Research Paper on organization and their global strategy

Research a company or organization and their global strategy to address specific issues (business challenges, breaches, etc). Describe the company, their strategy plan, and the issues in your group paper while including recommendations to alleviate issues.

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 * At least 20 pages, no more than 25

 * with PPT to summarize your research paper 

 * Double spaced APA format

 * At least 15 references

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 * At least 5 of your references have to be scholarly peer-reviewed articles

Using Resources to Promote
Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an integral part of any educational program

At UC, we encourage and provide applicable resources for the promotion of critical thinking

In order to properly research and complete course papers, proper resources must be utilized

Researching Using the Critical Questions

When using research resources, it is imperative to review the six critical questions and implement that data into your writings.

Proper Resources for Research
When asked to completed a research paper in the UC School for Computer and Information Sciences, you must use scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.
A peer-reviewed article is one that has “been evaluated by several researchers or subject specialist in the academic community prior to accepting it for publication” and is “also known as scholarly or refereed.”

Proper Format is Important
All papers written for courses within the School for Computer and Information Sciences must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style.

Research Paper
Research a company or organization and their global strategy to address specific issues (business challenges, breaches, etc). Describe the company, their strategy plan, and the issues in your group paper while including recommendations to alleviate issues.

Research Paper Requirements
At least 20 pages, no more than 25
Double spaced APA format
At least 15 references
At least 5 of your references have to be scholarly peer-reviewed articles

Research Presentation
Goal is to summarize your research paper
Must present for at least 15 minutes
Your group will be randomly selected for presentation
All group members need to participate in the presentation

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