed in some body paragraphs, with some evidence that may be weak or unclear. Supporting details and evidence to justify claims are sometimes irrelevant to the thesis, inaccurate, or missing specificity.
The argument is rarely analyzed or discussed in the body paragraphs, and evidence is rarely present or relevant. Supporting details and evidence are often missing, inaccurate, or tangential to the argument.
No coherent argument, analysis, and discussion present in the body paragraphs.
No submission.
Possible Points: 15
Writing Skills:
Grammar, spelling, and syntax are appropriate for college writing.
The work contains no errors in spelling or grammar; choice of words demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic, always using relevant key terms appropriately.
The work contains no errors in spelling or grammar; choice of words demonstrates a good understanding of the topic, using relevant terms appropriately.
The work contains a few spelling and/or grammatical errors; choice of words demonstrates proficiency on the topic using relevant terms for the most part.
The work contains a few minor spelling and grammatical errors; choice of words demonstrates basic understanding of the topic, sometimes using relevant and appropriate terms.
The work exhibits consistently poor spelling and grammar; choice of words demonstrates a lack of understanding of the topic, often using irrelevant or inappropriate terms.
The work exhibits extremely poor writing skills; incorrect spelling and grammar limits the reader’s ability to follow ideas or thoughts. Choice of words demonstrates a lack of understanding of the topic, with many irrelevant or inappropriate terms.
No submission.
Possible points: 10
Structure and Organization:
The work has a well-crafted structure and organization, including
introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs that reinforce and build upon the thesis. Each paragraph contains effective transitions. Length of the submission is appropriate.
The work is built around a clearly identifiable structure and organization, which brings a better understanding for the reader with a fully articulated introduction, body, and conclusion. Transitions are smooth and fully support the theme/thesis. Meets length requirements.
The work follows an easily identifiable structure and organization, with a clearly articulated introduction, body, and conclusion. Transitions are appropriate and all link to the theme/thesis. Meets length requirements.
The work is well structured and organized, with an adequate introduction, body, and conclusion.
Transitions often link to the theme/thesis. Meets length requirements.
The work shows an acceptable structure and organization, with an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion. Transitions are somewhat related to the theme/thesis. Meets length requirements.
The work shows a basic attempt to organize the material, struggling to differentiate the introduction, body, and conclusion. Transitions often show little or no relationship to the theme/thesis. May not meet length requirements.
The work shows no obvious organization, lacking a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Does not meet length requirements.
No submission.
Possible points: 20
Use of Sources and APA Citations:
The work demonstrates the selection and use of high-quality, relevant, and credible academic sources as evidence in support of the analysis and argument. In-text citations and reference list are formatted appropriately in APA Style.
The work uses high-quality, relevant, and credible academic sources effectively as evidence in all paragraphs. There are no errors in in-text citations or reference list formatting.
The work uses relevant and credible academic sources effectively as evidence in all paragraphs. There are only a few, minor errors in the in-text citations or reference list formatting.
The work uses relevant and credible academic sources mostly effectively as evidence in almost all paragraphs. There are minor errors in the in-text citations or reference list formatting.
The work uses academic sources adequately as evidence in most paragraphs. Sources may not be the most credible, relevant, and high-quality options available. There are some significant errors in the in-text citations or reference list formatting.
The work uses sources, however these sources are too few, mostly not academic, high-quality, credible, or relevant. Sources are not used effectively as evidence in most paragraphs. There are many significant errors in in-text citations or reference list formatting.
The work does not use sources as evidence or contains entirely inappropriate sources. In-text citations and reference list are not attempted in APA format or not present.
No submission.
Possible Points: 10
Incorporation of Feedback:
The student integrated feedback from the instructor on previous Milestones to revise their work for the final paper.
Feedback was effectively integrated from previous Milestones. The revisions greatly enhanced the final paper and showed substantial growth over the term. Must run paper on grammarly and turnitin for plagiarism.
Feedback was integrated from previous Milestones. The revisions enhanced the final paper.
Feedback was somewhat integrated from a few of the previous Milestones. The revisions adequately enhanced the paper from previous work. Some additional detail and clarity needed.
Attempt was made to integrate the feedback from previous Milestones but did not effectively enhance the paper overall from previous work. More details and clarity of concepts are needed to effectively enhance the paper.
Minor changes made based on the feedback from previous Milestones without success, more extensive changes expected based on the feedback.
Little to no attempt was made to improve upon the submission based on prior feedback.
No submission.
Outline draft;
Introduction paragraph:
Have you or do you know someone who has suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? A traumatic brain injury can occur at any given age, from babies, children, adolescent and event adults. This type of injury has different levels of complications, rather being from a mild to severe, death can occur at any stage depending on the individual. The doctors and scientist in today’s society has continuously evolved in the studies of medicine to determine a more advanced rehabilitation and cure because individuals who suffers from a Traumatic Brain Injury, weather being a mild to severe are still at risk with some type of health issues, most treatments will have an outcome that varies but the conditions still remains the same., and some may pull through, others the body just gives up. As we take a deep dive into this research paper, you will have a better understanding of where the disease originated from up to how we can avoid these situations in life.
I. Supporting Point 1
A. Topic sentence: Traumatic Brain injury is a very delicate issue within the human body that affects the main organ, the brain. The brain functions as the main source for the body to be able to communicate to the rest of the body. (Ross C. Puffer,John K. Yue,Matthew Mesley,Julia B. Billigen,Jane Sharpless,Anita L. Fetzick,Ava M. Puccio,Ramon Diaz-Arrastia,David O. Okonkwo , May 2019)
B. Supporting detail: The CDC defines a Traumatic Brain Injury as a disruption to the normal activities of the brain cause by a bump, blow, trauma to the head, or penetrating head injury. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016)
C. Supporting detail: Any human being are susceptible to a TBI, more specifically children and older adults. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016)
D. Supporting detail: Immediate care are required for a TBI, delays on treatments can worsen and prolong the healing process. A Glasgow Coma Scale is used by many doctors and emergency rooms around the world to determine directions and other functions tests within the human body. (Mayo Clinic Staff, March 29, 2019)
E. Explanation of evidence: Alternate scan aside from an X-ray such as Computerized Tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are utilized to detect abnormal.
II. Supporting Point 2
A. Topic sentence: A mild traumatic brain injury does not require urgent treatments other than rest and taking over the counter pain medicine to relieve the pain from the injury.
B. Supporting detail: Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain injury requires an emergency hospital care with proper equipment.
C. Supporting detail: Severe cases may require additional treatments such as surgery. Surgery may be required if exams shows excessive bleeding or fractures to the cranium.
D. Supporting detail: Post treatments aside from mild, often requires rehabilitation to relearn basic life skills such as walk, talk and perform daily activities.
E. Explanation of evidence: Patients rehab and recovery depends on many factors such as patient and severity of injury.
III. Supporting Point 3
A. Topic sentence: My personal experience with TBI relates to my first motorcycle accident in 2004 when I was operating without a helmet and collided against the rear of a vehicle sending me to the hospital with loss of conscious.
B. Supporting detail: In the Military many service members reports injuries to the ER due to the nature of the job. Soldiers incur injuries from airborne operations, blast impact from firing heavy weapons, and negligence acts while conducting physical fitness on a daily basis.
C. Supporting detail: Professional athletes are also prone to have a Traumatic Brain Injury due to the profession of the sport and its sportsmanship.
D. Supporting detail: Children often injures themselves at schools, playgrounds and even at home. Most injuries related to the brain are due to lack of care from the adults supervising the children. (Health Partners, 2020)
E. Explanation of evidence: According to the Beaumont Emergency Center in Texas, the number one Emergency Room visits evolves around some sort of brain injury from Mild to Severe. (Beaumont ER, 2015)
IV. Countering Opposing Perspectives
A. Topic sentence: There are two sides to the opposing of the recovery from a Traumatic Brain Injury. Depending on the individual person who suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury he or she may fully recover from the accident, where others that have a weak immune system will have a longer recovery period.
B. Supporting detail: From the news12, a known relative to me survived what most hospitals professionals would call impossible treatment based on the vehicle impact. The father of best friend suffered from a major car accident having major blood clot to his brain, a severe TBI, now he is fully recovered from the injury. (News 12 Staff, 2020)
V. Conclusion
A. Review central ideas presented in body and make connection to thesis: With the modern technology, today we can detect certain behaviors and injuries that 15-20 plus years ago the humans were not able to perform the proper treatment.
B. Transition to closing thoughts: As the technology and education advances, doctors are more prepared and have a better understanding of the severity of any Traumatic Brain Injury. Proper care and diagnosis are required immediately to avoid permanent damages to the brain.
C. Closing thoughts: Traumatic Brain Injury is a serious injury to the human body, without proper care and treatments the body will not be able to function as normal.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016, January 22). Traumatic Brain injury and Concussion. What Can I Do to Help Feel Better After a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury? From
Mayo Clinic Staff. (March 29, 2019). Traumatic brain injury. Treatments and Diagnosis. From
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (2019, March 27). Traumatic Brain Injury . Traumatic Brain Injury . From
News 12 Staff. (2020, May 23). Bridgeport man critically injured in New Jersey car crash reunited with family. Brain Injury. Bridgeport, CT, USA. From
Ross C. Puffer,John K. Yue,Matthew Mesley,Julia B. Billigen,Jane Sharpless,Anita L. Fetzick,Ava M. Puccio,Ramon Diaz-Arrastia,David O. Okonkwo . (May 2019). Recovery Trajectories and Long-Term Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury. A Secondary Analysis of the Phase 3 Citicoline Brain Injury Treatment Clinical Trial, Volume 125,, Pages e909-e915. From
US National Library of Medicine. (2020, November 24). Traumatic Brain Injury. Acquired brain injury, TBI. From