Research Paper Narrated presentation

  To practice communicating techncial information verbally, students will prepare a 1-2 min presentation on their research paper . submit a narrated PPT presentation 

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The most effective presentations are accompanied by visuals. When a spoken message is supported with visual information (text, images), the technical content is easier to understand and will be retained longer.

Using PowerPoint, create a slide deck with

speaker/presentation notes.

The notes will be the presentation/video script.

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The slides should be minimal in number and style. Organization should reflect spoken message (which reflects written report). Slides should contain:

  • Minimal text  – the notes section is for detail – most slides should be fewer than 7 words/slide –  10 words/slide MAX (exceptions may apply)
  • Images, graphics, charts, (simple) tables, photos, etc. 
  • Research – correctly formatted references (can be placed in notes section also) 

The speaker/presentation notes (script) should:  

  • contain more information than the slides
  • be written in full sentences or bulleted – not bulleted sentences!
  • reflect report organization and design – use of headings, references 
  • be formatted to fit the notes section – check in notes page view
  • be used as a script 


Narrated presentation* 

  • Research report topic 
  • Content should reflect report organization
  • 1-2 minutes MAX 
  • Visuals applied to support and complement verbal message – appropriate visuals – minimal text
  • Well-organized, scripted and rehearsed (see Slides and speaker notes assignment)
  • Students should be on camera when recording
  • Effective presentation skills applied – looking directly at camera, appearance, lighting, etc.
  • Must create video using slide narration feature in PowerPoint,

 *NOTE: Please do not submit narrated presentation in any format other than PowerPoint.  

Please see attached for the Research paper Topic to do the narrated presentation.


Hydrocarbons refer to any elements or compounds that contain the elements hydrogen and carbon. Therefore hydrocarbon waste is any remaining and discarded items that have the two aspects of carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbon waste is a byproduct of petroleum and fossil fuels. Despite being a challenge, countries and engineers worldwide are trying to come up with solutions for dealing with such waste. According to [1], a group of chemical engineers at Rowan University have developed a process of optimal pipe flushing, thus reducing the end product of petroleum. The new technology aims at cleaning and flushing pipes in an optimal way to reduce the amount of hydrocarbon waste.

As an analogy the idea behind the flushing and cleaning of pipes resembles that of flushing a toilet. To flush the pipes, a person needs to push a lever near the tank of water lifting the flush valve. The valve then releases water into the tubes hence cleaning them. There should be proper pressure, temperature and flow conditions to allow water to push the oil and petroleum end products out of the pipes. However, the oil and petroleum products have to be heated to make it easy to flush them out of the pipes.

An extension of this flushing process system has been used for human flushing waste in toilet bowls. The flush toilet system flushes out feces and urine of human beings on the toilet bowl through a pipe separating waste and humans. The waste is flushed by water released through high pressure from a water tank which is part of the toilet system. For example, a standard toilet contains a tank fixed at the top of the toilet bowl, which includes a fixed amount of water, usually 3 to 6 liters. The tank has two devices; one allows the water to be released into the toilet bowl, while the other provides water to enter the tank.

Works Cited
[1] T. English, “A Closer Look at How Humanity Deals With its Hydrocarbon Waste,” Interesting Engineering, 21 February 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 21 February 2021].

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